DIY paper crafts for children 10 years old. Crafts from colored paper for elementary grades

Bubble can be used almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To prevent this from happening soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

22. Drawing without stains

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a durable, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Kids can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic jerry can, scouring pads and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister you need to cut out the body of the sink with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Use permanent markers to color the design. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt containers, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The imagination will do the rest.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour into balloon spoon of soda, but empty plastic bottle pour vinegar. Place the ball onto the neck of the bottle and secure tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will release large amounts of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient lizards hatched from eggs. Place a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with colored water, then put the balloon in the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs and look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can remove the toy using a small hammer (you just need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and blend in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. The ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves!

Plasticine teaches you to speak, and paints develop your intellect. Any type of creativity shapes a child’s personality, and most importantly, strengthens the nervous system and relieves stress. If your child is rushing around the apartment in Brownian motion and does not want to calm down, invite him to make something together. What exactly, read on. We offer you 6 interesting master classes for children from 4 to 12 years old.

“Winter is coming”: making eco-candles

Try an eco-friendly and fun workshop for kids that will teach you how to make candles. Aimed at ages 8-10 years. Traditional candle making is not suitable for children. During the cooking process you will have to come into contact with molten paraffin. And since children are usually eager to do everything themselves, such an experiment can end in injury.

We offer a lesson on making beeswax candles. You don’t need to melt it first, just heat it with a hairdryer. An undeniable plus is naturalness. Unlike paraffin, it is not a petroleum product. Even if a child decides to test what the wax tastes like, there will be no harm to health.

To work you will need:

  • sheet of beeswax;
  • wick.
  1. Place the wax on a wooden table or board and trim one side to create a trapezoid shape.
  2. Take the wick and press it in slightly from the wide edge.
  3. Use a hairdryer to warm up the wax a little.
  4. Wrap the edge of the sheet tightly around the wick and twist it into a cone.
  5. Trim the wick at the base.

When the candle is ready, cut strips 1-2 cm wide from sheets of a different color. Invite your child to decorate a candle with them, as well as decorate it with glitter and stickers.

What the master class teaches:

  • ability to listen and follow instructions;
  • develops fine motor skills;
  • reveals visual-spatial abilities;
  • activates creative thinking.

As a reward for his work, the child receives a candle of his own making, which serves as an additional motivator in further work with the material at hand.

Treasure box

Children love collecting rings, figurines, even perfume bottles. To lose something from this belongings is tantamount to tragedy for them. Therefore, we offer you this simple, interesting master class for children. They will learn how to make decoupage boxes with their own hands. The lesson is suitable for little ones aged 3-6 years.

You will need:

  • PVA glue or homemade paste;
  • paper box;
  • wide brush;
  • napkins;
  • paints.

How to do:

  1. Prepare acrylic or gouache, give your child a brush, and let him paint the box as he wishes.
  2. When the paint is dry, start gluing on the napkins. Pre-cut them geometric shape. This will make it easier for your baby to pick them up, and you will have the opportunity to learn geometry while playing.
  3. After the napkins have dried, coat the top and sides of the box with glue and sprinkle with colorful glitter.

The child learns about the shapes and position of objects relative to space. The lesson promotes the development of a sense of color and size. Introduces you to various materials, their structure and density, will teach you how to interact with them.

“Salty” and interesting master class for children

Salt dough is confidently displacing plasticine from teaching spaces. Even in kindergartens, it has become ideologically incorrect to use it due to the presence of vinyl chloride, rubber and polyethylene. The dough, on the contrary, consists of natural ingredients.

It is easily washed off your hands, leaves no residue, and is hypoallergenic. The fidget will definitely taste the piece, but it will not cause any poisoning or gastronomic delights. The dough is tasteless and salty, so a second attempt to eat it is unlikely.

  1. Before creating a masterpiece, knead a stiff, dense dough. To do this, mix flour and salt in a 2:1 ratio and add a little water.
  2. Roll out 1.0-1.5 cm and make several circles with a cookie cutter or cup.
  3. Roll the dough into an oval 2-3 cm long - this will be the core for the rose.
  4. Place each circle in turn like a petal on the core until the bud is the desired size.
  5. When the dough is dry, let your child color it and cover it with glitter.

The master class is interesting for children 12 years old. Teach your child such crafts, and he will enjoy doing them himself. Kids 3-5 years old will love making balls, sausages, and animal prints from soft and elastic dough. To make it more fun for your child, add food coloring and glitter to the flour.

