Thematic lesson in the senior group “September 1 - Knowledge Day. Scenario of the holiday “September 1 - Day of Knowledge” in kindergarten for children of the preparatory group Competition on the morning of September 1 in preschool

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Summarize children's knowledge about the holiday and develop cognitive activity.

Integration of OO " Physical development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Cognitive development», « Speech development» according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about the holiday and develop cognitive activity.

Tasks: create positive motivation for educational activities, enrich children's vocabulary, develop creativity, interpersonal interaction skills with peers and adults, and build a sense of confidence.

Forms of organization: frontal, individual.

Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

Progress of the event

Children enter the hall to the music.

Presenter: Hello adults! Hello children! We are very glad to see you today! A variety of people are in a hurry to learn; the Day of Knowledge is underway in our homeland.

1st Child:

Red day in the calendar -
Festival of Knowledge in September!
This holiday is the most important
This is a holiday for all children.

2nd Child:

This day is everywhere for us
The whole country celebrates.
This day is the best
Good calendar day!

Leading: We congratulate you all on the holiday and want you all to like it and remember it. This day opens academic year. Let it be exciting and interesting, bring you new knowledge and discoveries.

– Moms, dads, kids
They go to kindergarten in the morning.
Flowers grow in that garden
Unprecedented beauty.
These are our children -
The most fun on this planet!
They play, dance, sing here
And friendly cheerful family live.
Do our children like to play?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then I suggest you play interesting game. If you agree with what I say, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

If you don't agree, keep quiet.

  1. The kindergarten came to life today after the summer holidays.
    The world of knowledge, children, is very complex,
    Who is ready to go there? ( children's answers)
  2. Who will be study letters,
    Reading slowly
    Will not pester mom:
    “Well, at least read a little bit!” ( children's answers)
  3. Who will sing and dance,
    Write, read and draw,
    So that later the rating is “5”
    Receive in lessons? ( children's answers)
  4. Who is capricious and lazy?
    Come on, answer quickly! ( children are silent)

Well done guys, no one made a mistake!

Dunno enters the hall to the music.

Leading: Guys, who came to us for the holiday? Is it really Dunno?

Children: Yes, Dunno!

Dunno: So you guys call me Dunno! As if you are smarter than everyone else and know everything in the world?! And by the way, I’m not stupid either.

Leading: Is it true? Then help the children solve the riddles.

The presenter asks riddles. Dunno shrugs and says that the riddles are complicated. Children guess.


  1. The bell has already rung - What awaits us now? (Lesson)
  2. 33 there are letters in it - What do we call it? (Alphabet)
  3. Where will they teach us to write, and count, and draw? (At school)
  4. What awaits you all after kindergarten? (First grade)

Dunno: Oh, I really don’t know anything. Guys, can I stay with you in kindergarten?

Leading: Of course stay, Dunno!

Dunno: Only I want to play! Let's play, guys?

Game "Show the flower".

When Dunno shows a red flower, the children are silent; when it shows yellow, the children stomp; when it's blue, the children clap.

Dunno: Had a great game, kids. And now it's time to dance!

Children perform a previously learned dance.

Dunno: But I don’t know where to get books. That's why I don't read them at all. Where can you get them, if it’s not a secret?

Children: In library!

Leading: That's right, guys, the library is a home for books, they live there. When you learn to read, you can take books from the library to your home. What books do you love most?

Children: Fairy tales!

Dunno: I also know and love fairy tales!

Leading: Dunno, let's check how the guys know fairy tales?

Dunno and the Presenter ask questions about fairy tales.

  1. How many wishes can a goldfish grant? (three)
  2. Who were the seven little goats afraid of? (wolf)
  3. Who won the Golden Key? (Pinocchio)
  4. What are the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
  5. What was the name of the hen that laid the golden egg? (chicken Ryaba)
  6. Which girl has hair? of blue color? (at Malvina's)

Dunno: Look how smart these guys are! Everybody knows! Let's play some more. I will tell you the first part of the names of fairy-tale characters, and you will tell you the second part? Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

  1. Baba–...(Yaga)
  2. Father Frost)
  3. Little Red Riding Hood)
  4. Crocodile Gena)
  5. Sister Alyonushka, and brother... (Ivanushka)
  6. Fly Tsokotukha)
  7. Dr. Aibolit)
  8. Dragon)

Dunno: Well done boys! You know fairy tales well, so you really aren’t wasting your time here!

