Calendar planning in the middle group for September. Long-term and daily planning of the work of a middle group teacher Calendar planning middle group for each

Topic of the week:

"Hello, kindergarten"

C 01.09.15-04.09.15

Program content:

1. Formation of skills for identifying changes that have occurred in kindergarten (the fence is painted, new furniture has appeared, new toys in the group, new plants on the site).

2. Expanding ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor).

3. Formation friendly relations between children (mutual help, sympathy, desire to be fair).







Artistic aesthetic development (app)

“Color Flowerbed” by I.A. Lykova p.24

Physical development

L.I. Penzulaeva

Lesson 1, page 19

Cognitive development (FEMP)

I/c “Journey to the Autumn Forest”

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina p. 12 Lesson No. 1

Speech development

Description of the appearance of the Olya doll. O.S. Ushakova str. 23

Physical development

L.I. Penzulaeva

Lesson 2, page 20

Artistic aesthetic development (drawing)

"Funny pictures"

I.A. Lykova p.18

Physical development (outdoors)

L.I. Penzulaeva

Lesson 3, page 21

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan

Topic: “Hello, kindergarten” Program content:1. Formation of skills for identifying changes that have occurred in kindergarten (the fence is painted, new furniture has appeared, new toys in the group, new plants on the site).2. Expanding ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor).3. Formation of friendly relations between children (mutual assistance, sympathy, desire to be fair).

Day of the week


Integration educational areas

Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities V regime moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Morning exercises

Goal: Development of basic types of movements

Conversation “Me and my friends” Purpose: to consolidate the names of the children of the group

D/i “What is this?” Goal: to consolidate the ability to name familiar objects and explain their purpose

D/i “Whose baby?”

Goal: to teach children to recognize and name young domestic animals. Enrich your vocabulary.

D/i “Let’s show Bunny how we wash our hands”

Purpose: to consolidate after washing hands

adding attributes for the independent game “Kindergarten” Goal: to teach children to play together

Alevtina Soboleva
Thematic week “Kindergarten” in the middle group

Subject: « Kindergarten» .Target: to form primary representations about employee professions kindergarten, O children's garden as a nearby society, fostering a positive attitude towards them. Event: "Entertainment "Happy Birthday d/s"- create a joyful mood, positive emotions, form a friendly attitude towards kindergarten.


Morning Game situation "what is good?". F. mind. evaluate the actions of characters, situations, choose the best methods of behavior. (With subgroup of children) Reading a poem « Kindergarten» O. Vysotskaya is a sign. d. from poetry Discuss what feelings the words of the verse evoke. in children. s/i at the request of children, development of social and gaming experience of children, intensify the use of additional attributes.

OOD Entertainment "Day of Knowledge".

Target: introduce children to the holiday "Day of Knowledge", cultivate friendly relationships, continue to develop speech, create a positive emotional mood.

Walk Scooter riding - develop balance when riding, push off with your foot, do not accelerate - Dasha, Alisa, Matvey. Tour around kindergarten, a conversation about the work of preschool employees. Pay attention to landscaping.

SDD - to help satisfy the child’s need for physical activity.

T – cleaning of branches and stones on the site. Teach children to see the mess and eliminate it using the necessary equipment.

P. and. "By the Bear in the Forest"-continue to develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the text of the nursery rhyme.

Evening Prak. ex. "Moidodyr" develop the ability to wash yourself properly and use a towel. making gifts for Ksyusha U.’s birthday, for the holiday.

Learning, repeating poems, nursery rhymes, songs: A. Barto "I grew up". Game sit. « kindergarten» contribute to thinking about the content of the game, perform a gaming role.

Evening walk Observing insects on the site - expand children’s ideas about the diversity of insects, highlight and name their characteristic features.

skills: exercise “Tell me, what is everyone doing?”(A janitor - sweeps the leaves; a doctor - sets thermometers; a teacher - dresses the children; a nanny - makes the bed.). (With subgroup of children) Conversation subject"My favorite kindergarten» -speech development, forming friendly, benevolent relationships between children, a positive attitude towards kindergarten. free activity under control teacher: role-playing games "Family", « Kindergarten» ,development of children's social play experience, intensify the use of additional attributes.

OOD 1. Application “Let’s remember how we did appliqué”- to develop knowledge of the rules of behavior in application classes; encourage you to lay out images of objects and patterns from ready-made forms, and carefully stick them on.

2. Physical education -

Individual walk

work to develop core movements: climbing a gymnastic wall (climbing from one flight to another to the right

and to the left) – Zlata, Lisa, Artem excursion. Subject"Let's play with the kids".

work: game situation “Let’s pour water on the sand”; errand game “Help the baby collect toys”

outdoor games with running: “Run to me!”, "Birds and Chicks".

Evening Did. a game , form friendly, benevolent relationships between children - Dramatization game “I am a teacher today”- for. mind. perform game actions in accordance with the game plan, distribute roles, and actively participate in dialogues. Board-printed games. Encourage independent choice of games, follow the rules, and engage in gaming interaction.

Evening walk Subject"The Air Around Us" monitoring air movement (using ribbons and pinwheels).

Monday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning Game "Guess where the breeze is blowing"

(pictures of professions kindergarten) .

Subject“What do older children play with? groups» .

Excursion to the preparatory group: children middle group find objects(toys that they don’t have in group,

play with them.

Etc. ex. "Visiting Moidodyr" develop an understanding of the need for hygiene procedures. Free activity under the supervision of a teacher - continue to develop the ability to find something to do that interests you.

OOD 1. Cognition "What's happened kindergarten- clarify knowledge about the premises groups, the labor of people working in kindergartens; forge friendly relationships between children.