Bouquet of buttons

Continuing the flower theme, we offer an interesting master class for children from 10 years old. Prepare bright and unusual buttons, colored cardboard or felt, wire, scissors and pliers. The width of the wire should be narrower than the holes in the buttons.

How to do:

  1. Draw a flower on cardboard with your child or give him a stencil to trace and cut out.
  2. Pierce the resulting flower with wire and lower it to the middle, where the top of the flower is supposed to be.
  3. Do the same with one button hole.
  4. Bend the wire and push the button into the second hole.
  5. Thread the wire back through the flower and twist the ends to fit the shape of the stem.
  6. Make several of these flowers to make a bouquet. The wire can be wrapped in wrapping paper or stringed with beads.

funny pebbles

The most interesting master classes for children are those in which there is an element of play. The next lesson introduces the alphabet through creativity. To do this, collect 32 stones with your child, like the number of letters in the alphabet. Prepare acrylic paints on oil or water based and a primer.

Let your child draw each letter on a separate pebble and design it however he or she wishes. When the paint is dry, invite your child to collect his name and the name of his favorite food from them. Put the word together and let him read it. If the child is not yet familiar with letters, draw simple animals or ladybugs on the stones.

Introduction to monotype

A relatively new way to express creativity, without pencils or brushes. In monotype there are no standards and the concept of “it didn’t work out”. Children are given full opportunity to express themselves. This type of drawing relieves nervous tension, which is why it is often used in art therapy.

What do you need:

  • brush or sponge;
  • base: glass, mirror or cardboard size A4;
  • any paints, but preferably acrylic or gouache;
  • paper.

The child applies paints of any color to the base using a brush in any form. Place a sheet of paper on top and smooth it out. Carefully tear it off and the drawing is ready.

Interesting master classes are a real joy for children. They take part with pleasure and understand the value of their own and others’ work. Through joint creativity you will learn to feel and understand your child better, establish a close emotional connection. Such activities are an important component of mental, social and intellectual development.

Perhaps the most enjoyable activity for children is creating crafts. The kids take great pleasure in creating something interesting and attractive. In this article, we decided to offer you wonderful crafts for children that will be very easy to make with your own hands. We will offer you all the new products in this area and hope that your child will enjoy making things with their own hands and get incredible pleasure from this process.

New crafts for children. Bright ideas

Interesting crafts from disposable plates.


To ensure a pleasant mood, you need to create something bright and at the same time unusual. Tropical fish are a great option for you. To create them, you must purchase paper plates. Of course, you will need bright colors to paint them. Paint them as you wish. It could be some interesting stripes or fancy patterns. And when your bright colors dry on the plate, then glue the fins to your fish.


Disposable plates are also suitable for creating an aquarium. In this case, you will already need a couple of plates that are connected to each other. Moreover, you need to cut out the bottom of one plate. Glue the underwater characters to another plate. And for greater effect, use cellophane. It is worth saying that when creating an underwater world, your child must definitely use the shells that he collected in summer time on the beach.

New Year's wreath.

Are you actively preparing for the New Year? Then an ordinary paper plate will help you make a beautiful wreath to decorate your home without unnecessary worries.

Dr. Aibolit.

It is very easy to make your favorite cartoon character - Doctor Aibolit - from a paper plate. In addition to the paper plate, you should prepare the following materials:

  • cardboard pink and white,
  • marker and glue,
  • wire glasses,
  • buttons for eyes.


  1. Of course, in creating such a craft you need to show your skills. First, draw the character's head on a piece of pink cardstock and cut it out.
  2. Let's start working with a paper plate. It must be folded in half and cut. One part of the plate also needs to be cut in half.
  3. Mark the beard on these pieces. Also don't forget about the mustache. Cut out these pieces.
  4. We take a white sheet of cardboard and make a hat out of it for our hero.
  5. Then glue all the parts to pink cardboard. Draw a cross on the hat, and don’t forget to attach glasses to your craft.

Button appliqués.

Buttons of various colors and various sizes will help you make an original composition. There are a huge number of button applications. They are not difficult to create. First, choose something suitable for yourself, and only then select buttons. Make the markings, be patient, and don’t forget about the glue. As a result, you will have many interesting crafts.

New crafts made from pumpkin seeds.

Crafts can be very diverse. But in this article you will only find new items. We cannot forget in this article that today there are many natural materials that are quite successfully used to create crafts. Pumpkin seeds help you create the most interesting crafts. These could be any compositions or even interesting exhibits.

For example, if you use bright plasticine, you can create interesting flowers. Place them in a vase, and the vase itself in the most visible place. The child will be very happy with such a product.