Leading: Of course, Dunno. Our guys already know a lot, but they still have a lot to learn.

Childreads the verse:

We can draw
Hold a pencil in your hands.
We can dance
And also - count a little.
We know the names of the animals
We respect those who are older.
We need to help each other -
This is the main thing for friendship!
We grow and don't get bored
We are slowly learning everything!

Dunno: You are certainly great, mischievous tomboys! Everything is clear with the kindergarten, it is clear what you are doing here. Now I’m wondering, what is it like at school, is everything exactly the same there, or different?

Leading: But really, what is the difference between school and kindergarten, guys? Let's tell Dunno.

Childrenread the verse:

There is a quiet hour in the kindergarten, bedtime is at lunchtime,
We won't sleep at school - there are no beds there.
In the toy garden there is darkness for every whim,
There is not one at school - there will be a surprise for us!

We go for a walk in kindergarten - more than once,
At school they won’t take us on a walk.
The teacher is dear here, the teacher will be there,
But many discoveries await us at school!

Leading: Guys, studying at school is very responsible and honorable. Do you want to study at school?

Children: Yes!

Dunno: Guys, it’s so interesting and fun to be with you! You are all so great! Looking at you, I realized that I also want to study and now I will strive for knowledge like you! But it's time for me to return to my fairyland, time flew by quickly. I will miss you very much!

Leading: Come to us again, Dunno, we will always be glad to see you! Really, guys? ( Children's answers.)

Dunno says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: Our holiday is over. And we have a whole year ahead of amazing discoveries in the world of knowledge. Congratulations to you guys on Knowledge Day!

In our kindergarten we learn to make friends, play, draw, sing, dance, read and count.

Topic: Preschoolers should know - they can build the future of the country

Integration educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.

Target: to form the foundations of citizenship and patriotism in preschoolers.

Tasks: to awaken in preschoolers the awareness of themselves as citizens of their homeland; create a festive atmosphere, promote an emotionally positive mood for the upcoming school year; foster a sense of involvement in the life of the country.

Planned results: masters basic movements in accordance with age; shows sensitivity to artistic expression, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of a poetic text; game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken; can independently or with a little help from an adult evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers; V Everyday life he himself, without a reminder from an adult, uses “polite” words; knows that Russian Federation(Russia) is a huge multinational country that Moscow is the capital of our Motherland; has an idea of ​​the flag, coat of arms, and the melody of the anthem.

Contents of organized activities

Children, to the music of S. Musaliev “Hello, Country,” enter the hall and stand facing the audience.


Hello adults! Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world.

How many bright colors sparkled,

Russia welcomes preschoolers!

Free, majestic, pristine,

Like a star among many countries!

We glorify you, Russia

And we open the holiday with the anthem!

The National Anthem plays.


Knowledge is a wonderful country

Opens the doors wide.

And preschoolers she

Waiting impatiently.

To all preschoolers in the country

The president sends his parcels.

(Shows the parcel)

Here is a task for the guys,

It was not in vain that they sent him.

Apparently, the president wants

So that you show your knowledge,

So that when you grow up,

They didn’t let their country down.

Well, guys, congratulations,

I present you with a presidential gift.

Aunt Lenya runs out.

Aunt Lenya.

Wait, wait, wait,

Show me the parcel.

Oh guys, really?

There are assignments here, really?


Our children are the future of the country,

And she needs literate people.

Aunt Lenya.

And I am the main Laziness of the country,

And I need lazy ones.

Come on, which one of you is the hero?

Who will come with me now?


Look at the preschoolers

Try to find a quitter.

They were very worried

We tried to please everyone,

Prepared poems

You will hear them now.

1st child.

Not marked with red number

This day on the calendar

And not decorated with flags

Near the house in the yard.

2nd child.

According to one simple sign

We will recognize this day:

For children going to school

Cities and villages.

3rd child.

And let there be many glorious ones

Different days in the calendar.

But one of the most important -

The very first one in September!

4th child.

