Scenario for the New Year in middle school. Scenario for a New Year's performance at a school for middle grades, material on the topic

Rules of conduct in the new year 2018.

1. This year, of course, we wish everyone -
Don't have dog problems!

2. Don’t let strangers into your cozy booth:
There will be no luck - just know that!

3. In the new year you will have to have some fun,
After all, this year everything is not easy.

4. But you shouldn’t bark in vain:
This could cost you dearly.

5. Don’t knock your paws off
And don’t forget to take care of them.

6. Try to bark culturally,
And don’t express yourself like a dog!

7. And don’t be cocky like roosters
The latter can be very bad.

8. Eat only fresh meat and chew the bones
Save it for another year!
And also roasts, chops and pilaf,
The dog's appetite is not bad.

"New Year's miracles from a goldfish"

All the children are in the hall. (A quiet smooth melody sounds).The stage is dark. The old man and the old woman are sleeping. There is a candle burning in an empty bucket (as if there is a goldfish in it).

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea,

And they lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly 30 years and 3 years.

The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn.


The old man had not fished for a long time, and the old woman had not spun her yarn,

Because they had a goldfish

Every wish was fulfilled.

Fish : Old man, old man, stop sleeping, because the New Year is just around the corner, and it doesn’t even smell like a holiday for you.

Old man (stretching): And that’s true, golden fish, but couldn’t we have a Christmas tree for the dugout? So that she is beautiful, elegant.

(Music screensaver, the lights come on, the Christmas tree stands).

Old man : Thank you, goldfish, for respecting the old man on the very holiday. Hey, old woman, really wake up. Get up, I say, we have a holiday today. Look what a Christmas tree the fish gave us!

Old woman (stretching, gets up): Oh-ho, and the old man won’t let you sleep, he cawed: holiday, holiday! Well, okay, old man, it’s no good to swear on a holiday! Let's better think about how we will celebrate the New Year.

Old man : How to greet! Usually, in Russian: let’s look at the TV and then look at the side TV.

Old woman: I'll give you those! I was daydreaming. Is it really possible to sleep on such a holiday? At least once in a human way to note. The TV, and as luck would have it, it broke, otherwise we wouldn’t even know the grief. We'd love to see enough of everything.

Old man: Listen, old man, let's ask a goldfish to fix our TV.

(Approaches the bucket with fish)

Fish: What do you want, old man?

Old man: Have mercy, lady fish! Can you fix our TV?

Fish: Ah, old man, it’s not in my power. Don't be angry, I can't help you with this. Now they are somehow different, some pixels live in them. Don't bother me with them!

Old woman : Or maybe you can give me a new one?

Fish: Oh, I would be glad to help, but I won’t be able to. If only you had a new trough or a hut. Or maybe an old woman can become a free queen?

Old woman : No! I don’t want to become a queen at all! I would like to watch the New Year's program!

Old man: I want miracles for the New Year!

Fish: What miracles? They just waste magic, using fabulous resources on just about anything!

The TV is new - it’s not in my power, but I’ll try to help you with the program. Don't worry, sit and wait - there will be a New Year's program for you.


The Goldfish dresses up in a clown costume right on stage (wears on top of the Goldfish costume):

Did everyone recognize me, friends?!

I'm a funny clown!

Now that the acquaintance has taken place,

Begin fun party we have left!

We wish everyone a Happy New Year.

We start with the New Year's song (DANCE).


Forest edge. Tired Baba Yaga is dozing, leaning against the Christmas tree. Genie lands nearby.

JINN: Salam alaikum, Baby Yogi Khanum!

BABA YAGA: Ah, hello, sick man! I thought that Ivan the Fool had come to pester me again...

JINN: Why are you, khanum, spending the night here? Not good! The Christmas tree's head will fall...

BABA YAGA: I can’t in the hut already. Worse than on the carousel, the killer whale!.. Whatever block of wood doesn’t walk by, immediately barks: “Towards me in front, to the forest behind!” So I’m spinning here and there, falling off the stove three times a week...

GIENN: What do they all want?

BABA YAGA: We know what! Give me something to drink, granny, feed me, steam it off in the bathhouse and also tell me how to defeat Gorynych, how to kill Koshchei... Fool! They know that he is immortal, but they still climb.

JINN: And you set the price for the stay.

BABA YAGA: Soaring, do you set a price for your flights? A? That's it... I've seen enough, man, how you hump for your Aladdin: now you're dragging the Palace of Versailles for him, now the Tsar Cannon, now the girls from Las Vegas... You'll soon rattle off the deadline, huh?

JINN: Have you seen Hottabych? He exchanged the fourth thousand, but he’s still running on pioneer orders: bring a glass of cola, change a ten, earn a five... The poor guy sleeps and sees how to get back into the bottle.



From behind the tree there are splashes and water splashes flying.

BABA YAGA: Oh, I forgot about the pike! It's time to feed her! (A PIKE COMES OUT).

PIKE: Oh, who is it?

BABA YAGA: Don't be afraid, yours!

PIKE: Where is Emelya?

BABA YAGA: Your Emelya is far away, he won’t reach you.

PIKE: Thank God! At least take a little rest, lay low... I’m completely exhausted from these stupid desires: to go there on the stove, to ride here on the stove... At first I thought, okay, the poor guy didn’t see a wide place, let him indulge himself... But now!

BABA YAGA: And what, fish, has it gotten even worse?

PIKE: You ask! He is now not Emelya, but Emelyan the Sixteenth. Ryakhu ate his fill, be healthy - on magic grub... His stove is made of native gold, buckets are made of crystal, even the latrine is lined with malachite. He doesn’t get up from the stove himself, he only barks on his cell phone with the generals...

GIENN: Well, just like my Aladdin! Only mine lies on satin pillows... He doesn’t even need a plane - after all, he has me...

PIKE: I recently received a telegram from a goldfish. Some old man caught her again. The old people don’t have a TV, but they want to see the New Year’s program. So she's back in the park again.


(The cell phone rings. Baba Yaga turns it on, and Emelya’s loud voice comes from there):

“At the behest of the pike, at my will!”

PIKE: Well, here it is again!! On New Year's Eve Emelya orders such wishes! Well, where can I get him aliens?? They're not fabulous at all! If I don’t fulfill my wish, I’ll instantly fry it!

