Educational project “Week of Military Glory. Military Glory Week in kindergarten The event highlighted three significant dates in Russia

Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember! Remember about those who will never come again!

A delegation of 9th grade students came to the Memorial of Glory to honor the memory of their fellow countrymen. This is the annual patriotic event “Memory Watch. Eternal flame". A minute of silence...

The residents of our multinational country fought as one, not sparing their lives on the front line and working in the rear. They showed an example of true courage and nobility. Today we are proud of our soldiers and mourn the 15 thousand fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. That victorious May 1945 is getting further and further from us... but the memory of those terrible years will forever remain in the memory of descendants. As a sign of gratitude, the guys laid flowers at the Memorial of Glory, which was inaugurated on May 2, 1950 at the mass grave of Soviet soldiers.

Fewer and fewer front-line soldiers of the Great Patriotic War come here on Victory Day every year. But their memory is carefully preserved by their descendants.

On May 6, 2017, a unified Classroom hour in the form of a literary and musical composition about love and war for Victory Day “Rio - Rita”. The script is based on letters, poems and songs of participants in the Great Patriotic War, many of whom did not live to see the Victory.

Provincial town, summer heat, On the dance floor - music in the morning. Rio-Rita, Rio-Rita, the foxtrot is spinning, On the dance floor - forty-first year.

War - there is no crueler word, War - there is no sadder word,

Wait for me, and I will return, Just wait very long. Only you and I will know how I survived. You just knew how to wait, Like no one else.

December 7, 1941"Dear Masha! Here I am at the front. I can already hear shooting in the neighboring forest. There our sailors fight off another attack by the Nazis. The enemy persistently rushes forward. But believe me, we will not give up Moscow for anything. The defeat of the enemy near Moscow is inevitable. I will soon have the good fortune to beat the enemy. Dear wife! Remember, in this battle I will either be a hero or die for the great cause of our people. Kisses, your George."

February 21, 1943“Dear Lida! The Komsomol meeting has just ended. I cleaned the machine and ate. The battalion commander says, “Better rest, there’s a fight tomorrow.” Lida, I saw my comrades die. And today the battalion commander told a story about how one general died, he died while facing west. I love life, I want to live, but the front is such a thing that you live, live, and suddenly bullets or a shrapnel put an end to the end of your life. But if I am destined to die, I would like to die like this general: in battle and facing west. Alexander Matrosov."

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one: Our courtyards have become quiet, Our boys have raised their heads - They have matured for the time being...

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one: Instead of weddings - separation and smoke... Goodbye, girls! Girls, try to go back.

The fire beats in the cramped stove, There is resin on the logs, like a tear. I feel warm in the cold dugout from my unquenchable love.

Kill the war, curse the war, people of the Earth! Carry your dream through the years and fill it with life!.. But about those who will never come again, I conjure, remember!

Patriotic event dedicated to Victory Day

On May 6, 2017, in the local history building of the Sergievo Posad Museum-Reserve, as part of the celebration of Victory Day, together with the Sergievo Posad district branch of the All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia”, a military historical quest “School of a Young Fighter” was held with students of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 9th grade.

generation a sense of patriotism, belonging to the best

traditions of his country, shapes ideas about the brave,

brave and reliable people who guard the world;

fosters pride in the glorious defenders of our Motherland.

A week has passed in the “Droplets” and “Rosinki” groups of MBDOU No. 7

Military glory of Russia, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Teachers together with parents organized a number of events

on patriotic education of preschool children. Were held

conversations based on observations, illustrations, video albums on

topics: “Our army”, “My dear people - defenders of the Fatherland”.

Instructor physical culture Bursa O.V., musical

head Akimova A.V., teacher-speech therapist Shustova E.Yu.

prepared and demonstrated a presentation on the topic:

"Military professions". Excursions to preparatory group With

for the purpose of getting acquainted with military equipment and laying flowers at

memorial to fallen soldiers increased the students’ pride in

our Motherland and its defenders. During the week, teachers and

group specialists conducted with children different kinds games on

military topics: didactic and correctional-developmental

(“What does a soldier need?”, “Name a military profession”,

"Scouts"); role-playing (“Pilots”, “We are the border guards”,

"Military parade"); outdoor and competitive games (“Deliver

report”, “Sharp shooter”, “I am strong, dexterous, brave”).

An evening of riddles, proverbs and sayings, reading poetry and

works of art helped the children expand their knowledge,

activate vocabulary on army topics.

During the organized educational activities children under

guided by the teachers, they drew their family members who

served in the army; they sculpted a border guard dog; designed

cap, boat; in a study group together with the teacher

additional education Belousova M.N. guys did it

greeting cards for dads and grandfathers. On musical and

during physical education classes we sang songs, learned exercises,

dancing for the holiday.