Our dear group, hello,

Let's go on a hike to gain knowledge.

Today is a holiday, a glorious holiday!

We welcome the school year!

Aunt Lenya.

Wow, how smart everyone is

Yes, sensible ones!

Well, soon you'll all be pretty

Yes, they look like me.

Leading. Come on, give us the answer:

Are there any lazy people here?

Children. No!


Now we will open the parcel

And we will fulfill the task of the president of the country.

Opens the package.


We must check

What do you know about the Motherland?

Quiz questions.

1. State symbols of the country.

2. The capital of our Motherland.

3. National currency.

4. The first president of the country.

5. Folk musical instruments.

6. How many years of independence is our family celebrating this year?

7. Our country is very rich. How?

Song “Heirs of Russia” (music and lyrics by E. Gomonova).


There are many countries in the world, large and small,

But there is only one Motherland.

No matter what they throw us into,

We remember sweet lands.

We were born here, we live here,

This is our huge common home!

And if trouble suddenly comes,

What will you do then?

Answer question one...

Children. We will not give offense to our Motherland!

Leading. No matter how hard you try, Aunt Lenya, the oath of the preschool children will now sound. Well, guys, are you ready to take the oath? Then loudly and unanimously repeat after me the word “I swear!”

We, preschoolers,

On the day the new school year begins, we swear

Never be late for kindergarten.

All. We swear!

Leading. Never sleep in class.

All. We swear!

Leading. Always value friendship.

All. We swear!

Leading. Never hurt kids.

All. We swear!

Leading. Always share everything with friends.

All. We swear!

Leading. Grow up as worthy citizens of your homeland. All. We swear!


An eternal oath, a beautiful oath

We are all connected from now on, friends.

There is no turning back to our knowledge,

This means that we cannot be without knowledge!

Aunt Lenya.

What is happening, again I tried in vain?

No one signed up for my army.

Again I’m the odd one out at the holiday,

The kids don't want to be friends with me.

Leading. Why is it extra - you are given the honorable right to present a presidential gift to all preschoolers.

Aunt Lenya. Do I have such trust? Come on, preschoolers, stand still!

Accept a gift from the president,

Never forget about your oath!

(Hands out commemorative medals)


Russia, dear, dear,

You have become unrecognizable!

Bloomed under the banner of freedom

Gardens and cities of your land!

Dear Guys! You are the wonderful future of our country, with your hands independent Russia will be built and strengthened. The Day of Knowledge!

"Day of Knowledge at Preschool Educational Institution"

for children 4-5-6 years old

The holiday is dedicated to September 1 - the beginning of the school year - Day of Knowledge. It can be held both in the music room and in the kindergarten area.

The area or music hall is first decorated with garlands, flags, and balloons.

Music is playing - a phonogram of popular children's songs by Yu. Chichkov, V. Shainsky, G. Gladkov.

Characters: adults: Baba Yaga, Pukhlik and Ryzhik the Clown.

Children of all groups go to the site. They are met by the clown - Ryzhik.


We all gathered here at once

For fun children's hour.

How did you relax in the summer?

Did you miss each other?

Children's answer.

So we all met together!

Let's start our holiday with a song!

The song “Smile” is performed, poetry by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky.

But I see that after the summer we have a lot of new children. You should definitely meet them!

"Disturbing" music sounds

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.

Baba Yaga. Ugliness! What a holiday, and even without me! Not good! Did you think I couldn’t smell it? My nose is wow! Not a nose, but a pump! (Sneezes) What, aren't you afraid of me? (Children's answer.) That's right, he who has fun is not afraid! And I’m in a great mood today, I even want to sing! (Sings)

Two hundred years off your shoulder,

Into the whirlwind of dancing with your head,

Young man,

Dance with me!

The dance “Repeat after me” is performed. To the melody of “Cucarachi,” Baba Yaga performs simple dance movements, and the children repeat after her.

Ryzhik. Everything is wonderful, wonderful, great!

Where are all the adults? Where did they go?

Baba Yaga (laughs evilly). These are my tricks! There are no more adults in your kindergarten! Look what I turned them into.

Teachers come out dressed up like children: bows, pacifiers, bibs, shorts, short skirts.