2. Physical education - exercise in walking and running in a column one at a time; teach to maintain stable balance on a reduced support area; control of energetic push-off with both legs from the floor and soft landing when jumping.

movements: continuous running at a slow pace for 1–1.5 minutes. (With subgroup of children) Observation of birds - teach to distinguish them by appearance; discuss why birds fly to warmer climes.

T: errand game “Let’s distribute the food to the feeders”.

P/game "Stop", sports exercise "Riding a scooter".

Evening Formation of the KGN and self-care skills.

Practical exercise “How to use personal hygiene products”

(handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb) Conversation “What toys and games did you like from the older kids?” to form an interest in the lives of peers, develop coherent speech, and enrich vocabulary. Free activity under control

teacher: role-playing games "Family", « Kindergarten» , "Taxi"(game actions: mother instructs her eldest son to take his sister to kindergarten; the whole family comes to the holiday kindergarten).

Evening walk Drawing with crayons on the asphalt "my favorite toys" development of creative abilities.

Morning work on speech development skills: Yes, yes, yes - /We asked the dros- Yes: / “Do-do-do - / Where, tell me, is your nest? /Dy-dy-dy - / It’s probably near the water?” / “Doo-doo-doo - / I’ll find my own nest -. Conversation with elements of reasoning “Who works in kindergarten, what he does and where he can be found” - to enrich ideas about the professions of adults, about the world around them. s/r game "Family" (work and responsibilities of adults).Target: to develop the ability to independently create a game environment for the planned plot.

OOD 1. Cognition/FEMP – consolidate the ability to compare the number of objects, distinguish where there is one object and where there are many, count objects within 2, compare two groups of objects, establish equality.

Walk work to develop the core movements: running in different

directions (in a circle, in a snake (between objects, scattered.

(With subgroup of children) Observing the work of a janitor - continue to acquaint children with working professions, tools, labor operations, etc. respect for work.

Work: – cleaning branches and stones on the site. Teach children to see the mess and eliminate it using the necessary equipment.

P. and. "By the Bear in the Forest"- continue to develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the text of the nursery rhyme.

Evening "Woven rug". Excursion to the kitchen - introduce the work of a cook, introduce it to the dictionary words: cauldron, baking sheet, colander, consolidate the use of names of dishes, words: cook and stove. Board-printed games. Encourage independent choice of games, follow the rules, and engage in gaming interaction.

Evening walk Subject"Autumn rain"- observation (everything around is wet);

sub Games: "By the Bear in the Forest", "Cats and mice".

Wednesday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning D/i “What are the dishes made of?”- expand ideas about different types dishes, secure with a word.

Di "lotto" f. u. independently organize the game, name the depicted objects. Conversation with everyone children: subject“What boys and girls should be like”.

Cognitive and ethical conversation "Do you know yourself"- formation of knowledge of gender differences. s/i at the request of children, development of social and gaming experience of children, intensify the use of additional attributes.

OOD 1. Drawing “Let’s draw a picture about summer in kindergarten”- contribute to the revitalization of summer impressions, develop the ability to reflect your impressions in a drawing, and consolidate knowledge of the rules of working with paints.

2. Physical education No. 2 –

Walk Work to develop basic movements: forward jumping (from hoop to hoop). Observation "Insects". Target: learn to identify and name the characteristic features of the body structure of insects (head, abdomen, six legs, antennae

design (from sand) “Such different cakes”.

Work: garbage collection

Evening Work on speech development skills: exercise “Tell me, what is everyone doing?”(janitor - sweeps leaves; doctor - sets thermometers; teacher - dresses children; nanny - makes bed. (With subgroup of children) reading fiction literature:

M. Plyatskovsky "Friendship Lesson";

game exercise “What kind of friend do you have?”

about a friend.) free activity under the supervision of a teacher - continue to develop the ability to find something to do that interests you.

Evening walk Development of basic movements: walking in a straight line, in a circle, along the boundaries of the site, in a snake, scattered. P/n « Shaggy dog»

Morning Reading lit. according to children's choice -

develop interest in reading, the ability to perceive it without visual accompaniment. An excursion to a d/s laundry - to introduce the work of a washerwoman, to cultivate a desire to make her work easier.

Solving riddles about professions. Self games with favorite toys - creating a positive mood, promoting independent choice of games, engaging in play interaction.

OOD 1. Speech development "Talking about toys"- clarify knowledge of the names of toys, their appearance, the materials from which they are made; fort the ability to write a description of toys, name characteristic features, lead to the compilation of a story on a topic from personal experience, agree adjectives and nouns in gender and number.

2. Music according to the music plan. head

Walk Ind. Work to develop core movements

(3–4 times in a row). Subject"Autumn rain".Observation: light rain, lingering, cold; puddles appear (everything around is wet).

P/n "Find yourself a mate"

Imaginative sand games

Evening D/i "Find out by description" to intensify children's ideas about the professions of rural workers. Practical exercise "Visiting Moidodyr" to form an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures, to cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle. Games with various types designer- target

Evening walk "Clouds and People" nature observation (weather) and man (clothes for walking).P/i "Find yourself a mate"- practice spatial orientation

Friday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning "Woven rug"- develop the ability to use scissors and cut paper in a straight line.

Di "lotto" f. u. independently organize the game, name the depicted objects. Conversation "Life in D/s"- continue to form ideas about life in the kindergarten and about employees, develop coherent speech, logical thinking. I/s « kindergarten» to develop in children the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles, act in accordance with the rules and general game plan, and select attributes.

OOD 1. Modeling “Make your favorite toy”-clarification of the rules of conduct during modeling classes; consolidate the ability to choose a topic for modeling.

2.. physical education No. 3 – .