JINN: Let's try it together, maybe this miracle will work. (they perform miraculous manipulations and go behind the tree)


Old man: Well, old woman, is your darling happy now?

Old woman : Almost. The feeling that something is missing doesn’t leave me... And the mood seems to be there, and these all sorts of fabulous creatures have come to life, but somehow there’s something wrong in my soul, there’s not enough light... Ah! I remembered! Damn sclerosis! Our Christmas tree is not on fire!

The old man turns to the Golden Fish:

That’s why I love you, my golden little fish, that on New Year’s Eve you always fulfill any wishes. Don’t refuse one more thing – light the Christmas tree, eh?

Gold fish:

Grandfather, it’s the same thing every year! This is not in my competence! Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are needed here! Call until you're hoarse. And my charms are running out (takes off his clown costume and climbs into the “bucket”)


Father Frost: The old year is ending, a good old year.

We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us.

It's time, friends. The turn has come.

Let's celebrate the New Year together

So that the Christmas tree lights up and our disco begins,

You will have to try too!


Snow Maiden:

Grandfather's Staff magical power receives from huge snowflakes, but somehow this winter is not going well, there is little snow, there is no blizzard. We need help, guys! JINN, overseas friend, lend your weapon

/competition: bring a snowflake to the staff - a paper snowflake at speed on Genie’s saber/ OLD MAN WITH OLD WOMAN - too (they start - show and refuse: “tired”)

And now, BABA YAGA, your help is needed. Sweep it with your broom and twist it so that no one can resist!

Well, now the last thing: the ritual must be followed - walk around the tree, repeat all the movements after me, do not run away from anyone, listen to music and wait!

/ following Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, everyone stands around the tree and walks around it to the New Year's song: jumping, goose-stepping, with their backs to the tree, with their arms raised, swaying. Finally, the tree caught fire.


Father Frost:

Happy New Year to you all,

With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Let your laughter flow

Like the sea, endless.

Let there be no end to the songs and jokes.

Hope, and happiness, and faith in miracles

Your hearts will be filled!

/For this competition, all participants (if there is a very large number of participants, then take half) must be lined up in one line. At the command of the presenter, all participants “jump” into the New Year. The winner is the participant who jumped the furthest.

/all speakers are presented with gifts and leave/

It's time for us to go to other lands, Christmas trees are waiting for us, kids, relax, have fun, Happy New Year, bye everyone! Until next year!

Father Frost : Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

May he be the best

The most joyful for everyone.

Not afraid of worries,

He will not just be New,

And happy New Year.

Presentation script

"New Year's casting"

(for grades 5-11)

In 2-3 weeks, classes draw lots for a representative for a fun casting for the right to be Santa Claus on the evil spirits’ tree. The main performance is prepared by children from grades 10-11. A holiday lottery is held in advance (it is then drawn at the New Year's party after all the competitions).



Baba Yaga



Snow Maiden

Father Frost


Rooms: two walls of the Snow Maiden’s room, two walls of Kashchei’s hut

Computers (can be old-style), laptops – a lot

Broom for Baba Yaga

Paper snowflakes - large (notebook sheet format)

Lottery Prize Box


New Year's round dances

Sound of dialed number (button), signal of sent SMS

The sound of a blunt impact

Phenomenon 1

Mansions of Father Frost. The Snow Maiden gathers at the mirror.

Snow Maiden:

Oh no, that's no good! Circles under the eyes, wrong blush! I should see a cosmetologist ( looks at his watch) . It’s okay, I’ll make it in time! I'll call my grandfather and say I'll be right next, meet me at the Christmas tree.(dials number).Grandpa, why aren’t you picking up the phone? Okay, I'll text you(dictates the text to herself loudly, as if she were typing):“De-du-la, go without me, I’ll catch up with you soon. I collected the bag of gifts and cleaned the staff.”(leaves)

Phenomenon 2

On the other side of the stage:

Black room. Koschey is sitting at the computer wearing headphones, “Super Hacker” is written on his back and chest, and Kikimora is next to him. Koschey is actively typing something on the keyboard.


Come on, Koshcheyushka, look for them! Ahh! Eat! I intercepted a text message!(reads Snegurochka’s SMS, imitates, spits)That's it, write another one, Koscheyka: “Grandpa!(spits) Go without me. I'll send the bag and staff as luggage. I'll be on the next flight!"

Phenomenon 3

Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimora, Koschey appear on the stage. They are dragging a huge bag of gifts, and Kikimora is holding Santa Claus' staff.


Well done, Kikimora! How you came up with everything is great! Let Grandfather now look for his bag and staff!(rubs hands) All the gifts will be ours!!


I told you: be calm! Today our strength rules! Now we will be the hosts of the holiday!

My granny, Yagulechka, let’s sweep the path so that the weather is bad for flying!

Baba Yaga ( spins with a broom around himself and in a circle):

I twist and turn, I want to confuse everything!

fly left, not right,

Not forward, but vice versa!

Blizzard, blow, blow!

Sweep all the paths!


Well, that's it! By the time Grandfather and Snow Maiden get here, New Year's Eve will have passed! They will be late, one hundred percent!! People won't forgive them for this! And we, here they are, here, sort of organize everything for them. Imagine how our ratings will increase! The main thing is that there is a bag, there is a staff, there is a Christmas tree in every house.


But I don’t understand how we will celebrate the New Year without Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:

What if …. (and everyone turns and looks at Kashchey, who is completely absorbed in the computer)


What do you mean, he hangs out on the Internet all the time. Creates and launches all sorts of viruses. Withdraws money from cards. Everything withers away over its gold. Now he is stealing some new currency: bitcoin called. He even forgot how to speak on this basis.

Why should he tell? We will dress him up and put him near the Christmas tree. I've seen people do this.


Do not be afraid! I'm the smartest among you! Here's what I came up with: let's announce a casting for the role of Santa Claus. Rest assured, there will be many people willing. And we will choose the one who suits us best.

Baba Yaga:

And rightly so, Kikochka, how smart you are! Write, cryptocurrency holder, open all programs, send SMS to all gadgets!(Kashchei types)

Phenomenon 4

Wait a minute, has the first applicant already arrived? That's speed! Internet in a word! Come on, let's see(sit down to watch)

Class performance (“glamorous” Santa Claus and his support group)

Baba Yaga:

Yes, good! It seems to fit... Young! ( sniffs) Smells tasty! Why not a bag of gifts?