Ryzhik. Such miracles! What are we going to do with these kids now?

And I came up with it! Well done, Yagulya! Now our holiday will be even more interesting. We'll have some fun competitions between our real kids and these enchanted kids. Guys, do you agree? (Children's answer.) And you? (Answer from teachers.)

Ryzhik. In this case, we already have a team of educators. All that remains is to give it a name.

The teachers name their team.

What will your team be called, guys? (Children call their team "Cartoons".) Baba Yaga. Teams, line up! The first game is called "Through the Hoop". We begin to do everything according to my whistle.

Game "Through the Hoop"

Teams of 7-8 people line up in a column one behind the other at one end of the site. At the other end of the court, opposite each team, there is a hoop. At the signal, the first players from the teams each run to their own hoop, thread it through themselves, put it in place, return to their team, pass the baton to the second in the team; the second runs to the hoop, etc. The team that completes this task faster wins.

Baba Yaga (takes out the ball and tosses it several times). Eh! Where are you, my young ones! Do you like to play ball, orcas? (Children's answer.)

Then our next game is with balls.

Game “Who is more? »

There are a large number of small and large balls scattered around the court. At a signal, the teams begin to collect them (teachers - small balls, children - large ones, each team puts the balls in its own basket. A certain time is given for this task, at the end of which the number of collected balls of both teams is counted. The team with the most balls collected wins .

Ryzhik. And now the “Cartoons” team and the “educators” team stand in one big circle for the game “Who is the most dexterous? "

Game "Who is the most dexterous?"

Pins are placed in a circle; there are always one fewer of them than the participants in the game, who also line up in a circle, one after another. Music is playing. The participants of the game dance and move in a circle. At the end of the music, everyone must grab the nearby skittle. The one who does not get the pin is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is only one pin left. The team whose member ends up capturing her wins.

Chubby. It's time to rest. And the best relaxation, in my opinion, is dancing. I just love them!

Ryzhik. There are many dances in the world, but we will remember the most famous ones. And at the same time, we’ll compete to see who our best dancers are: “Cartoons” or “educates.” "

Competition "Dancing Around the World"

Musical excerpts of familiar dances are played for each team. Team members perform the characteristic movements of these dances. Teams dance in turns. For "educate" “sounds: “Sirtaki”, “Lezginka”, “Lombada”; for “Cartoons”: “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, “Gypsy Girl”, “Lady”. Everyone performs “Letka-enka” together.

Baba Yaga (carries large and small pants).

Look what I found in my chest.

Ryzhik. Yagusya, well, what’s the point of this at our holiday?

Baba Yaga. Don't tell me, honey. These pants are also intended for play. She is very funny and interesting. Teams, line up in pairs one behind the other!

Game "Pants for two".

Team members stand in pairs, one behind the other, at one end of the court. At the other end of the site there are racks. “educate.” "get big pants, "Toons" get small ones. Those standing in pairs thread one leg through one pant leg ( Siamese twins). At the signal, the first pair of both teams runs to the other end of the court, runs around the counter, returns to their team, passes the pants to the next pair, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

Ryzhik. In agility, speed, and ingenuity there are no equals. ", nor "Cartoons". Children, did you like your teachers enchanted by Baba Yaga today? (Children's answer.)

And when do you like them more: when they are ordinary educators or when they are as mischievous and cheerful as you? (Children's answer.)

Ryzhik. That's wonderful! May your teachers always remain so kind, cheerful, and sometimes mischievous.

And the friendship between you will be strong and strong.

Children and teachers dance freely to the song “Big Secret for a Small Company (performed by S. and T. Nikitin). Baba Yaga comes out with a tray on which there are boxes of sweets.

Baba Yaga. Come on! Take it apart!

Children open the boxes, and instead of sweets, they contain pebbles.

Ryzhik. Yagusya, we tried our best, had fun from the bottom of our hearts, and you’re at it again!

Not good, not good! They say all's well that ends well. And what do we get?

Baba Yaga. I can't do anything about my harmful nature! It's really trouble!

Ryzhik. Baba Yaga, what if we ask you in a good way to return us a real treat?

And let's all say it together magic words?

Baba Yaga. Well, try it. Maybe something will work out for you.