Walking work to develop basic movements. Target: continue to teach running, changing directions and pace (With subgroup of children) . Observing the sun - update and supplement children's knowledge about the sun, pay attention to changes in the sun in the sky during the day. Talk about the fact that daylight hours are decreasing.

P/n "Find yourself a mate"- practice orientation in space.

Labor collection autumn leaves for the herbarium.

Imagination games with sand.

Evening Storytelling based on a picture “What do we do in d/s”- develop the ability to tell, compose short story –.

Reading lit. according to children's choice -

develop interest in reading, the ability to perceive it without visual accompaniment. Free activity under the supervision of a teacher - target

Evening walk Looking at the sky - activate children's speech, notice individual details (clouds, birds, plane).

P/n "Find yourself a mate"- practice orientation in space

Monday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning "Speak correctly"

Di "lotto" f. u. independently organize the game, name the depicted objects. Work in the corner nature: looking at indoor plants - remember the names, shapes. mind. answer questions about how they have changed, clarify the structure of the plant. Myself. Games action t: s/r games – for. mind. play together, self Choose the plot of the game, expand the scope of children’s independent actions in choosing a role and using attributes.

OOD 1. cognition/construction "Model kindergarten» - teach how to construct buildings from large and small building materials, use parts different color to create and decorate buildings, continue to distinguish and name strots. Materials: cube, brick, block, plate.

2.. physical education No. 4 –

Walk Ind. Work to develop core movements: throwing the ball up onto the ground and catching it with both hands

(3–4 times in a row). Observation: sun and weather conditions. Teach children to characterize the weather by the presence of the sun in the sky (clear, cloudy day); see the beauty of sunny weather, enjoy sunny days.

P/n "Shaggy Dog" act in accordance with the text, practice walking and running.

Sports exercise "Riding a scooter"- control skating in a straight line, perform movements in a circle, observing safety rules.

Evening Reading lit. according to children's choice -

develop interest in reading, the ability to perceive it without visual accompaniment. Conversation "Corner labor education» -introduce the students to the attributes and tools, tell them what they serve. Expand ideas about the work of adults, about different professions, and stimulate interest in them. Free activity under the supervision of a teacher - target: continue to develop the ability to independently find something to do that interests you

Evening walk Observation: sun and weather conditions. Invite children to remember which places were illuminated by the sun on the site during the day, compare with what is observed in the evening, teach them to compare and contrast.

Tuesday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

subgroup of children Oleg, Artem, Zlata.

Di "lotto" f. u. independently organize the game, name the depicted objects. Reading a story "Yasochkin's kindergarten" N. Zabila - develop attention, instill interest in art. literature, based on the work, form ideas about d/s.

Making birthday gifts for people with birthdays. Games with different types of construction sets - target: continue to develop the ability to independently find an activity of interest, develop hand motor skills, imagination, and engage in playful interaction.

2. Music according to the music plan. head

Walk individual work on the development of basic movements: jumping with a short rope. Subject"Flowers in Autumn". Content: observation: introducing children to the autumn flower aster, examining its color.

Labor on site: cleaning leaves.

Outdoor game "Day Night".

Construction (from sand): "bridges (with steps) for pedestrians." Target: teach to use additional material (plates).

Evening "Speak correctly"- for. mind. use noun correctly In plural form. numbers in gender case –

Did. A game “Say a kind word, a compliment to a friend”, form friendly, friendly relationships between children. I/s "I am a teacher"- to develop in children the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles, act in accordance with the rules and general game plan, and select attributes.

Evening walk Looking at flowers in flower beds children's garden - expand ideas about autumn colors, notice beauty, take part in collecting seeds. P/n "my funny ringing ball"- perform game actions, listening carefully to the text.

Wednesday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning Speaking, repeating nursery rhyme (tongue twisters, poems, pure twisters). Poem by P. Sinyavsky “As long as I am

grow up": My sister wants to

to ballet, / And I decided to become a doctor, / And you, try not to get sick, / While I’m growing up.” Subgroup of children. Collective storytelling “What do we do in d/s”- continue to form ideas about life in the kindergarten and about employees, develop coherent speech and logical thinking.

Making gifts for birthdays of birthday people, for the Samost holiday. games with favorite toys - creating a positive mood, promoting independent choice of games, engaging in play interaction

OOD 1. Drawing "Napkins for dolls"- consolidate the understanding of the work of laundry workers; an idea of ​​the culture of eating and using napkins; for. mind. decorate the square by filling the corners, sides and middle with familiar elements (dabbing, dot, spot, using a soft and pointy brush.

2. physical education No. 5 –

Individual walk

work to develop core movements: running in different directions with changes

tempo-. "Clouds and People"- observation of nature (weather) and man (clothes for walking).

P/games: "By the Bear in the Forest", "Cats and mice"

Construction (from sand)- develop creative imagination; teach how to use additional material (plywood, plexiglass and plastic).

Work: errand game “Let’s remove trash from the path”.

Evening Conversation "Day Night" (about parts of the day) continue to consolidate children’s knowledge of the parts of the day, their sequence, and actions at different times of the day - Developing CGN, self-care skills and mutual assistance when dressing. A game “Dress yourself and help a friend”.

Reading fiction literature:

K. Ldov "Forest School"- continue to introduce the daughter to the works of art. lit. Board-printed games. Encourage independent choice of games, follow the rules, engage in gaming interaction

Evening walk Watching the sky (clouds and clouds). Outdoor games "Step - put, step - put"; "Taxi".

Thursday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning Individual conversations about the environment world: what the child saw on the way; natural, seasonal, weather changes –

Work on the formation of the group of groups.

Conversation “Tell me why you need

wash your face and wash your hands."

"Treasure under the old oak tree". s/i at the request of children, development of social and play experience of children, intensify the use of additional attributes

OOD 1. Speech development "Watchman" V. Oseeva will continue to work on the formation of friendly relationships between children, develop coherent speech, and the ability to answer the teacher’s questions.