It was also carried out active work with parents:

consultation: “Tell me about the protector in the family”, folder-

movement: “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!”, decorated

congratulatory playcasts. Grisha Gorshenin's dad Alexey

Yuryevich, army artilleryman, currently an employee

police was invited to the group so that the guys could see with their own eyes and

heard a true defender of our time. Children

looked at a photo album with his army photographs,

listened to a story about serving in the army. Then the students congratulated

him and all the dads, as well as the male kindergarten workers, led by

Head: Chapskaya M.V. Happy holiday. As a final

event theme week passed music and sports

entertainment “We are the future defenders!”, where children sang, danced,

played and read poetry:

Our dear daddy, even though you are our sweetheart,

But quite serious, and sometimes menacing.

Sometimes we are afraid of you, but we are always proud of you!

Military Glory Week, held in kindergarten, Not only

planted the seeds of patriotism in the souls of our students, but

and was the beginning of a long-term project: “Military Glory

Russia", in which the education of young patriots will be

be carried out on all days of the year allocated

Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates”

In all classes, classes were held dedicated to the Day of the Unknown Soldier, the Day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against the Nazi troops in the battle of Moscow, and the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.

Librarian of DK x. Potselueva Shchedrova V.I. An exhibition of books dedicated to the Heroes of the Fatherland was organized at the school, which was accompanied by stories and readings of interesting facts from the exploits of the Heroes. An exhibition of children’s drawings “There was a war” was also organized, which became visual material for a school-wide event.

On December 8, 2017, an open school-wide event dedicated to the Week of Military Glory was held at the MBOU Potseluevskaya secondary school.

The Military Glory lesson was prepared and taught by class teacher L.V. Ivanova to 5th grade students.

The event highlighted three significant dates in Russia:

- December 3 - Day of the Unknown Soldier - in memory of Russian and Soviet soldiers who died in combat on the territory of our country or abroad;

- December 5 - The day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941);

- December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland - a day of remembrance of heroic ancestors, as well as honoring living Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory.

In all centuries, heroism, the courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. The days of military glory of Russia are the days of glorious victories that played a decisive role in the history of Russia and in which Russian troops earned themselves the honor and respect of their contemporaries, and the grateful memory of their descendants.

One of the event pages was dedicated to fellow countrymen and heroes who defended our small homeland during the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War. These are the glorious names: Ivan Ivanovich Fesin - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Fyodor Nesterovich Semiglazov - Hero of the Soviet Union, Vasily Petrovich Merchansky - Hero of the Soviet Union, Fyodor Grigorievich Startsev - Hero of the Soviet Union, who gave his life in battles with the Nazi invaders in the vicinity of Belaya Kalitva. The school with great pride bears the name of one of the Heroes of the Soviet Union F.G. Startseva.

The same week there were sports competitions between classes. All events were aimed at developing a sense of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland.

Detailed planning for each day of the week from Monday to Friday with recommendations for times during the day (morning, evening). The texts of poems and songs, questions for viewing paintings, sample notes classes with goals and objectives.



Thematic week
Days of Military Glory, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War

morning : Looking at illustrations in the book corner
Morning conversation with kids.

Questions for conversation:
1. Guys, what holiday is approaching?
2. What do you know about this holiday?
2. How is Victory Day celebrated?
3. Who are veterans?
4. Which of you had a great-grandfather or great-grandmother in the war?
6. Why did the war start?
7. Why do you think it is called the Great Patriotic War?
8. Which of you would go to defend your homeland?

Reading literary works.
Listening to the song "Katyusha"
Manufacturing invitation cards for veterans for a festive concert.

Role-playing game "Hospital".
Goal: Expand children's understanding of military events. Objectives: To introduce the professions in a military hospital. Help select the necessary attributes, distribute the roles of doctor, nurse, orderlies, fighters, and establish rules. Foster feelings of respect and empathy for soldiers.

Morning Looking at illustrations and postcards in the book corner
Morning conversation with children.

Questions for conversation:
1.What holiday do we celebrate on May 9?
2. Which troops of our army fought the Nazis? (infantry, pilots, artillery, sailors, submariners)
4. Who do you think the heroes are?
5. The teacher’s story about the feat of Alexander Matrosov. Tell him that a street in our city is named after him.