You can also make an applique from pumpkin seeds - a goose.

Pumpkin seeds can help you make an original Christmas tree toy. You simply glue the pumpkin seeds to the styrofoam ball. And finally decorate it with golden paint.

Pencil shavings for original crafts.

For their crafts, every child can use pencil shavings. It is worth noting that it can also make many interesting products. The technique for working with chips is very simple. On the sheet you simply draw a picture, but you decorate it not with paints, but with beautiful and even shavings.

Check out what craft ideas we offer you.

Simple crafts for kindergarten from paper and cardboard.

In our article, in addition to complex products, you can find crafts for kindergarten that children will make with their own hands. Of course, kids love working with paper and creating something interesting out of it. For such children's crafts, be sure to choose bright cardboard and colorful colored paper. See all the best best new products crafts for kindergarten from cardboard and paper.

A simple craft for kindergarten. Hare basket.

If you show a little imagination, you can create an interesting craft. For this purpose, take a cylinder and pink and white tape. Cut out ears from cardboard.

Cover them and the cylinder with tape. Attach the ears. Don't forget to draw the facial features of your hare.

Chicken with chicks.

Making this craft is very simple. To create it, you may need disposable cups, which you should cover with bright paper yellow color. It is also worth attaching individual body parts to the chickens, such as the beak and eyes. Separately, make legs for your craft from sticks and cardboard.


The next craft is also simple in its implementation and absolutely all schoolchildren can make it. For this craft you will need ordinary plasticine and seeds. We make the base of the hedgehog from plasticine, and then we make needles from seeds.


As you can see, today there are a huge number of crafts, including new items. In this article for you we have collected only the most best crafts. And if you don’t know what to do with your child, then take note of our ideas and then your child will be captivated by an interesting activity and a pleasant experience.

Handicrafts perfectly develop fine motor skills of the hands and creative imagination. Paper is an environmentally friendly material, it is practical, affordable and children really like it. In this article we will look at paper crafts for preschool children.

You will need: colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue, simple pencil.

Master Class

  1. Take a square of colored paper.
  2. Fold the corners down to form ears.
  3. Form a chin by bending the central corner in the opposite direction. The puppy's head is ready.
  4. Take a square of colored paper for the body.
  5. Connect opposite corners by folding the square in half.
  6. Expand the triangle so that it becomes rectangular.
  7. Fold the corner to form a ponytail.
  8. Cut out the eyes, nose and tongue from colored paper and glue the puppy's face.
  9. Draw the puppy's paws.
  10. Glue the head to the body.


You will need: yellow cellophane, 2 sleeves, scissors, tape, black paint, brush, green and black paper, glue, rubber band, wine cork, string or elastic band.

Master Class

The binoculars are ready!

You will need: colored paper, pencil, scissors, glue, markers.

Master Class

  1. Take a sheet of colored paper.
  2. Outline your palm with a simple pencil.
  3. Cut it out.
  4. Cut off the middle finger.
  5. Bend your thumb and little finger to form paws.
  6. Glue the paws together.
  7. Draw a face and ears with felt-tip pens.

The paper bunny is ready!

In the same way, you can make an octopus and a fish using your palm. Watch this video for more details!

Paper sisters

You will need: paper of two colors, 2 wooden sticks, buttons for eyes, rubber bands or strings for hands, pencil, glue.

Master Class

The paper girls are ready!

You will need: colored paper, scissors, glue, markers.

Master Class

Paper fish are ready!

You can make an interesting paper crocodile with your own hands. Detailed master class watch in this video!

Together with your child, choose the craft that he liked the most. Then your child will approach the process of making crafts with joy and a sense of responsibility, because it is at this age that children feel almost like adults.

Useful tips

In the summer, most children relax at home, in the village, in the country or in some resort town.

To give them something to do, you can come up with various crafts that will not only be fun, but will also remind them of summer in the future.

In addition, you can make crafts that children can play with and have fun with. Here are some very interesting summer crafts for children:

Crafts for summer. Paper fruits.

You will need:

Paper plates

Acrylic paint or gouache (red, orange, green, lemon, yellow, white)

Colored cardboard (yellow, orange, green, pink, white)

Markers (brown, yellow, orange)


Glue stick.

1. Take paper plates and start coloring them - one red, the other orange, and so on. Choose any colors that match the fruit you have chosen.

You may need to apply a second coat - to do this, leave the plates to dry and then add a second coat.

If you want to color a paper plate like a kiwi, then you will need a mixture of green and white.