2. Music according to the music plan. head

Walk work on speech development skills: word game "Finish the sentence". (Marina jumps over...; lies on the table...; Misha hid under). Observation: air temperature and clothing of people - forms. children understand the connection between how the sun warms, air temperature and children’s clothing, learn to compare information, and draw simple conclusions.

P/n "Find yourself a mate"- develop spatial orientation.

T. – putting things in order in the sandbox of forms. Children have a conscious attitude towards order and a desire to maintain it.

Evening Sensory exercise "Colorful Objects" enrich sensory experience, offering a wide range of objects of different colors Lisa, Matvey, Cultivating a culture of behavior during the afternoon snack. Reading and discussion of O. Kokotkin’s poem “He doesn’t eat soup, doesn’t like porridge...” Creative workshop: promote self. choose materials for drawing, conceive a plot, develop imagination and fantasy.

Evening walk Watching the rainbow - pay attention to the beauty, talk about the sequence of colors. To learn a poem. to remember the colors of the rainbow. P/n "Shaggy Dog" act in accordance with the text, practice walking and running.

Friday Individual educational activities Joint activities in special moments Organization of independent activities

Morning "Woven rug"- develop the ability to use scissors and cut paper in a straight line.

Speak correctly” - for. mind. use noun correctly In plural form. numbers in gender case –

Thurs. thin do you: M. Plyatskovsky "Friendship Lesson";Game exercise “What kind of friend do you have?”. (the teacher throws the ball, invites the children to name good words

Watching a theater performance "Treasure under the old oak tree". I/s "I am a teacher"- to develop in children the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles, act in accordance with the rules and general game plan, select attributes

OOD 1. Application:“Greeting card for d/s” (collective)- continue f. u. stick ready-made forms, select shapes and colors as desired,

2. physical education No. 6

Walk Ind. Work to develop core movements: throwing the ball up onto the ground and catching it with both hands

(3–4 times in a row) Observing cobwebs - discuss with children where cobwebs come from, tell how small spiders travel in the air, like plant seeds.

P/n "Swan geese"- exercise children in running, act on a signal.

T. – cleaning the site: f. u. select equipment, work together, finish what you start.

Evening work on speech development skills: word coordination with movement:This is my street, Here high buildings, Kindergarten my

and school – I’ll be studying there soon.

Di "lotto" f. u. independently organize the game, name the depicted objects. Entertainment "Happy Birthday d/s" create a joyful mood, positive emotions, form a friendly attitude towards kindergarten. Games with different types of construction sets - target: continue to develop the ability to independently find an activity of interest, develop hand motor skills, imagination, and engage in playful interaction.


Group: average Theme: “Our friends in kindergarten”

Target: Create an emotionally positive attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole, and towards the people who work here, and contribute to the establishment of friendly relationships. Continue to introduce the kindergarten as the closest social environment child. Continue to introduce the group’s environment and the premises of the kindergarten. Create conditions for the formation of elementary mathematical representations; development of creative and constructive abilities.

Final event:

Final event date: Thursday

Responsible for the final event: teacher

Day of the week




Monday – 11.09.17.


Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Physical development.

Problematic questions: What is a kindergarten? Who works in the kindergarten? How to decorate a kindergarten and areas where children walk? Goal: to develop the ability to support and end communication, taking into account the conditions and situation of communication, to supplement, to ask.

“Lessons from Moidodyr”: solving problem situations, experiments “Cube - soap”, “Dry soap”.

DI. "Polite words"

Goal: To instill in children a culture of behavior, politeness, respect for each other, a desire to help each other

Game “Give the doll some tea.” Create conditions for the development of role communication.

Placement in the book corner of brightly illustrated literature about people working in kindergarten.

Speech development. Sound culture of speech: sounds s and s. Goal: Create conditions for maintaining children's attention and desire to work together with the teacher. Explain to children the articulation of the sound s, practice its correct, distinct pronunciation (in words, phrasal speech)

Indoor physical education. Goal: To promote the development of physical skills. Exercise children in vigorously pushing off the floor and landing on bent legs while jumping up, reaching for an object; practice rolling the ball.


Observing autumn flowers Purpose: to introduce children to the names of flowers - marigold (calendula), kosneya, nasturtium. Reinforce the concepts of “high - low” (flower), “short - long” (stem).

P.I. "On a level path." "Burners"

The goal is to teach how to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity and speed.

Movement development work. (games with sports elements). jumping on two legs while moving around the flowerbed. Goal: teach children to jump on two legs. Dima, Vlad B. Zakhar.

Situational conversation “Getting to know the street.” Supplement children's ideas about the street with new information: the houses on it have different purposes, people live in some of them. In others there are institutions - shops, a school, a post office. Cars are moving along the roadway.

Taking out toys, natural and waste material for games with sand - building a city out of sand, playing with it.

Enrichment with s.r. materials games “Toy Store” - development of skills in constructing role-playing dialogue.

Return from a walk, lunch

Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). Continue to teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons. Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

work before bed


Reading fiction. E. Uspensky, V. Chizhikov “Vera and Anfisa in kindergarten” Purpose: to introduce children to a new literary work. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work.

D.I “every thing has its place Goal: identifying the level of ability to put things neatly in a closet

Remind children that toys need to be kept in order, reading Z. Alexandrov’s “What you took, put it back in its place,” the game “1, 2, 3 - put away the toys!”

Exercise “Fold a picture from geometric shapes”

Improving visual perception.

Labor “The soap is foaming in the washtub, we are washing - look!” (washing doll clothes).

Afternoon snack.


A targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Observe the cleanliness around, talk about who is cleaning the area and why. Organize the provision of all possible assistance. Cultivate a desire to participate in labor activity.