Drawing on the topic "They fought for their homeland"
nurturing patriotic feelings, respect and gratitude to the defenders of the Fatherland.
Tasks: Strengthen the ability to create drawings based on literary works and viewed illustrations.
Arouse the desire to depict in the drawing your attitude towards the Soviet soldiers who fought during the Great Patriotic War.
Bring up patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, respect for the participants of the Second World War.
Material: Illustrations about the war, photographs of the war years, which depict relatives or friends of children. Watercolors, gouache, simple graphic pencil, colored pencils, wax crayons at the request of the children.
Progress of the lesson: Guys, we talked a lot about the war, read stories, looked at pictures.
-Many years have passed since the last shot of the Great Patriotic War rang out, but we will never forget the people dear to us, those who gave their lives for a future in which you and I are warm and comfortable. The memory of these people should live not only in monuments, but also in our hearts. Today we will draw pictures about the war and make an exhibition stand about those heroes who fought in the war, so that we now live under a peaceful sky.
Independent activity children.
Physical education lesson: The steadfast tin soldier"
The tin soldier is persistent,
Stand on one leg.
Stand on one leg
If you are a persistent soldier.
Left leg to the chest,
Look, don't fall!
Now stand on the left,
If you are a brave soldier.
Analysis of works. Hang all the drawings on the stand. Note that all the pictures together look more interesting, as if we were in a real battle and heroically fighting together with real soldiers.

Evening Military-patriotic leisure on the theme: "Good Soldiers"
Main tasks: to cultivate respect for the defenders of the Motherland, the desire to be like them, to develop improvisational abilities, to improve coordination of movements in exercises in pairs.
Equipment: two bags for each child, gymnastic sticks - “horses” Procedure:
Host: Guys! Today we are participating in a special game - a military-patriotic one. Why do you think? Who can tell me which one great holiday Will we soon be celebrating throughout the country? (Victory Day.) That's right, it is celebrated by veterans, adults and children. With every exercise that we will do today, we congratulate the veterans of various troops who liberated our country from the Nazis.
-Now we will march like real soldiers. The music is "Good Soldiers" (music by A. Filippeko). Remember to turn clearly at corners. On the spot - step by step!
Walking in place, walking with a gymnastic step
in a column around, walking in pairs through the middle of the hall.

General developmental exercises
"Rockets are flying up"
I.p. Feet - shoulder-width apart, hands - behind your back.
Raise your hands up, clapping your hands above your head, and say: “Salute to veterans” (6 times).
"Planes take off"
I. p. Standing with your backs to each other, pressing your shoulder blades, take your hands and put them to the sides.
Tilt to the right, to the left for four counts (4 times).
"Sappers are making a crossing"
I.p. Lying on your stomach facing each other, grab your hands, raise them higher, hold on, bending over, for as long as possible (4-5 times).
"Tanks are moving along the crossing"
I. p. Sitting facing each other, legs bent, feet resting end to end, arms resting behind. Bend and straighten your legs alternately (1-1.5 minutes).
"The border guards are on patrol"
I. p. Lying on your stomach. Rolls, “holding binoculars to your eyes” (6 times).
"Rockets signal formation"
Repeat the first exercise.
Basic movements
"The infantry is preparing for a breakthrough"
You need to clear the passage with grenades. Get ready to crawl on your bellies with a “grenade” in your hand: take a bag in either hand (crawling on your bellies across the hall, throwing the bag from a lying position at the target 3-4 times).
"Cosmonauts are training"
You will quickly spin around in place, holding your arms to the sides, and at the signal “Stop!” - stop with eyes closed. The one who manages to maintain balance wins (3 times).
Relay game "Cavalrymen"
Host: We urgently need to deliver an important package to headquarters. Which squadron will do it faster? Commanders, saddle your horses!
2 teams are participating. They need to run around the counter and pass the baton to the next one.
At the end of the relay game, all children are given memorable souvenirs, and the winning team is given gifts (books on a military-patriotic theme).

Morning : Didactic game"Who needs what for service"
Target: Assignment of military branches, their purpose, type of activity.
Reading poems about Victory Day. (Appendix 2) Conversation about what you read.

Physical education lesson: Stand up together
Once! Two! Three!
We are now heroes!
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs.
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms
And to the right, and again
Over the left shoulder.