Look at his manicure! He probably doesn’t carry such heavy weights! The manicure will break off!(laughs) ) Yes, and it’s some kind of artificial, or something. And I don't like his voice! Too bright!


There is another candidate. This one seems to be dim. Quite the opposite, the little black one is so cute, he’s somehow closer to us.

Phenomenon 5

Class performance (Santa Claus from vampires with support group)


Well, no, even I'm afraid of him. And what gifts will you receive from him?

Baba Yaga:

I like it, it reminded me of my first love!(rolls eyes)


Come on, this one will definitely do! It's super modern! All youth parties for the New Year will be ours! Look.

Phenomenon 6

Class performance (ultra-modern Santa Claus with support group)

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I don’t understand half the words! Eh, I seem to have fallen behind in life! It's time to retire!


He’s a serious competitor, of course, seems like my self-esteem began to drop when I saw him...

Baba Yaga:

(sniffs) Oh, what did that smell like? It smells not of ours, not of the earthly spirit! Could it be that a candidate has come to us from other planets?

Phenomenon 7

Class performance (alien Santa Claus with his retinue)


This is such a popular New Year holiday that there are people from other planets who want to play the role of Santa Claus! He needs a translator! Where can we get it?

Phenomenon 8


Well, let's choose!


You can’t fool the little people, they’ll quickly see the catch!


I came up with an idea! Whichever one of them can light the Christmas tree, we’ll take him!

(Everyone is given a staff, they take turns trying, improvising, but the tree does not light up).

Baba Yaga:

Well, okay! You don’t have to light the Christmas tree! But we have a bag of gifts! These are our gifts!!!

(they try to open it, untie it, but it doesn’t work) Suddenly a voice: “Enter your PIN code,” everyone runs away from the bag in fear.


That's it, I give up! Apparently, without Santa Claus there will be no holiday. You, Yaga, will have to return him together with the Snow Maiden.


Yes, there is absolutely no time, the New Year is coming soon, and I really want gifts...

Phenomenon 9

Baba Yaga:

I'm spinning, I'm spinning! I want to unravel everything!

Go straight and forward

Don't go the other way around

Blizzard, blizzard, calm down,

Bring back the grandfather and granddaughter!

(everyone, except Kashchei, ritually walks around Baba Yaga, raising her hands, she sweeps a broom in a circle. After the words, everyone stops, looks at each other: nothing happens)


And what? There is no one! It's all your fault, Kikimora!


I wanted the best, I tried for you!

Baba Yaga:

And she also said: “I’m the smartest!” No holiday, no gifts, no Christmas tree!

(they press on her, want to beat her)


Stop! I remembered, I remembered! Everyone needs to call them loudly. Come on, all four of us, three or four!

(Only Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kikimora shout. Nothing happens. Everyone turns to Kashchei):


Hey hacker! Come out of the darkness! You will remain silent in the web for the entire holiday!(Kashchei leaves the table, joins them, everyone stands up holding hands)


Well, three or four, all in unison, guys: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!"(everyone screams from the audience)

Phenomenon 10

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost:

Hello my friends!

I've been coming to you for a very long time!

All flights have been cancelled,

Trains were all banned.

But on New Year's Eve always

Miracles are happening!

Snow Maiden:

Look, grandpa, the bag of gifts is already here! And here is your magic staff! Who brought them here?

(all the evil spirits come out and, proud and sticking out in front of each other: “I!” “I!”)

Father Frost:

I see a lot of guests here

from different places and parishes!

My gifts are waiting for everyone!

Here I will take my staff,

I'll untie the big bag.

(the evil spirits rejoice, clap their hands, the first ones come up for gifts).

Santa Claus presents gifts to the “guests” in turn to each retinue - casting participants.

Snow Maiden:

To make it more fun

Brighter, more beautiful and lighter,

We need to light the Christmas tree!

And then dance and sing!

Father Frost:

Let's say in unison: one two three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!(everyone repeats until it lights up)

Father Frost:

The old year is ending

Good old year.

We won't be sad

because a new one is coming to us.

It's time, friends. The turn has come.

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


Father Frost:


I see there are many here who want to take my place. Come on, let’s have a battle, let’s see who wins: you have to dance to folk dance music, maintaining your image/

/Unusual round dance: it is proposed to walk around the Christmas tree with unusual movements, repeating after Grandfather and (or) Snow Maiden: forward with your back, on one leg, with eyes closed, with raised hands, on tiptoe, etc./- it’s better to make it the last competition, so that you can say goodbye to the guys until next year:

Father Frost:

Goodbye friends

I was glad to meet you!

In the new, next year

I will come to you again with my granddaughter!

Snow Maiden:

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

May he be the best

The most joyful for everyone.

May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

He will not just be New,

And happy New Year.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather's staff receives magical power from huge snowflakes, but this winter is not going well, there is not enough snow.

/competition: bring a snowflake to the staff - a paper snowflake at speed on the handle of Baba Yaga's broom

Baba Yaga:

/competition: Baba Yaga “sweeps” a broom around herself, children jump so that the broom does not hit them, 1 from the group wins (5-6 people each) – 3 times/


/competition “Congratulate a friend first”: at the same time everyone calls those in the hall, the ringtone must be heard at full volume, the one who is called first within the first minute goes out with the caller. When everyone leaves, those who called say their wishes out loud to the person they called/

Kikimora holds a lottery



Hi guys! Glad to see you. Especially those who sculpted me. It turned out to be a real sculpture. Almost a monument! And I came here to be the first to meet Santa Claus, to show the initiative, so to speak. And he, according to my calculations, is about to appear. Well, while he’s gone, let’s solve some riddles!

The snow is spinning outside the window,
The pattern sparkles on the window.
Who put it there?
Who is the artist? ...

She comes all dressed in white,
She covers it with snow
All the trees and houses
It's called...

Clinging to the cornice
Droplets are thrown down
Not a toy, not a whistle,
And transparent...

Who comes to every house
New Year's Eve with a big bag?
Fur coat, hat, red nose,
This …

(ringtone sounds)

and here he is!


At the device! Yes! Yes? What are you talking about... Of course, of course. We wait.

That's it, guys... Not only is Grandfather Frost delayed, but also the Snow Maiden is lost somewhere... No, okay, Grandfather Frost is a person! And the Snow Maiden? Well, beautiful... Well, cold. So I’m also cold, but I’m so beautiful...