Children beg Baba Yaga, calling her kind words, say the magic words: “please”, “be kind”, etc.

Baba Yaga. Oh oh oh! What's wrong with me? Where are my little legs taking me? (Baba Yaga and the children move towards the hidden basket with treats, the children find it.)

So I became kinder,

More gracious and generous.

Here are your gifts. Help yourself to your health!

Ryzhik. And I wish you a whole year of fun and sunny mood!

Baba Yaga and the clown say goodbye to all the participants of the holiday and leave.

First of September in senior group preschool educational institution

Attributes: balls (large and small), school things (backpack, pencils, pens, rulers, notebooks).
Baba Yaga
Music is playing - a soundtrack of popular children's songs. The children come out. They are met by the presenter.
We all gathered here at once,
For a fun children's hour.
How did you relax in the summer?
Did you miss each other?
Children's answer.
So we all met together!
Let's start our holiday with a song!
Children stand in a semicircle and sing the song “The sun is out.” They stand still.
Children, what holiday is today?
Right! The first day of autumn, September 1 - Day of Knowledge.
-It’s too early for you to go to first grade,
But you are growing like butter.
Being lazy is no good for you,
You will learn to learn,
In the meantime, grow up,
And invite your friends into the circle.
But I see that after the summer we have a lot of new children. You should definitely meet them and say hello!
Music game“Let’s get acquainted” and say hello, the presenter invites the children to say hello
(noses, hands, shoulders, hugging).
Music with a clearly defined two-part form is selected
Children form two circles: outer and inner
During the first part of the music, the outer circle moves to the right, the inner one to the left.
During the second part of the music, the children of the inner and outer circles turn to face each other, the children opposite each other shake hands, say their names in turn, and perform counterclaps
On the first part of the music they move on
And so on several times. Afterwards, the children sit on chairs.
Everything is wonderful, wonderful, great!
Guys, how did you relax in the summer? Now we’ll find out... (play while standing)
Game - chant “How we had a rest in the summer”
Who has been to the sea in summer?
Who went into the forest with a basket?
Who rode a scooter?
Who ate the tablecloth for breakfast?
Who flew the plane?
Who went to the aunt's dacha?
Who got tanned over the summer?
Who ate a ton of watermelons?
Who came to kindergarten?
And are you happy to meet your friends?
“Disturbing” music sounds, Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.
Baba Yaga:
Ugliness! What a holiday, and even without me! Not good! Did you think I couldn’t smell it? My nose is wow! Not a nose, but a pump! (Sneezes) What, aren't you afraid of me? (Children's answer.) That's right, he who has fun is not afraid! And I’m in a great mood today, I even want to sing! (Sings in la-la and with incomplete lyrics, pleased with herself)
(music sounds)
Two hundred years off your shoulder,
Into the whirlwind of dancing with your head,
Young man,
Dance with me!
Baba Yaga:
Why don’t you kids dance with me? I’m kind today. (smiling sarcastically)
The children stand in a circle.
The dance “Repeat after me” is performed. To the melody of “Cucarachi,” Baba Yaga performs simple dance movements, and the children repeat after her. Then they sit on the chairs.
Baba Yaga:
Well done, they're so smart! We completed the task!
How wonderful you dance! Guys, do you remember that today is the 1st September holiday - the day of knowledge. On this day, children go to school, kindergarten, and gain knowledge!
Baba Yaga:
But I don’t have a holiday. They didn't take me to school. They said that I
I’m still small, I don’t even know how to pack my briefcase correctly
Interesting, what is in your briefcase?
Baba Yaga:
By the way, very necessary and useful things (takes out sandals, lipstick, perfume from his briefcase).