P.I. “We won’t say where we hit, but we’ll show what we did.”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Tuesday – 12.09.17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

Conversation “Who works in our kindergarten”: characteristics of the work of kindergarten workers (nurse, cook, janitor). Goal: To expand understanding of the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor),

form a positive attitude towards their work.

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health children.

“What am I, what’s inside me”

Goal: To provide children with basic knowledge about the structure of the human body (head, torso, arms, legs). To instill in children a sense of respect for themselves and other children.

Game “Tell me about your favorite toy.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to describe an object, coordinating definitions with nouns.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations about the professions of adults in kindergarten.

Goal: Enriching children's vocabulary with nouns denoting professions and verbs characterizing work actions. Learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions without deviating from their content.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

Continue teaching children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

Direct educational activities

FEMP. Program content: Exercise in comparing two groups of objects, different in color, shape, determining their equality or inequality based on comparison of pairs, learn to denote the results of comparison with the words: more, less, equally, as much - how many. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

Music. According to the music director's plan.


Observing signs early autumn Goal: to teach children to find and name the signs of autumn, to remember them.

P.I. "Freeze." Purpose: to teach to understand a schematic representation of a person’s posture.

"The Hunter and the Hares." Goal: learn to throw a ball at a moving target.

Movement development work. Walking on your toes on a board lying on the ground. Goal: monitor children's posture. (Vika, Tanya, Nastya B.)

Labor actions. Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox.

Goal: to instill a love of work in the team.

“Let’s go for a visit” - mutual visits, the creation of children’s play communities of different ages, the activation and enrichment of children’s play experience, the development of communication skills and independence.

Return from a walk, lunch

Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

work before bed

Talking with children about the benefits of naps. Continue to teach the skills of neatly folding clothes on their chairs. Listening to music.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to form healthy image life, positive emotions.

DI. “Who wears what?” Target. Learn to find differences in the appearance of boys and girls.

(formation of gender identity).

“working with balls”; learn to throw a ball and catch it, develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction (Vanya, Timosha, Vlad B.)

Exercise "Clean"

Goal: To form a k.g. skills, teach children to keep their bodies clean. Form the habit of performing hygiene procedures yourself as needed.

C.R.I. “Kindergarten” - development of game design, role-playing skills, constructive ways of interaction.

Afternoon snack.

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.


Game-competition “Birds are flying”. Goal: to teach children to jump from low objects, run in all directions, and act on a signal.

Movement development work. (games with sports elements). throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands. Goal: develop dexterity, learn to catch the ball with both hands.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Wednesday – 09.13.17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

DI. “Name the tree one, two, three.”

Goal: To fix the name of the trees (birch, oak, maple, spruce, rowan).

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Problem situation “My friend is a comb” Goal: learning the skills to take care of your appearance

Game exercise “Why is this needed?” on the development of attention, imagination and coordination of movements (Dima, Vlad Sh., Nastya S.)

Role-playing game"Kindergarten". Goal: To develop in children the ability to select toys and attributes for play, to expand the scope of children’s independent actions in choosing a role, developing and implementing a plan.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

Continue teaching children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons. Learn to carry out assignments responsibly. At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

Direct educational activities

F.C.K.M. “Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better kindergarten.

Physical education on the street. Program content: Create conditions for the development of children's physical capabilities. Practice walking and running one at a time, on your toes; practice skating hoops for each other; practice jumping.


Cloud watching. Purpose: to involve in the observation of natural phenomena.

Work assignments: let's collect sand in the sandbox. Goal: to continue to instill in children a desire to participate in work.

Ind. work on the development of movements: walking on a log - a game exercise. “Walk - don’t fall” (Vanya, Tanya, Yura).

Create conditions for games with external material Goal: observe the ability to select attributes for games

Create conditions for n/a at the request of children Goal: increase YES during a walk.

Return from a walk, lunch

Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker.KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).Continue to teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons. Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

work before bed

Continue to teach the skills of neatly folding clothes on their chairs. Remind children that bedspreads must be folded carefully.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Reading fiction. Reading E. Permyak’s story “How Masha Got Big” Goal: Continue to develop the ability to listen to works of different genres; “include” children in joint discussion; cultivate hard work.

staging a problem situation “The little hare and the little fox quarreled”, situational conversation “If you quarrel, if you fight” - statement of the problem.

“Let’s help the doll get dressed for a walk” Purpose: observing the ability to combine several game actions into a single storyline

Afternoon snack.

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.


Watching the falling leaves.

Labor activities: Collecting fallen maple leaves. Goal: learn to work together.

Work on sound pronunciation: the game “Who screams?” Goal: to develop children's hearing and onomatopoeia skills. Teach to distinguish animals by their appearance and sounds made.

Outdoor games at the request of children.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Thursday – 09.14.17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Situational conversation “Who helps the teacher in the group.” Goal: Development of coherent speech. Help children, answer simple questions.

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Observation of the nanny’s work: table setting, situational conversation “How will we be on duty”,

D.I. “Tell me which one.” Goal: develop logical thinking, memory, speech, build skills

Selection of definitions for the word (Nastya B., Tanya, Timosha)

Independent work in the center of theatrical activities. Game “Where we were, we won’t tell.”

Goal: To learn to listen attentively to a poetic text and correlate its meaning with expressive movement to music.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

“How to behave at the table?” - explain the need to eat carefully (take food little by little, chew thoroughly), do not knock spoons, use a napkin.

Verbal game “Let’s set the table” - repeat the rules for setting the table

Direct educational activities

Drawing. “The apples are ripe on the apple tree.” Program content: Introduce children to the way of depicting a tree, the way to convey it characteristic features: trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Reinforce drawing techniques with colored pencils. Lead children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work.