Do you know what? I'll find another Snow Maiden! Let her help me make you happy!

(Takes a megaphone and calls)

Hey girls, hurry up! Come visit us at the Christmas tree! We need a Snow Maiden, a model figurine! So that she is smart, white, beautiful! And at the same time... (thinks) silent! Still, I’m in charge here...

(looks around, calls)
Well, come here quickly!

(Music sounds. The Frog enters, holding an arrow in his teeth)


What? frog? That's it, are you a Snow Maiden?


Well, yes! Well, tell me, dear? or didn't I deserve it? I've been in the swamp for a hundred years, waiting for Ivan the Fool,

Well, he still doesn’t come, he’s not a fool yet...

Don't you guys see that kikimoras are scarier!

I’ll play with you now, let’s warm up, hey!

A game. two teams.

"Flying Snowflakes"To win this game you need to keep a “snowflake” made from a ball of cotton wool in the air for as long as possible. All participants simultaneously throw their “snowflake” into the air and blow on it, trying to keep it in the air the longest.

A game.

Competition "Pass the Orange". This game is for two teams, each of which can have from 5 to 10 participants. In this game, each team, upon a signal from the leader, tries to pass the orange as quickly as possible, without using their hands. The winner is the team that does not drop the orange even once and passes it from the beginning of the line of participants to the end as quickly as possible.


Oh thank you, you're welcome... I'm just tired...


Are you green inside? We have a whole program!


No, that's not for me.

I would like to go into the swamp, on my side...

What if a fool comes?



Yes, things are going on... well, who should I take as my Snow Maiden?

(Music, Baba Yaga's entrance)


You're old, where are you going? It's time to retire! You don’t have it again, you’re already ready to become a Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga:

I'm tired of
Swamp life
I eat fly agarics
I'm reluctant.

I will live like everyone else -
I'll throw away the mortar
In a stone house
I'll ask for housing.

I swear on my
Bone foot
I'll be there tomorrow
I'm completely different.

To hell with the harm
To hell with the nasty things
I promise to eat
Only sweets!

I promise to become
Good grandma.
Help with everything
For small children.

Come on, make way people, Yaga the Snow Maiden is coming to play with you!

a game


I'm tired, let's tell you a fairy tale:

Fairy tale by roles Characters:


Tsarevich - Eh! I'm getting married!

Horse - Tygy melon, tygy melon, I-go-go!

Cart - Watch out! Matchmaker

Tsar-Father - Don't push-shu!!!

Mother - Don’t hold me, Father! It will stay in the girls!

Princess - I'm ready! Smart, beautiful, and just of age.


The other half of the Bird: Chik-chirp!

A curtain! In the Far Far Away Kingdom, in the Thirtieth Kingdom, there lived Tsarevich (name) Now the time has come for Tsarevich Alexander to get married. And he heard that Princess (name) lived in a neighboring state. And without hesitation, the Tsarevich saddled the Horse. Harnesses the Horse to the Cart. And they galloped to Princess Victoria. They jump through the fields, jump through the meadows, and the wind rustles around them. Birds are singing. They're coming! And the Tsar Father appears on the threshold. The Tsarevich turned the Horse around. And we went back through the forests and fields! And the wind is rustling around. Birds are singing. The Tsarevich did not despair. And the next morning he harnesses the Horse again. Harnesses the Cart. And again the fields, again the meadows... And the wind rustles around. Birds are singing. They're coming! And Father comes to the threshold. And here is Mother. And here is the Princess. The Tsarevich put the Princess on the Horse. And they galloped to the Thirtieth Kingdom, to the Far Far Away State! And again fields, again meadows, and the wind rustles around. Birds are singing. And the Princess is in her arms. And the cart. And the horse is harnessed. And Tsarevich. I said I’ll get married, and I got married! Applause from the audience! A curtain! ...

Baba Yaga:

oh, what guys, oh, what good fellows, but come with me to Grandma Yaga’s hut?

Let's heat the stove, let's play... I'll put you in the stove!


Hey, ok! bad woman! I'll show you in a minute!!!

(gets angry, drives away)

No luck even here! What to do, as luck would have it! Santa Claus is about to show up, I’ll have to answer!

(music sounds. Santa Claus appears)

Father Frost:

It took me a long time to get to you, hello my dears!

Well, what can you do, the snowstorm has covered all the roads, there’s no way to get through!

Oh, and you’re here, spoiler? Well, tell me!
Did you play with the children?



Father Frost:

Did you play alone?


well, how should I put it this way...

Father Frost:

Did my granddaughter really help you...


Well, not exactly a granddaughter... oh, Grandfather, look for yourself, and choose!

(Music sounds. All the “Snow Maidens” come out. Santa Claus dances with each one.)

Father Frost.

Nice! But there is no granddaughter! Without it, you can’t light the Christmas tree and you can’t start the holiday. Guys! Help me call the Snow Maiden!

(children call Snow Maiden. music)


Snowman (singing).

Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Calm down, dear, how are you?

Father Frost. Here our snowman got really weird - he invited all the girls blindly.


He recognized the Snow Maiden in each of us...

(snowman crumples loudly( yes I was joking))

"Snow Maidens".

What kind of joke?
What kind of joke?
You already promised us!

Father Frost

The kids are waiting for my gifts,

(Threatens the snowman and the Snow Maidens)

Well, you will get it from me


Grandpa, don't be angry with us,

We won't do it again, you know that!


Come on, come on,
Let's move forward together!
Hey, Santa Claus!
Well, Santa Claus!
Start a round dance!

Snow Maiden, snowman and "snow maidens". Santa Claus admires.

Snow Maiden.

And now - a round dance!

Father Frost.

Wait, wait, snow dragonfly! That's the fidget ringleader! What round dance? The Christmas tree needs to be lit.

Snow Maiden.

Ahh, now, grandpa! ( Takes a staff)

Beautiful Christmas tree, light up quickly
In the radiance and sparkle of cheerful lights!

Let's guys say together, “One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!”

(they get up to dance in a circle)


They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.


Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort:

Baba Yaga

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.

Snow Maiden

Bright New Year's holiday
They always wait impatiently.
And today, and today
He will come to us, yes, yes, yes!

Father Frost.

I wish you to grow and not get bored,
Don't upset mothers and grandmothers at all
And always ask for forgiveness
For any disappointments.
I wish you to become stronger and smarter
And for a whole year never get sick,
Never be arrogant
And get rid of laziness.
Well, next year
I'll come check on you!