Do they really take this with them to school? You're probably going to a disco, grandma. Guys, do you know what you should carry in your briefcase? Let's help Baba Yaga put together her briefcase correctly?
Baba Yaga:
Yeah, now we’ll check what knowledge children receive in kindergarten! Come on, stand up one after another,
Game “Pack a backpack for kindergarten”", divide the children into 2 teams, stand one after another, and take turns taking one thing intended for school (brush, pencil, plasticine, album, etc.) and put it in the prepared briefcases.
Baba Yaga:
(looks into the briefcase of each group, saying), Ay, what a great job and thank you, guys, for teaching how to assemble a briefcase, you get good knowledge in kindergarten.
Children sit on chairs
And we also have fun breaks. It's time to rest and get moving. And the best relaxation, in my opinion, is a fun game.
Baba Yaga:
I suggest you play an interesting game. I just love her
(invites children to listen carefully and then answer)
If you agree with what I say, then answer:
“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”
If you don’t agree with me, then remain silent.
1. The kindergarten came to life today
After summer holidays
World of knowledge
Very complicated.
Who is ready to go there? (answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”).

2. Who will study the letters?
Reading slowly?
Will not pester mom:
“Well, read a little” (answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”).

3. Who is the designer, friends,
Can you master it without difficulty?
"Jeep" and "Volvo" will assemble,
Will you take dad to kindergarten? (answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”).

4. Who will sing and dance,
Write, read and draw,
So that later the rating is “5”
Receive in lessons? (answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”).

5. Loves who sleeps in the morning
And miss exercises?
Who is capricious and lazy
Come on, answer quickly! (answer) - silence (do not sing)

6. Who came to our kindergarten
And are you happy to meet your friends?

7. Who woke up early in the morning
And washed yourself under the tap?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

8. Who discovered colors today,
New books, coloring books?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

9. Who played with toys
And put them back in place?
(answer) - silence (do not sing)

10. Who broke a chair today?
Did you push a girl into a puddle?
(answer) - silence (do not sing)

11. Who dreams of growing up,
Go to school quickly!
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
Praises children for their attention
Baba Yaga:
(takes out the ball and tosses it several times). Eh! Where are you, my young ones! Do you like to play ball, orcas? (Children's answer.)
Then our next game is with balls. (Prepare baskets for each group)
Game "Who is bigger?"
There are a large number of small and large balls scattered around the court. At the signal, the teams begin to collect them (one team - small balls, the second team - large ones), each team puts the balls in its own basket.
A certain time is given for this task, after which the number of collected balls of both teams is counted.
The team with the most balls wins.
Praises children for their agility and speed
Well, now Baba Yaga will test you to see if you can solve riddles.
Baba Yaga:
Me? (in surprise) I know more than anyone, I can solve all the riddles!
So you're also a braggart! Good! Guess!
The presenter asks riddles, Baba Yaga scratches his head and says the wrong answers, that they are very difficult, or gives the wrong answers. After her answers, the children, at the direction of the presenter, guess riddles.
1. Who walks with a bag of books
Going to school in the morning? (student).
Baba Yaga:
The riddle is too difficult.

2. He will tell you how you study,
All grades will be shown instantly. (diary)
Baba Yaga:
This is my neighbor Magpie, she knows everything about everyone, she flies around all day, collecting gossip.
Children laugh and answer correctly.
3. The lesson was going on, but he was silent -
Apparently, he was waiting for a change.
Lesson just ended
It rang loudly... (bell).
Baba Yaga:
This is my neighbor Zhuk, he starts buzzing in the morning and my ear rings until the evening (rubs his ear).
Children laugh and give the correct answer.
4. If you know everything,
That's what you'll get at school (five).
Baba Yaga:
I don’t know anything (sorrowing).
Let the children help Baba Yaga solve the riddle.
Baba Yaga:
Yes, I guess it’s really early for me to go to school. Can I stay with you guys in your kindergarten? Look how well they teach you here, you know everything.
Are you going to brag?
Baba Yaga:
(waves his head) Never!
Children, will we believe Baba Yaga? (The children all agree)
And now it's time to rest. And the best relaxation, in my opinion, is dancing.
There are many dances in the world, but we will remember the most famous ones. And at the same time we will compete to see which team we have the best dancers: “Fidgets” or “Fairy Tale”.
Competition "Dancing Around the World"
Musical excerpts of familiar dances are played for each team. Team members perform the characteristic movements of these dances.
Teams dance in turns.
For the team preparatory group sounds: “Polka”, “Dance of the Little Ducklings”
For the senior group team: “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, “Lady”
The presenter praises both teams
Everyone performs “Letka-enka” together
Baba Yaga comes out with a tray on which there are boxes of sweets.
Baba Yaga:
Come on! Take it apart!
Children open boxes, and instead of candies, they contain pebbles or candy wrappers.
Yagusya, we tried our best, had fun from the bottom of our hearts, and you’re at it again!
Not good, not good! They say all's well that ends well. And what do we get?
Baba Yaga:
I can't do anything about my harmful nature! It's really trouble!
You didn’t call me Babusenka - Yagusenka, bone goose?
(addressing the children) Children, we really haven’t said a kind word to Baba Yaga, we just teach and teach! Let's try to be gentle and kind words persuade us to return a real treat and say the magic words together?
Baba Yaga:
Well, try it, maybe you will succeed...
Children beg Baba Yaga, calling her affectionately, saying magic words: “please”, “be kind”, etc.
Baba Yaga:
Oh oh oh! What's wrong with me? Where are my little legs taking me? (Baba Yaga quickly shuffles her feet with the children and moves towards the hidden basket with treats, the children find it.)
So I became kinder,
More gracious and generous.
Here are your gifts. Help yourself to your health!
And we wish you a whole year of fun and sunny mood!
Baba Yaga and the presenter say goodbye to all participants in the holiday and leave