Word game "4th wheel"

Modeling on the topic “I would join the Army, let them teach me”
Objectives: To develop children's imagination, the ability to convey objects of different shapes in modeling, proportional relationships, the dynamics of actions, to achieve expressiveness in conveying movements, the nature of the image. Foster a desire to defend your homeland.
Material: plasticine, military toys (tank, artilleryman with a gun, airplane, soldier with a rifle, ship, etc.)
Progress of the lesson: The teacher shows the toys one by one and asks them to name who controls these machines and military equipment. Asks the children to tell us which troops they would like to serve in. He offers to make, if desired, a figure of a soldier, a sailor, or the type of equipment in which they would like to serve, from plasticine.
-Independent activities of children.
- Physical education minute:
Like soldiers on parade, We march row by row, Left - once, left - once,
Look at us all. Everyone clapped their hands -
Friendly, more fun.
Our feet began to knock
Louder and faster.
Analysis of works

Evening Reading fiction about the military valor of our defenders. (Annex 1)
Role-playing game"War Reporter".
Goal: Expand children's understanding of military events.
Objectives: To introduce the profession of a war reporter. Help select the necessary attributes, distribute roles, set rules. Foster feelings of respect and empathy for soldiers.

Morning :Didactic game “Say the word”:
1. I’ll grow up and follow my brother
I will also be a soldier
I will help him
Protect your...(country)
2. The brother said: “Take your time!
You better study at school!
You will be an excellent student -
You will become... (border guard)
3. You can become a sailor
To guard the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military...(ship)
4. The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border there.
On duty both day and night
Our soldier is a military man... (pilot) 5. The car is rushing into battle again,
Caterpillars are cutting the ground,
That car in the open field

6. Can you become a soldier?
Swim, ride and fly,
And I want to walk in formation -
Waiting for you, soldier, ...(infantry)
7. Any military profession
You definitely need to study
To be a support for the country,
So that there is no...(war) in the world

Looking at an album about hero cities.

Application "Postcard for Veterans"
Target : Foster a sense of gratitude towards veterans and a desire to care for them.
Material: colored cardboard, velvet paper, glue, rags, oilcloths according to the number of children.
Progress of the lesson: The child reads a poem
Almost four years
A terrible war raged
And again Russian nature
Full of living awe.

Where we took blood,
Anti-tank ditches,
The flowers are sprinkled with dew,
They get up, swaying, from the grass. Where the night is blinded by bright lightning
The water was boiling in the creeks, -
From stone, rubble and ashes
Hometowns are rising.

And on the way back,
Unconquered forever,
Coming, having accomplished a feat of arms
Great Russian man.

Guys, Victory Day is approaching. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have been invited to visit our kindergarten. I suggest doing it for them memorable gifts- postcards.
Showing a sample, talking about the method of making the appliqué.
2. Independent activity of children.
3. Physical education minute.

Samples of possible postcards

Evening Conducting a family quiz "They fought for their homeland"
Several teams are participating.
Song performed by boys "Don't be afraid mom, I'm a hero"
Round dance performed by girls Quiz tasks:
1.Reading a poem about the war;
2. With whom and for what did the Soviet people fight during the Great Patriotic War?
3. Bandaging the wounded.
4. "Tug of War"
5. Name the streets named after heroes and participants in the war?
6.Preparing a “field lunch” (peeling potatoes).
7.Best performance of a military song;
8. "Make a whole from parts (military equipment)
.9. Competition for the strongest soldier. (push-up)
10. Blitz tournament: What is a front? The day the war started? The day the war ends? Who fought behind the Nazi lines? Where did the soldiers expect the letter from? The city that withstood a two-year siege
Winner's reward ceremony.

Morning Concert for veterans To the music (Winner's March). Smartly dressed children enter the hall, walk like a snake and line up.
1. child.
No! We declare war
To all evil and black forces.
The grass should be green
And the sky is blue!
We need a colorful world
And we will all be glad
When they disappear on Earth
All bullets and shells.
2nd child.
Fireworks thunder in honor of Russian glory
A fountain of bursting lights.
Rejoice, people! Rejoice, power!
Meet, Russia, sons!
Meet the defenders who are in battle
They saved you from slavery.
For their high soldier work
Bow down to them to the ground.
3 child.
Scarlet bouquets
Blooming in the sky
Sparkles of light
The petals sparkle.
Asters flash
Blue, red,
Blue, purple -
New every time!
And then they flow like a golden river.
What it is?
Festive fireworks!
The song is being performed (Fireworks today), music. Protasova, lyrics. Stepanova.
4 child.
Russia has long been
Rich in military glory.
On the battlefield, at the ball
The hussars shone with valor.
Performed (Dance of the Hussars).
5 child.
Spring of the forty-fifth year+
So the blue Danube was waiting for you!
Freedom for the peoples of Europe
Brought a hot sunny May.
On the square of Vienna saved
People old and young gathered.
On an old battle-scarred accordion
Our soldier played the Russian waltz.
A dance (Waltz) is performed. Music by Ya. Frenkel.
Presenting cards to veterans. Children leaving the hall.