Snow Maiden

The hour is coming - the hour of parting,
Let the Christmas tree live in your memory.
Let's say to each other: “Goodbye!
Before new meeting on New Year's Day!


New Year's holiday

for students in grades 5-10

OGKOU SKOSHI No. 26 Ulyanovsk

The date of the:25 .12.2015


Presenter: _________________________

Buffoon 1: ______________________

Buffoon 2: ______________________

Father Frost: _______________________

False Snow Maiden: _______________

Ivan the Fool: _______________________

Baba Yaga: _________________________

Snow Maiden: _______________________


(The presenter and 2 buffoons come on stage):

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Buffoon 1. Everyone is cheerful!

Buffoon 2. And how elegant!

Leading: The old year is gone forever.

He brought us a lot of new things!

Running away to last year

So that the future becomes closer.

Skomorokh 1: Today it is forbidden to whine and mope,

And it is strictly forbidden to yawn, squeak and whine.

Buffoon 2: There will be fun and jokes and laughter!

We invited everyone to our party!


Leading: And now we will find out who came to our holiday. Let's get acquainted! (the audience fulfills the task of the presenters).

Buffoon 1. All Sashas clap, and Natashas stomp their feet!

Buffoon 2. Dimka and Seryozhki are jumping!

Skomorokh 1. A Katya and Tanya are kicking their legs!

Buffoon 2. Lena raises her hands!

Buffoon 1. And Vanya squats.

Leading: And everyone calls their name as loudly as possible. So, one, two, three - say your name. (Everybody scream their names)

Game "Yes" and "No".

So that triumph reigns everywhere,

The long-awaited one here

Lacks! Tell me, who? (Everyone: Santa Claus!) Well, of course, Santa Claus. Come on, let's see if you know everything about Santa Claus?
Buffoon 1. If we tell you correctly,

Say “yes” in response.

Buffoon 2. Well, what if it’s suddenly wrong,

Feel free to say “no”

Buffoon 1. Santa Claus is known to everyone! (All Yes!")

Buffoon 2 . He comes exactly at seven. (“No!”)

Buffoon 1. Santa Claus is a good old man! ("Yes!")

Skomorokh 2. Wears a hat and galoshes! ("No!")

Buffoon 1. Bald and no beard! ("No!")

Buffoon 2. He made ice from water! ("Yes!")

Skomorokh 1. He will bring gifts! ("Yes!")

Buffoon 2. He will light up our Christmas tree with lights! ("Yes!")

Meeting Santa Claus.

Leading: Well done! Smart and resourceful! Santa Claus will definitely come to such people! (bells ringing). It seems he is already approaching!

Buffoon 1. With wind, blizzard and blizzard

Gray-haired Santa Claus is rushing.

Buffoon 2. Waving long arms,

Scattering stars above the earth.

Leading: Meet our dear guest, guys!

(Santa Claus enters the hall, everyone claps).

Father Frost: Hello, my dear guys!

Hello, dear adults!

From distant Ustyug

Along the wide road,

Through snowy fields

I was in a hurry, guys, to see you!

Happy New Year!

I wish everyone happiness!

Many years of health to you!

Both big and little ones.

(approaches the tree)

It’s good here, it’s beautiful, cozy. And the tree is elegant, and there are a lot of people. It’s immediately obvious that they tried, they were waiting for me. But what would a holiday be without the Snow Maiden? Let's click on her, beauty.

5. “The False Snow Maiden.”

(the name is Snegurochka, to the music “Tell me, Snegurochka” the False Snow Maiden comes out in a short sundress, with a bandana on her head, chewing gum).

D/M: Snow Maiden, granddaughter, well, finally you have come. (turns towards the exit of the Snow Maiden, surprised). Yes, you’ve already put on a carnival costume. Say hello to the guys and guests.

False Snow Maiden: Hey people!

D/M: What are you saying, Snow Maiden, it’s not customary to say hello like that.

False Snow Maiden: And you, old man, don’t teach me what is accepted and what is not accepted. (steps on him.) I greet him the way I want.

D/M: Granddaughter, dear, what’s wrong with you? Have you been sick for a while?

False Snow Maiden: Leave me alone, grandfather, with your worries.

D/M: (surprised): I don’t recognize my granddaughter Snegurochka, it’s as if she’s been replaced. But how kind and polite she was. I knew a lot of games and songs. And now she’s become kind of angry and rude.

False Snow Maiden: Yes, I am the Snow Maiden, the Snow Maiden! I swear on my crown... oh, bandana!

D/M: Then you must answer my questions. If you answer, it means you are a real Snow Maiden.

False Snow Maiden: Go ahead, old man! (Santa Claus is surprised and steps aside).

Oh, now my grandfather will start tormenting you with his questions. Guys, can you help me if anything happens?

D/M: Well, let's begin. What is my name? cousin?

False Snow Maiden: Uh! Everyone knows this (to the side). I do not know. What about you guys? Just quietly so that grandfather doesn’t hear. (approaches someone from the audience who wants to answer). A! Well, this one... Santa Claus.

D/M: Right! What city do I live in? Where is my residence?

False Snow Maiden: Where, where... In Karaganda! Or where? Tell! (hint from those interested in the audience). Ah, in Veliky Ustyug!

D/M: Right! Where does snow come from?

False Snow Maiden: And this is generally easy! (to the guys): I’ll answer it myself. You have a snow feather bed at home. When you whip it, snow falls out of it.

D/M: But that's wrong! This means you are not a real Snow Maiden. (walks around her, looks). And where is the Snow Maiden herself? Where is my granddaughter? What about the holiday, what about the New Year without her? Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden! (they call everyone together 3 times).

False Snow Maiden: Yes, your Snow Maiden has melted! Well, wait, wait! .

Competition "Best Snowflake"

(Ivan the Fool appears on stage).

Ivan the Fool: Hello! You didn't call me?

D/M: And who are you?

Ivan the Fool: I am Ivan from a Russian fairy tale.

False Snow Maiden:(laughs) Fool, or what?

Ivan the Fool: Not really! And I will prove it to you! What happened to you?

D/M: Yes, my granddaughter Snegurochka has disappeared.

False Snow Maiden: And with this (points to the audience) we need to light the Christmas tree.