Musical. According to the music director's plan.


Observation in nature: seasonal signs. Observing the sun. Goal: to introduce children to the changes occurring with the sun.

P.I. "The Crow and the Dog." Goal: To teach children to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move without interfering with each other.

Labor actions. Cleaning up trash on site. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.

Experiment “Soil condition depending on temperature.” Goal: to identify the dependence of soil conditions on weather conditions.

Taking out toys for experimental games with the wind - activating cognitive research activities, creating situations for meaningful communication on educational topics.

Return from a walk, lunch

Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker.

KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels.

A pre-dinner conversation about the names of the dishes.

Continue to teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

work before bed

Working with the canteen attendants. Remind children of neatness skills.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Leisure “Guests have come to us.” Goal: To promote the creation of an environment of general joy and good mood.

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten, did. games “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “Who cares about us?”

Independent activity in activity centers. Creating situations for meaningful communication.

Afternoon snack.

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.


Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Friday – 09/15/17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Situational conversation about the profession of a music director. Talk about musical instruments, show how sound is produced, and how to use them correctly. Invite the children to sing any songs they want for the dolls.

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

DI. “Let’s give the dolls different hairstyles.” Goal: to consolidate hair care skills, clarify the names of the items necessary for this, and formulate the concept of “neat appearance.”

Game “What is green?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun in gender and number (Zlata, Vanya, Dima)

Placing books and pictures about friendship in the book corner for independent viewing - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication and the development of friendly relationships.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

Continue teaching children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

Direct educational activities

Modeling. "Big and small carrots." Program content: To introduce children to the method of sculpting elongated objects, tapering towards one end, by slightly pulling and narrowing the end with your fingers. Strengthen the ability to sculpt large and small objects and handle materials carefully.

Indoor physical education. Program content: Promote the development of physical skills. Exercise children in vigorously pushing off the floor and landing on bent legs while jumping up, reaching for an object; practice rolling the ball.


Targeted walk to the school stadium. Purpose: Observe how students are engaged.

P.I. “Hide your hands behind your back” Goal: to develop in children the speed of reaction to a signal. Practice running, catching, and strengthen correct posture. “Throw it, catch it.” Goal: to develop independence in organizing outdoor games.

Conversation - “Rules of behavior in the garden area during a walk.” Goal: Remember the rules of safe behavior at the village site; know the boundaries of your site; remind them of the dangers that await them on the site.

Individual work on the development of movements. Goal: to improve hoop rolling skills in any direction.

Enrichment of the subject-development environment on the site.

(independent motor activity) “Sly Fox”

Goal: to develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Return from a walk, lunch

work before bed

Continue to teach the skills of neatly folding clothes on their chairs.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Listening and performing songs “Song about friendship”, “Smile”, “about kindergarten”. Goal: Continue to develop interest in music, the desire to listen, sing along, develop the vocal apparatus, teach children to perform simple dance movements. Develop a sense of rhythm, tact, emotionality, imagery, perception of music through movements.

Memorizing rhymes and little rhymes (Vlad B., Zakhar, Vanya).

Situational conversation Why do they say “hello”?

Goal: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce greeting methods. Reinforce ideas about the importance and need to use “ good words” in colloquial speech, arouse the desire to use them.

Games with didactic material in the center of play activities.

"Who will roll the tape sooner"

Goal: continue to form an attitude towards size as a significant feature, pay attention to length, introduce the words “long”, “short”.

Afternoon snack.

Fostering a culture of behavior during afternoon tea.


Sedentary game "Find what's hidden." Objectives: To increase the motor activity of children, to teach them to navigate in space, to move in accordance with the instructions of the teacher, to understand constructions using the prepositions “under”, “on”, “in”, “behind”, “about”, “next to”, “between” ", correctly form phrases using these prepositions. Shape grammatical structure speech, enrich motor and play experience.

Independent motor activity.

Irina Ryabikova
Scheduling“Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” in the middle group

Scheduling of work on the topic"Before dates, summer - hello, kindergarten! V middle group

^ Day of the week

^ Development Organization environment groups)





Morning exercises "Strong and Agile".

Communication game "Let's get to know each other better".

“What do you remember about this? summer, looking at photographs and pictures about summer vacation, summer landscapes.

A moment of pranks "Dance of Names".

“What do I remember about this? summer» , activation of children's personal experience (children's names).

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"(excerpts, situational conversation about the rules of washing. "Lessons from Moidodyr": exercises "Soap Gloves", "We're wiping ourselves dry", "Fold the towel".

Adding a layout "Farm", selection of appropriate attributes - independent games with a model, toys.

Independent visual activity (subject - summer) .

Talk to parents about collecting materials to compile a collection "Summer Finds".

Ask to bring photographs of family summer vacations for exhibition purposes "Voiced summer» .

Participation in joint childish-parent project "Friendly guys": interviewing "What is friendship", the task is to make a poster with your child "Friendship", emblem icon "I am a good friend".

^Directly educational activities

Musical and educational activity: holiday "Day of Knowledge".

Excursion “This is our group» : introduce the room group room, talk about new

toys and games, about the rules of behavior in group.


Target walk around site: introduce the territory of the site, the rules of safe behavior while walking.

Reading poems about summer. n. T.

P. and. "We are funny guys".

Work “We need to put away toys together in a fun and friendly way!”

Ind. development work movements: walking on a log - game exercise. "Walk - don't fall" (names).

Situational conversation about what we do on a walk, how we walk.

Conversation "We're almost big now".

"Summer Journey".

Taking out toys for playing with sand, crayons for drawing on the asphalt.


Work in the book corner: introduction to the book exhibition « Summer in verse, stories, fairy tales"- looking at illustrations, reading, communicating.