Target. Creating a friendly atmosphere, creating a joyful mood in children, a positive attitude towards school and a desire to learn and acquire new knowledge.


1. Summarize children’s ideas about the Day of Knowledge holiday.

2. Develop the ability to quickly switch from one game to another.

3. Encourage children to engage in a joint play situation with adults.

4. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your peers. Material: subject pictures, chest, easel (2 pcs.) Character – Brownie Kuzka.

Move entertainment: Children sit on chairs, cheerful music plays.

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we celebrate with you the most important children's holiday - Day of Knowledge!

Little Brownie Kuzka runs into the hall

Hello kids - girls and boys!

I am a cheerful Brownie. I keep the peace here.

Make friends with me, but call me Kuzma.

And today I came to congratulate you, friends.

Hey, let's all clap our hands,

Let's join a friendly round dance!

Near the decorated Christmas tree

We'll meet you New Year!

Wait, Kuzenka, what Christmas tree, what New Year? (addresses children). Guys, New Year comes to us at what time of year?

Children: In winter.


What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.


Kuzya, what date is it today?


I didn't guess right again. Today 1 September – Day of Knowledge. Today all schoolchildren go to school. A new academic year begins. Leading:

Why do children go to school?

D. Kuzka: I know that!

To play, play around, fight, scream...


And again you are wrong! Guys, why do you need to go to school?

Brownie Kuzka sits on the carpet and is sad.

Leading: Kuzenka, what happened?

D. Kuzya: I don’t know anything, I answer questions incorrectly, the children laugh at me. What should I do, where should I gain my wits?


Kuzenka, don’t be upset, stay with us and we will teach you. Guys, do you agree?

D. Kuzka: Oh, how glad I am!

Guys, do you like fairy tales? And who tells them to you? (Answer)

And I have it, mine magic chest they live in it

my fairy tales and riddles.

D. Kuzka: Now guys, guess the riddles

D. Kuzka:

A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn't know

That danger awaits.

It glows behind the bushes

A pair of angry eyes...

Someone scary will meet

The girl now.

Who will deceive grandma?

To enter the house?

Who is this girl?

Who is this beast?

You can answer the riddle

Answer now.

("Little Red Riding Hood")


This fairy tale hero

With a ponytail, mustache,

He has a feather in his hat,

I'm all striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots.

(Puss in Boots)

Mom's daughter was born

From a beautiful flower.

Nice, little one!

The baby was an inch tall.

If you have read the fairy tale,

Do you know what my daughter's name was?


D. Kuzka: Grabbed tightly:

Oh, I can’t pull it out!

Oh, I'm stuck tight!

But also assistants

They'll come running soon...

Friendly common work!

Who is stuck so tightly?

Did you find out?


D. Kuzka: Well done boys.

Leading: Kuzya, do you know the colors?

Kuzya: Certainly!

Presenter: (shows petals different color) What color is this petal? What about this one? Well, what about this one? (Kuzya gets confused in his answers)

In our kindergarten even kids know colors: red, yellow, blue, green. Look how cleverly they find the petals of the right color, and even collect a flower from them!