Ivan the Fool:Uh! Yes, that's us in a moment! I also have matches with me. (takes out a large box of matches). Now the little one will light up! (goes to the tree).

D/M: What you! What are you doing? It’s not the tree that needs to be lit, it’s the lights on the tree.

False Snow Maiden: It’s not for nothing that they called you Ivan the Fool. The Christmas tree is lit not with matches, but with garlands, and before that it is decorated with toys.

D/M: Look how beautiful our Christmas tree is!

Ivan: Beautiful! And I would decorate it with snowflakes!

Leading: And I know that the guys can help us with this! Each class has blanks with which you will now decorate your snowflakes. And we'll see whose snowflake will be the most beautiful! (buffoons distribute prepared paper snowflakes to the classes, for 3 minutes the classes decorate the snowflakes with prepared materials. At the end, class representatives show their snowflakes from the stage. The jury - the school administration - evaluates the work and announces the winners).

Game "Dress up Baba Yaga."

(Baba Yaga runs into the hall to the music “Stretch your furs, accordion...”)

B/Y: How often do we shout? How often do we laugh?

They woke up the old lady, threw her off the stove,

I slept so sweetly, and then I had to fly.

Leading: So it’s our holiday, grandma!

B/Y: What kind of grandmother am I to you? In just a week I will be 300 years old. I can sing, I can dance, and I can play.

Ivan the Fool: Can you help us find the Snow Maiden?

B/Y: And who are you?

Ivan the Fool: I am Ivan...

B/Y: Fool? Ali how? Okay, I can see in my eyes that I’m not a fool. It's written on your forehead - TALENT. Help me tie a scarf, because while I was flying, my makeup rubbed off and the scarf fell off. (holds out a handkerchief. Ivan twirls it in his hands, but cannot do anything with it).

Leading: Can you help, guys? We need one representative per class per stage.

Ivan: In the meantime, I’ll go look for the Snow Maiden!

Leading:(Those who want to take part in the competition go on stage). On my command, you will need , Using the wardrobe items suggested here, dress up our Baba Yaga. (one representative from each class, who came on stage, dresses Baba Yaga with wardrobe items and jewelry lying in the box. At the end of the competition, Baba Yaga, showing off, walks around the stage to the tune of a song from the film “Pretty Woman”).

B/Y: Or maybe you don’t need the Snow Maiden? How am I worse than her? A? Need not? (hall: “Needed”).

Leading: Of course it is needed. And while our competition was going on here, Ivanushka found the Snow Maiden.

Competition “Do you know songs about the New Year?”.

(The Snow Maiden appears on the stage and approaches Santa Claus.)

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

I've been coming here for a long time!

Finally, I found you.

D/M: Hey Vanya, well done!

Brave guy, daring guy.

And from now on, believe me,

You will be smart now.

Snow Maiden: Gather together, all the people!

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Let's all go in a round dance,

And we’ll sing about the Christmas tree.

D/M: Guys, do you know New Year's songs? Let's sing them! (classes take turns singing from their seats one verse prepared at home New Year's songs).

9. Competition "New Year's riddles".

D/M: And now, guys, with you

We will light up the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: So that it lights up with lights,

Speak with us.

Together: One, two, three - our Christmas tree, shine!

All:(repeat 3 times. The tree does not light up )

D/M: What is this passion? Just some kind of attack! The Christmas tree doesn't light up!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, these words are probably already outdated and have lost their magical power. Let the guys try to light the Christmas tree with lights, but not with the help of electricity or magic, but with their knowledge. Now I will ask riddles, and the classes will guess them.

Leading: We invite one representative from the class to the stage for a riddle. (Representatives of the classes go out for the task, then return to the class, guess the riddle. At the command of the leader, they return to the stage with the answer).


1. He draws palm trees, stars, skiffs on glass.

They say he is a hundred years old, but he plays pranks like a little boy. (Freezing)

2. Lives - lies,

If he dies, he will run. (Snow)

3. Come on guys, who can guess:

Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (Mittens).

4. Who only grows in winter? ( Snowdrift or icicle).

5. Without wings, but flies

Without roots, but growing. ( Snow).

6. This hut is not made of cedar,

But she is not afraid of frost.

After all, she herself is made of snow,

And the owner is an Eskimo. (Igloo).

7. A mountain floats from ice

In the sea-ocean.

Don't expect any good from her

Watch out, Titanic. (Iceberg).

8. In winter the bear was getting ready to sleep.

What should we call his bed? (Den).

9. Sits on the top of the head,

Ears tied. (Hat with ear flaps).

10. The river is flowing - we are lying,

Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates).

New Year's round dance.

D/M: Well done, guys!(the Christmas tree lights up).

Snow Maiden: Look guys! Our Christmas tree is on fire!

D/M: Another wonderful year has passed,

In which there was singing and sadness.

Snow Maiden: And what didn’t fit in it,

Let everything happen in the new.

Leading: The hours go by, the days go by,

This is the law of nature.

Ivan: And today we want you

To congratulate with new Year!

Buffoon 1: On New Year's Day we wish with love:

Let it not let you all down... (Viewers: “Health”)

Buffoon 2: So that your life is more fun,

We wish you more reliable...("Friends")

B/Y: We wish everyone in addition,

May...("Luck") accompany you

D/M: May you be the happiest of all,

OGSCOU boarding school Cheremkhovo


New Year's holiday.

(Middle link)

New Year's Scenario


Masha (from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")


Cat Basilio

Fox Alice


The Dragon

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

(Children enter the hall to the music, stand around the tree, a melody from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” sounds, Masha and the bear appear in the hall, sit under the tree and catch fish.

The sound track is from a cartoon.

Suddenly the bear's phone rings.

Masha: Misha, Misha, I got a text message for you.

Bear: Masha, take it and read what is written there.

Masha: Misha, Santa Claus sent you a message. Let's see, let's see what Grandfather Frost writes (reads):

Bear, urgently wrap up your fishing rods and start preparing for the start of the holiday, New Year It’s just around the corner, and find competent helpers!

bear (indignantly): Oh, I’m tired of these instructions from above, organize a holiday, then do it, go there, I don’t want to!

Masha : What about us without a holiday, it’s not interesting! (thoughtfully) We need to think of something! Oh, let's contact an agency for organizing holidays, they know how to do this.

(takes the phone) Now I’ll look for the address and telephone number of this agency

Well, what do we have here (reading): Agency for organizing holidays “Golden Key”, number 55-77-55. Give me phone.