Project "Friendly guys" (Start): dramatization of a problem situation "The little hare and the little fox quarreled", situational conversation "If you quarrel, if you fight"- formulation of the problem. Compiling and recording stories on a topic “What do I remember about this? summer» , drawing illustrations for stories (children's names). Situational conversation about the rules of careful handling of things.

Did. a game “Every thing has its place”- continue to get acquainted with group, with the arrangement of objects and toys in it.

Reading by L. Voronkov “Masha is confused”. Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, reproductions of paintings about summer in a book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Enrichment with materials for s/r games "Summer Journey".

Walk Experiment Games and Construction Games with sand: properties of sand, what sand can be used to build, why, what.

^ Day of the week

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Development Organization environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms groups)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises "Strong and Agile".

Observation of labor nannies: table setting, situational conversation “How will we be on duty?”, did. a game “Trick-trac, not like that!”

Project work "Friendly guys"- discussing proverbs and sayings about friendship, listening to songs.

Communication game “What’s the name, guess and pass on the item”

Compiling and recording stories on a topic “What do I remember about this? summer» , drawing illustrations for stories, making homemade books (children's names).

"Lessons from Moidodyr": solving problem situations, experiments "Cube - Soap", "Dry soap".

Thematic selection of books “It’s so nice in our garden”– viewing illustrations, communication.

Adding a layout « Kindergarten» with attributes - independent games.

Loto deposit "Professions".

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - making homemade books together with their children “What do I remember about this? summer» , exhibition design.

Project work: selection of material about friendship for compilation "Literary piggy bank".

Consulting on the topic « Safe road V kindergarten» , distribution of leaflets “Know and follow the rules of the road”.

Interaction with social media partners: watching an educational cartoon on traffic rules in the House of Culture

^Directly educational activities

Motor activity: physical training “Hello to all my friends, physical education!” (In the project's boundaries).

Cognitive activity: tour of kindergarten"What's happened kindergarten- acquaintance with the premises of the d/s, with the rules of behavior in it, with the difficulty of people in kindergarten, fostering a respectful attitude towards employees of the kindergarten.


"The ABCs of Security" : Traffic rules" - a tour of nearby streets, developing knowledge of traffic rules, familiarization with the route "Crossroads - kindergarten» .

Transport games site: modeling of road situations, developing skills for safely crossing the road.

Ind. development work movements: running at speed - p.i. "Race for two" (names).

"Help a Friend",

Enrichment with materials for s/r games like "Journey"(to the city, to the sea, etc., "Road".

Taking out transport toys, bicycles, scooters is an independent activity.

Hardening, health. gymnastics.

"The ABCs of Security" : Traffic rules" - communication on the topic "On the way to kindergarten» , plotting a safe route using a layout "Road"

General game "Guys are walking".

Workshop children's creativity -"Portrait as a gift to a friend": working with cardboard, plasticine (In the project's boundaries).

Ind. order "Set the table"(preparation for duty, individual conversation "How did you take care of your comrades" (names).

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten, did. games “Who needs what?”, "Who's doing what?", "Who cares about us?"

Enrichment with materials for s/r games "Family on Vacation", « Kindergarten» , "Journey".

Independent games with layout "Road".

A selection of books and pictures about friendship for independent consideration - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication, the development of friendly relationships.


P. and. "Drivers and pedestrians". Independent games on the transport site.

^ Day of the week

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Development Organization environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms groups)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises "Strong and Agile".

Compiling and viewing a collection "Summer Finds"(a shelf of obscure knowledge, communication, stories from personal experience.

"Guest groups» - meeting with the laundress kindergarten, conversation about her profession.

General game “We’re erasing...”.

(children's names).

“What do I remember about this? summer» (names).

“Learning to say hello in different ways”.

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, reproductions of paintings about summer in a book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Role-playing games of children's choice, games with a large builder.

Project work:

joint production of wall newspapers "Our Friendly family» .

Screen design "Adults and children are friends", ind. conversations about the formation of friendly relationships in preschool age.

Participation in environmental action "Clean area"- joint work of children, parents and teachers to clean the site.

^Directly educational activities

Cognitive activity: FEMP "A toy shop"(counting within 5, compiling and comparing sets, orientation in space groups – did. a game "Find a toy").

Productive activity: creating a collage "What's happened summer - collective application from ready-made forms.

Motor activity: outdoor physical education "We are tourists".


Continuation of the excursion "What's happened kindergarten» - acquaintance with the territory of the kindergarten, observing the work of adults on the street.

P. and. "Tea, tea - help out", "We are funny guys".

Competition game "Who can collect the toys faster" (boys or girls).

Ind. development work movements: practice jumping with forward movement - n.i. "From bump to bump" (names).

A situational conversation about the culture of behavior at the table, the culture of communication, and the observance of speech etiquette - did. a game "Words of gratitude".

Taking out toys, natural and waste materials for playing with sand - building a city out of sand, playing with it.

Enrichment with materials for s/r games "A toy shop"- development of skills in constructing role-playing dialogue.

work before bed

Reading E. Uspensky "House of Friendship"(chapter from the book "Crocodile Gena and his friends", activating communication on the topic “Squirrels and bunnies are friends, girls and boys are friends”, songs about friendship (In the project's boundaries).

Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Situation of activating communication "If you are polite"- looking at pictures, reading, staging a problem situation “Ask or take away?”, discussion, socially oriented game "Polite Request".

Work “The soap is foaming in the washtub, we are washing - look!” (washing doll clothes).

Learning rhymes and myrillics (children's names).

Making homemade books with children's stories “What do I remember about this? summer» (names).

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - did. a game "How can you say goodbye".

General game "Hostyushka".