A game "Collect a flower"

Leading: Kuzya, do you know where students put their supplies when they go to school?

D. Kuzka: How to where! In the bag! To the big one!

Leading: Do guys go to school with a bag? (children's answers)

Leading: No! They go to school with a backpack! Do you know what needs to be put in your backpack?

D. Kuzka: (lists quickly). Ice cream, cake, lemonade, chewing gum,

toys, candy wrappers, pebbles, a slingshot...

Leading: Stop! Guys! Let's tell Kuza what school supplies will be needed for studying.

Children: Briefcases, notebooks, pens, pencils...

Leading: Kuzma, do you remember?

D. Kuzka: Certainly! You can check.

A game "Who needs what" D. Kuzka: What a great fellow you are, guys! I learned so much today! Thank you!

D. Kuzka: Guys, it’s good to exercise, but you also need to rest. Let's play!

Round dance game "At Granny Malanya's"

The children hold hands, and Kuzka stands in a circle and begins to hum a song, accompanying it with expressive movements.

At Malanya's, at the old woman's, the children move in a circle

We lived in a small hut in one direction,

Seven daughters holding hands.

Seven sons

All without eyebrows. Stop

With such eyes and with the help of gestures

With such ears, and facial expressions depict what

With such noses as they say in text:

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

Didn't eat anything

They sat all day, squatting down and resting their chin with one hand.

They looked at her

They did it like this... Repeat any funny movement after the leader. (3 times)

D. Kuzka: Guys, I see you know how to play, but can you count?

Children: Yes!

D. Kuzka: I'll check now. I will ask you fun problems, and you will answer them. Do you agree?

At the house in the morning

Two hares were sitting

And together a cheerful song

One ran away

And the second one looks after me.

How much is the house

Zaitsev sits (1)

Three bear cubs in the apiary

They played hide and seek by the barrel.

One barely fit into the barrel.

How many ran into the forest? (2)

I'm drawing a cat's house:

Three windows, a door with a porch.

There's another window upstairs

So that it is not dark.

Count the windows

In the cat's house. (4)

*** Badger Grandmother

I baked pancakes.

Treated two grandchildren -

Two pugnacious badgers.

But the grandchildren didn’t have enough to eat,

The saucers are knocking with a roar.

Come on, how many badgers are there?

Are they waiting for more and are silent? (0)

D. Kuzka: I can!

Leading: We'll check now. Listen carefully to the problem. Kuzka answers incorrectly and the children help him.

Seven funny pigs

They stand in a row at the trough.

The two went to bed,

How many pigs does the trough have? (5)

Leading: Kuzka, aren’t you ashamed? You don’t know how to count, you don’t know colors.

D. Kuzka: That's why I know how to play.

A game "Listen to the clapping"

Everyone moves around the room in a free direction to the music.

When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take a stork pose. (standing on one leg, arms to the sides).

If the leader claps twice, the players should take the frog position (squat, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between the feet on the floor).

After three claps, the players resume walking.

Leading: The game is very interesting. Well done, Kuzka!

Kuzka: Guys, there are more riddles for you in my chest.

1. I’m ready to blind the whole world

House, car, two cats.

I am the ruler today

I have (Plasticine)

2. If you hone it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?. (Pencil)

3. Your braid without fear

She dips it in paint.

Then with a dyed braid

In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)

4. Students write to them,

Answering at the board. (Chalk)

D. Kuzka: What great guys you are, you know everything, you can do everything. Leading:

You see, Kuzya, the children are in kindergarten They learn a lot and continue to learn in schools and institutes. They become smart, educated people and acquire different professions.

D. Kuzka: Guys, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Children's answers

D. Kuzka: I also want to become someone very important and necessary.

Leading: Kuzya, in order to become someone very important and necessary, you need to study a lot and for starters, you Kuzka need to study at school.

Just today, 1 September, the school year begins, all schoolchildren begin to study. Go to school quickly, otherwise you will be late for lesson D. Kuzka: I ran! Goodbye! See you again!

Leading: Well, ours the fun is over. Guys, be obedient, attentive, inquisitive in order to surprise your friends and parents with your knowledge. Goodbye!