Masha (dials the number): We're dialing numbers, Ale is the agency for organizing holidays "Golden Key", we need to organize a New Year's performance, come now, great!

(the music “We are not supporters of robbery” plays, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear in the hall)

Lisa A. : Good afternoon, who called us about the event?

Cat B. : Yes, yes, about the event?!

Masha : We called you, help us organize a holiday, please, please, please

Lisa A. : What a restless girl

Cat B. : Yeah, restless

Lisa A. : (in a sly voice) Well, okay, we will help you, because we are kind!

Cat B. : Yes, yes, kind ones, and we don’t need anything from you for this!

Bear : It’s great, what a good agency you found Masha, and we will fulfill Santa Claus’ request and you don’t have to pay!

Lisa A. : (addressing the Cat) What fools, they bought into our trick, ha ha ha, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. You see, there is a bag of gifts under the tree, you and I will steal it and ruin their holiday.

Well, now let's play.

We dance together tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our dance is cheerful. Dance – Lavota

Our hands are good

And the neighbor’s is better (hold hands, walk in a circle to the music)

Our elbows are good, but our neighbor's are better.

Our ears are good, but our neighbor's are better.

Our eyes are good, but our neighbor’s are better (the guys should cover each other’s eyes with their palms)

(during the game, Fox A. and Cat B. quietly take away the bag with gifts, after the game the Little Devils also quietly run away from the hall)

Scene: "Christmas tree"

Bear : Wow, we’re really playing with you, we need to check if everything is ready for the holiday? Are the children here?

Masha : We've arrived!

Bear : Have you decorated the Christmas tree?

Masha : Yeah!

Bear : Have you prepared gifts for the guys?

Masha : I remember exactly that there was a bag of gifts under the tree. And now he's not there!

(Masha is crying)

Bear: it seems to me that the Fox and the Cat deceived us and took away the gifts while we were playing

Wow, these bad employees of the Golden Key agency, instead of helping us organize the holiday, ruined everything, soon Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come, what will happen, what will happen!

Masha : I think we need to go into the forest and find these rascals.

Bear: how can we find them?

Masha : But we’ll find it by following the tracks.

(a phonogram from a cartoon sounds, Masha looks at different tracks and stops at the tracks of a hare.

Masha : Oh, whose tracks are these? (he sees a hare standing) Who are you?

Hare : I, the symbol of the passing year, the Hare, today is my last day at my post. I hope my year was not too difficult for you, but memorable.

Masha, why are you crying?

Masha : Fox and Cat stole gifts to ruin our holiday, soon Santa Claus will come and will be very upset

Bear : help us dear Hare.

Hare : I’ll help you, but first I’ll see how friendly you are. Let's get into a round dance and sing our favorite song together (Round Dance Song)

Hare : And now I’ll tell you riddles, if you answer in unison, your gifts will definitely be found, agreed?

Puzzles :

It's getting cold.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?


I opened the doors wide open,
I look into the garden and I can’t believe my eyes.
Hey! Look - miracles!
The skies have fallen!
There was a cloud above us -
It turned out to be underfoot!


What kind of stars are through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
And if you take it, there is water in your hand.


Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing by the skating rink with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend...


If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday? ...
(New Year)

Who painted the children's cheeks
Red in winter, not summer?
And who pinches their nose?
Did you guess it?
(Father Frost)

Bear: Our guys have prepared a “Hare” skit for you

Hare : Well done boys! I know how to help you. We need to call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden as loudly and friendly as possible.

Lisa A. : Oh, help, save

Cat B. : Save, help

Little devils : Santa Claus have mercy on us

Father Frost : Oh, you scoundrels, charlatans, you wanted to ruin our holiday, you stole gifts, well, I’ll show you now

Snow Maiden : It’s good that we caught you on the way, and Drakosha is a great guy, you were immediately scared of him, you’ll know how to do mischief

Lisa A. : Oh! Grandfather Frost, we just wanted to joke!

Cat B. : Well, by chance, well, jokingly

We've lost our way.

So we are a child of nature,

Even though they are bad, they are still children!

Hare : Well, you were worried, we said that everything would be okay

Father Frost : Well, I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m very angry with you!

Masha : Grandfather Frost, guys, today is the New Year, everyone wants to have fun and be friends, let's forgive the Cat, the Fox and the devils too, let them stay with us.

Snow Maiden : Okay, we'll forgive them, but next time don't spoil people's fun!

Fox A. and Cat B. : We won't do it anymore!!!

Song "New Year" 2nd grade.

Dragon : Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, it’s time to start lighting our Christmas tree

Father Frost : Guys, let's shout in unison - one, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire (repeat several times, music sounds, the Christmas tree lights up)

Rhythmic dance music is turned on, during which the presenter gives a variety of tasks, for example:

    dance like you have a stomach ache

    like you're cold

    as if you are in a hurry to get somewhere

    like you're very tired

    it's like you have a splinter in your foot

    depict to the music of sea waves



    fat, fat hippopotamuses

    dance only with your head





Father Frost : Ugh, well, I danced with you, I’m tired, I’ll sit down and rest a little

Snow Maiden : That's right grandfather, rest. Guys, let Grandfather Frost rest, and we will tell him poems.(Children read poetry).

"Dance of Snowflakes"

Father Frost: I'm glad to laugh with you,

I'm glad to play with you.

(Game “I’ll freeze”).

Father Frost: Oh, what daredevils - all the guys are great!

Masha: Santa Claus, do you like to dance? Let's Dance.

And we will hold a parade of costumes, because our guys are so smart and beautiful today (they form a round dance, sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Father Frost : We had great fun!

I laughed heartily.

And now it's time to say goodbye.

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Dragon : Happy New Year!

And with all my heart I wish:

Good health to you

Both big and small!

Lisa A. : Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a New Year,

Cat B. : So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

Little Imp 1 : Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

Little Imp 2 : May he be the best

The most joyful for everyone.

Snow Maiden : May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

He will not just be New,

And happy New Year.


(Baba Yaga and Leshy run onto the stage)

Baba Yaga: Hurry up, your legs are spruce! We'll be late! Do not have time! And remember, you are now Leshy, and Santa Claus!

Goblin: That's right, Yaga, old hag!

Baba Yaga: Bite your tongue! Now I'm calling you Yaga, and Snegurochka! Be careful not to get confused!