Evening Role-playing games at the request of children "War Reporter","Hospital".
Goal: To educate moral and patriotic feelings in children.
Objectives: Improve gaming skills, expand vocabulary (words on front-line and military topics). Continue to expand children's understanding of military events. To cultivate feelings of respect and empathy for the defenders of the Motherland.

Irina Yarovaya

Educational project

« Week of Military Glory»

"Russia! Like a blue bird

We protect and honor you,

And if they violate the border,

We will protect you with our breasts!”

Problem: Modern children do not know what war is. Therefore, it is important to tell them about the war of 1941-1945.

Idea: During weeks of military glory introduce children to the heroic past of our country.

Type project: by method – information and research; by content - "Child - society"; child-adult; creative, group, short-term.


Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own. This is the result of a long, focused educational influence per person, starting from childhood. In this regard, the problem of moral and patriotic education of children preschool age becomes one of the most relevant.

As a result of systematic, targeted educational work children can develop elements of citizenship and patriotism.

You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and defended it.

We should also not forget that war is one of the most important historical experiences and practices in the formation, reproduction, education and perception of a real man. Warrior image remains one of the key symbols of masculinity. This is especially important for boys as they grow up. For normal development, boys need to have vague image of a real man gradually became a reality, finding its embodiment in specific people. Moreover, it is very important that the heroes be familiar, easily recognizable, and close. Then it is easier for the boys to relate them to themselves, it is easier to look up to them.

So way, it was decided to develop and"

Target project: creating conditions for enriching children with knowledge about the Second World War, instilling patriotism and a sense of pride in their Motherland.

Tasks project:

1. Introduce the history of the Great Patriotic War, full of examples of the greatest heroism and courage of people in the struggle for the freedom of the Motherland;

2. Lead to the perception of works of art about war;

3. Form moral and patriotic quality: courage, courage, desire to defend one’s homeland.

4. Give children an idea that people remember and honor the memory of heroes in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: poems and songs are composed in honor of the heroes, and monuments are erected.

5. Organize cooperation with parents, provide support and assistance to families in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers.

6. Form an opinion about the inadmissibility of a repetition of the war.

Participants project: City History and Local Lore Museum, parents of pupils, teacher, children.

Target group project: Project addressed to older preschoolers.

Duration project: Short term.

Implementation deadlines project: from 05.12.2016-08.12.2016

Main forms of implementation project: Conversations, organization of educational activities, mini-exhibition, consultations for parents.

Expected result project:

1. Awakening in children interest and respect for the history of Russia.

2. Attracting to working together parents.

3. Knowledge about the Great Patriotic War has been expanded and systematized.

Organization of activities on project.

1. Activities of teachers.

Preparation of methodological and didactic materials.

Conducting interesting activities.

Reflection of this theme when creating thematic planning curriculum.

Reading fiction, memorizing poetry.

2. Children's activities.

Participation in conversations.

Independent artistic activity.

Memorizing proverbs and sayings about honor, duty, military service, friendship and camaraderie, proposed by teachers;

Execution of plot- role playing games"Border Guards", "Sailors".

3. Parents' activities.

Consultation with parents on the topic of patriotic education of children.

Subject development Wednesday:

Didactic games with patriotic content.

The selection is clear – didactic material on the theme of the Great Patriotic War and soldiers' everyday life.

A selection of fiction - stories, poems, proverbs and sayings about the war, the Motherland.

Selection various materials For productive activity children.

Preparation of attributes for plot-role-playing games on a military theme.

Work plan:

Stage 1 Preparatory (Monday)

Defining a theme project,

Formulation of goals and objectives project,

Selection of the necessary material.

Stage 2 Main (implementation project) (Tuesday Wednesday,)

OOD, conversations, reading fiction, literature, learning poems, watching presentations and cartoons on military topics.

Stage 3 Final (Thursday)

Meeting with employees of the City Museum of History and Local Lore, viewing the exhibition, presentations at topic: "Day of Heroes of the Fatherland".

Publications on the topic:

In MBDOU No. 51 “Rodnichok” (structural unit) the Week of Military Glory was held from December 5-9. The children were presented with the video film “Children.

For a citizen who loves his country, nothing is more important than his homeland. In order to increase the effectiveness of students' patriotic perception.

The victories of the Russian army over the enemies of the Fatherland have always been widely celebrated by the Russian public. In the pre-October period of the Russian Orthodox.

On January 17, 2017, the city of Velikiye Luki celebrates the 74th anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi invaders. Soldiers fought for peace during.

In MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Beryozka” from December 5, 2016. to 9.12.2016 The Week of Military Glory was held. IN senior group a thematic one was held.