Enrichment with materials of plot-building games "Guests have come to us", "House of Friendship", « Kindergarten» , – development of game design, role-playing behavior skills, constructive ways of interaction.

Independent activity in the centers activity: looking at collections, books, visual activities, playing with models.


Observation of a janitor's work, situational conversation "Who takes care of us in kindergarten. Carrying out a promotion "Clean area". Games with sports equipment.

^ Day of the week

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Development Organization environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms groups)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises "Strong and Agile".

Did. a game « Magic chest» - joint writing and dramatization of fairy tales about friendship (modeling using toys based on familiar fairy tales)- In the project's boundaries "Friendly guys".

General game "Teremok".

Learning songs about friendship.

Learning rhymes, little rhymes, discussing proverbs about friendship (children's names).

"The ABC of Cleanliness": situational conversation about the need to wash, reading

S. Byalkovskaya "Julia the Clean", K. Kuznetsova "Dirty".

Introducing theaters for dramatization games based on fairy tales "Teremok", "The wolf and the seven Young goats" etc. – development of role interaction.

Application board games such as lotto, dominoes - creating conditions for subgroup interaction, development of the ability to negotiate, follow the rules of games.

Wall newspaper design "Interesting summer in kindergarten

Participation in leisure activities "Before dates, summer

Invite parents to participate in a play and toy day , in summing up project activities Design a poster for the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Give a task parent committee bake "Friendship Pie", prepare a treat for tea party (In the project's boundaries).

^Directly educational activities

Musical activity - topic "Give a smile to a friend" (In the project's boundaries).

Reading, communication activity: reading by A. Kuznetsov “I had a fight with my friend”, discussion of a problem situation “How to play without quarreling?”, socially oriented game “Know how to apologize, know how to make peace, know how to come to an agreement”- learn to use Everyday life worlds, counting rhymes; communication on the topic “We are friendly guys, we don’t quarrel at all!” (In the project's boundaries).


"The ABCs of Security": observation of games of younger and older preschoolers, situational conversation “To avoid trouble, do it right too”, games in a circle with a ball "Dangerous - safe", “It’s possible - it’s not possible”.

Work: collecting flower seeds.

Ind. development work movements: practice throwing into the distance - p.i. "Who will throw further" (names).

Consolidating the sequence of dressing and undressing, solving problem situations "Help a Friend", "Ask a friend with a request", situational conversation about mutual assistance.

Taking out toys for games-experiments with the wind - intensifying cognitive and research activities, creating situations for meaningful communication on educational topics.

Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Exhibition design "Voiced summer» : homemade books, collection, photographs, creative works (drawings, crafts)- examination, cognitive activity, communication, activation of personal experience.

Leisure in group"Before dates, summer.

Ind. work to prepare for duty - did. a game "Set the table for the dolls" (names).

Remind children that toys need to be kept in order, reading by Z. Alexandrov “What you took, put it back”, a game “1, 2, 3 – put away the toys!”

Bringing materials and toys for independent experimentation in the center "Sand - water"- intensification of research activities, development of cognitive interests, creation of conditions for cognitive communication.


General game "Hostyushka". Cooperative gaming activity: s/r games "Family", "Guests", "Shop"- learn to connect games with a single plot, distribute roles, build role-playing dialogues, and use substitute objects.

^ Day of the week

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Development organization environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms groups)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Individual educational activities in special moments

^ Friday is a day of games and toys

Morning exercises "Strong and Agile".

Viewing the exhibition of the mini-museum "My favorite toy"– viewing, communication.

Surprise moment: they come to visit children "buffoons" with an invitation to Play Town.

General game “What will we go on?”.

"My favorite toy" (names).

Work to prepare for duty - did. a game “Backgammon is not like that”, observation of table setting, situational conversation.

Enrichment with attributes of s/r games "Family", « Kindergarten» , "A toy shop"- activation of independent play activities of children, creation of conditions for self-realization.

Day open doors "Journey to Play Town"– participation in a day of games and toys, in a sweet evening (results of the project, joint play activities with children.

"Games for health"(physical instructor, "Learning to play"(teachers, "We play with our fingers", "Games for the Mind", « Folk games» (music director).

Spreading booklets“Game is the leading activity of a preschooler” (senior teacher).

^Directly educational activities

Entertainment "Journey to Play Town": musical and theatrical activities, motor activities - continuation of entertainment on street: "Games on the asphalt".


Prank games "It flies - it doesn't fly", "Grandfather Matvey", "Let's do everything like I do", "Edible - not edible".

A game “Guess the riddle - find the answer” (about toys).

Joint games-experiments with wind, water, sand, launch soap bubbles– enrichment of research activities, development of cognitive interests.

Ind. development work movements: practice climbing a gymnastic ladder - a game exercise. "Monkeys" (names).

The situation of the activator communication: about the holiday - to create a desire to share impressions, enrich children’s communication experience, teach them to follow the basic rules of communication.

"Let's go visit"- mutual visitation, creation children's multi-age gaming communities, activation and enrichment of children’s gaming experience, development of communication abilities and independence.

Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Decor groups for a sweet evening - table setting, exhibition of joint creative works within the framework of the project "Friendly guys".

Sweet evening "Strong friendship never ends"- result project: concert, wall newspaper presentation "Our friendly family", gifts for friends (portraits, socially oriented game "Friendship Pie", tea party.

Writing stories on a topic "My favorite toy" (names).

Remember proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about friendship.

Independent activity in activity centers - viewing the collection, thematic selections of books about summer, kindergarten , friendship, exhibitions, mini-museum, artistic activities - creating conditions for meaningful communication, to reflect impressions in productive activities.


Drama game with parents "Song of Friends" (S. Marshak). Joint games of choice, drawing with crayons on the asphalt on the topic "Mom, Dad, I are best friends".