Goblin: Oh look, kids!

Baba Yaga: Did you think pine stumps? Of course, kids - girls and boys! (affectionately) Hello, my diamonds, my yachts! (pushes Leshy)Say something!

Goblin: What if I don’t know what to say!

Baba Yaga: Then repeat after me! Santa Claus and I came to your holiday!

Goblin: Santa Claus and I came to your holiday!

Baba Yaga: Think what you say! Tell me why you came!

Goblin: We came to take away Santa Claus's staff, because it is magical and will fulfill all our wishes!

Baba Yaga:(hits Leshy) You stupid fool! What are you talking about? Don't listen to him, kids! Grandpa is sick! (pinches Leshy)

Goblin: Oh, it hurts, it hurts me!

Baba Yaga: You see, kids, how bad Grandfather is, he’s about to melt! We should throw snowballs at him! Whoever gets in gets a prize!

(Snowball competition - who will hit Leshy)

(appears real Grandfather Freezing)

Father Frost: Who's handing out candy here?

(The goblin is hiding!)

Baba Yaga: Oh, grandpa, I’m entertaining the kids here!

Father Frost: Clever, granddaughter! Yes, you look bad!

Baba Yaga: I was in a hurry for the holiday and didn’t have time to put on makeup!

Baba Yaga: I ate too much ice cream!

Father Frost: I thought you were going to sing me a song!

Baba Yaga: And our kids sing well here! Now, grandpa, Nastya Kostyuk will sing to you about three white horses!

(speech by class 5b “Three Whites...”)

(The goblin steals the staff at this time)

Father Frost: Oh, they sang beautifully! I should give you a magical gift! Where is my staff!

Leshy and Baba Yaga: But no! But no! We have it now!

Baba Yaga: Your power is over, Grandfather, now we are the masters here!

Father Frost: What is this being done? Ugliness! Who will help me?

(Ivan Tsarevich runs out)

Ivan Tsarevich: I, Ivan Tsarevich, will help you, Grandfather!

Goblin: Oh, I scared you, even your sword is falling out of your hands!

Ivan Tsarevich: And the guys will help me! Come on guys, show me how you can carry snowflakes with a sword!

(competition “Sword and Snowflakes”)

Ivan Tsarevich:(takes the sword) Well, now you will dance with me!

(Koshey appears and takes the staff from Leshy)

Koschey: Who will dance? Now I'm in charge here! (knocks the sword out of Ivan) Well done, you completed the task (pats Leshy and Baba Yaga on the head) Well, why do you need to celebrate the New Year?

Father Frost: Let it be fun! Let's decorate the Christmas tree! Let's start some games!

Koschey: All this is nonsense! I am Koschey the Immortal, I don’t count my years! (knocks with staff) I order the New Year to be cancelled! Everyone, go home!

Ivan Tsarevich: You're crazy, skeleton! What will the guys do?

Koschey: What can they do anyway?

Father Frost: They know how to solve riddles!

Koschey: Well, okay, if they solve my riddles, I’ll let you stay!

(Baba Yaga gives out riddles, competition)

Father Frost: Well done kids

Baba Yaga: Koscheyushka, do they know how to perform on stage?

(6b grade performance)

Koschey: Well, okay, let me have fun: run, jump, and I’ll go and rest

(Leshy, Bab-Yaga and Koschey leave)

Father Frost:(sits on the steps) Oh, woe is me! The staff was taken away! Koschey does not command the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden - and she turned out to be Baba Yaga!

Ivan Tsarevich: Look, Bab Yaga left her broom here! Maybe we could use a broom? Listen, Santa Claus, did you only have magic in your staff?

Father Frost: No, there’s still some left in the beard.

Ivan Tsarevich: Then turn this broom into a horse!

Father Frost: As you know! (pulls out hairs from his beard) Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh! Turn, broom, into a heroic horse!

(the broom turns into a horse)

Ivan Tsarevich:(mounts a horse) Well, grandpa, don’t be boring! I rushed for help!


Leading: Guys, let's cheer up grandpa and hold a competition


(Tsarevich Ivan returns and takes the Snow Maiden)

Ivan Tsarevich: Look, Santa Claus, who I brought!

Snow Maiden: Hello, Grandfather!

Father Frost: Hello, granddaughter! Where have you been for so long? Such misfortunes happened to me!

Snow Maiden: I know everything, Grandfather. I didn’t even say hello to the guys! Hello, dear guests (bows)

Leading: Guys, let's give the Snow Maiden a gift!

(performance of class 5a “Lullaby of the Bear”

Snow Maiden: Thank you, friends, and I have good news - Koshcheev’s death hangs here on the Christmas tree!

(Koshey comes out)

Koschey: Well, what a pot-bellied little thing, what will you please me with?

Snow Maiden: Your Kashchestvo! Allow me to dance around the Christmas tree!

Koschey: Round dance? Well, okay, I allow it!

Snow Maiden:(whispers) Guys! Attention! While we are dancing in a circle, look at the Christmas tree and look for magic chest! It contains Kashcheev's death!

(a round dance is performed to the song of class 6a)

(the guys give the chest to Santa Claus, he takes out an egg from it)

Koschey: What are you doing, Grandfather! Hang it where you got it!

(breaks a needle) Here you go, immortal scarecrow!

Koschey: Oh, I'm dying!

(falls to the floor, Leshy and Baba Yaga are fussing around him)

Father Frost:(takes the staff) So Koshcheev’s power ended. Now we will have a holiday too! And for us on stage 7b grade

(7b grade performance)

Baba Yaga and Leshy:(fall at the feet of Santa Claus) Grandfather, forgive us!

Father Frost: Guys let's be friends! Now it's time to light the Christmas tree!

Goblin:(takes out matches) Oh, I’ll light it now, it will burn with a blue flame!

Snow Maiden: What are you doing, it’s magic!

Father Frost:(knocks with a staff) Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

(garland lights up)

Leading: And we will put out a real fire!

(competition with a candle)

Leading: We'll also have a costume contest!

(costume competition)

(all characters enter the stage)

Ivan Tsarevich: all's well that ends well

Baba Yaga: Our fairy tale is over, and whoever listened - well done!

Snow Maiden: We wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Father Frost: And we wish that your wishes come true!

Goblin: And now - disco!

Koschey: Now our 7th grade is dancing!

(7a class performance. Disco)

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