2. Place a paper plate on a piece of construction paper and trace it to create a circle. Follow the instructions below for each fruit:


Cut out a circle from white paper, the diameter of which is 1 - 1.5 cm less than the diameter paper plate.

Using a glue stick, glue the white circle to the red plate.

Cut the plate in half and use a black or brown felt-tip pen to add seeds.


Cut out a circle from orange cardboard with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the plate.

Fold the circle in half and in half again, and then in half a third time.

Unfold once and use scissors to cut out the center sections of each triangle (see image).

Unfold your piece completely and glue it to the orange plate.

You can finish drawing the seeds with an orange felt-tip pen.


Repeat all steps for the orange, using yellow paper and a marker.


Cut out a circle from green paper, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the paper plate.

Fold the circle in half and cut an oval in the center of the fold.

Lay out the paper and draw seeds with a brown felt-tip pen.

Glue the blank to a light green plate.


Cut a circle out of pink paper, making it slightly smaller than the paper plate.

Glue the circle to the green plate.

Cut the plate in half.

Use a brown marker to draw the seeds.

Here's something else you can do from paper plates:

DIY summer crafts. Sun.

You will need:

Several branches


Fabrics in yellow, red and orange shades


Thread and needle (if desired).

1. Collect 8 branches, about 1 meter long (less possible).

2. Lay all the branches on a flat surface so that they form a star.

3. Connect the branches together using twine. First, connect 2 branches in the shape of a cross, and then add two more branches in the shape of the letter X.

Here is one way to connect sticks using rope:

4. Using scissors, cut the fabric into strips of any width. In this example, the width of the strips is 5-6 cm. You can tie the strips together to get one long strip.

5. Start “knitting” your sun by wrapping fabric around the connected branches. First, tie one end of the fabric to the center part of your twig star, and begin to wind the strip in a spiral pattern.

When you have tied the sun, simply tie the end of a fabric strip to any branch.

Crafts for kindergarten for the summer. Aquarium.

You will need:

Cardboard box

Colored cardboard


Pencil (to draw fish)

Scissors (to cut out fish)

Fishing line or strong thread (to attach one end to the button and the other to the fish)

A utility knife or sharp-edged scissors (to make cuts on the box)

Scotch tape (to secure weak areas on the box)

Double-sided tape (to attach the craft to the wall).

Summer craft for children

You will need:

Cardboard toilet paper rolls


Straw (cocktail)

Popsicle sticks and tape to hold the sticks together.

DIY crafts for children 10 years and older. Stained glass.

You will need:

Paper plates


Self-adhesive film or wide tape


1. Cut a circle out of a paper plate.

2. Cut a circle from the self-adhesive film slightly larger than the plate.

3. Turn the plate over and carefully glue the film to it so that it does not touch anything except the plate itself.

Instead of oilcloth, you can use wide tape - cut several strips from it, and carefully and evenly glue them to the plate so that the strips almost do not touch each other.

4. Turn the plate over and start attaching various leaves, flowers and other plants to the tape or oilcloth.

Summer. DIY crafts. Multi-colored wind toy.

You will need:

A set of sticks for children's crafts (in this example there are 200 pieces)

Fishing line or other strong thread

thick needle

An awl, screwdriver or drill with a thin drill bit

Large beads (in this example there are 5 pieces).

1. Make a small hole in the center of each stick so that you can thread a needle and thread through it.

2. Thread a needle and thread through a large bead and make sure that the bead is in the middle of the entire thread.

3. Connect the ends of the thread and pull the double thread through the holes in the sticks. You can first stretch through 10 sticks of the same color, then 10 sticks of a different color, and so on.

4. Once you've threaded the string through all the sticks, it's time to add 4 more beads (you can use as many beads as you like).

5. Tie the ends of the thread into a knot and make a loop so that the craft can be hung.

6. Adjust the sticks so that they resemble a spiral staircase.

Enjoy your craft as a gentle breeze blows and it begins to spin and colors sparkle.

Children's crafts on the theme "Summer". Toy jellyfish.

You will need:

Plastic bag

Plastic bottle


Blue food coloring.

Below the instructions for creating a jellyfish you will find a video also with a detailed explanation.

1. Place the bag on the table and cut off the bottom (bottom) or, if the bag has handles, the top to make a square.

2. Cut the bag into two equal parts.

3. Take one piece so that a small ball forms in the middle. Wrap thread around this ball at the base.

4. Cut the bottom part (everything under the “ball”) into fringe to create tongs for your jellyfish.

5. Fill the bottle with water and color it with blue food coloring.

6. Pour some water into the “head” of the jellyfish and put the craft in the bottle. Close the lid.