Weekly planning New Year “Christmas tree. New Year's project in kindergarten

Elena Lopatko
Project "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Project on artistic-aesthetic and social-communicative, cognitive, speech development.


Lopatko Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of the preparatory group.

Quote on topic:

Winter has scattered fluffy snow,

The frost could not cool the soul,

And silvery frost shines,

Like magical rose petals.

There is no more beautiful winter gift,

Even though it’s winter, spring reigns in my soul,

The sun shines festively and brightly,

Blue makes the sky happy.

Anatoly Bolutenko

Problem: Create an emotionally joyful atmosphere in the group as early as possible in anticipation of New Year, with the involvement of parents in the problem, when there is no snow outside, it rains and there is no feeling of holiday at all, and therefore there is no festive mood.

Subject project: « New Year's kaleidoscope»

Relevance. New Year one of the most fun and magical holidays, which is loved, awaited, prepared and celebrated by both children and adults. New Year is considered to be a family holiday. Good tradition of celebration New Year, encourages people to get together with friends and relatives, give each other gifts, and bring joy to everyone. And in kindergarten, in anticipation New Year, this holiday unites children, teachers and parents of pupils into one big friendly family who is busy, fussing, preparing surprises for the celebration.

Target: Formation in children of a conscious attitude towards the customs and traditions of celebrating New Year's celebration, enrichment social experience children through various activities.


1. Give children an idea of ​​where the holiday came from "New Year".

2. Introduce children and parents to the new holiday "Santa Claus's Birthday", tell the children the history of the celebration New Year in Russia. Give information about where Santa Claus lives.

3. Develop Creative skills children in preparation for the holiday through making crafts, learning dances, reading poems, stories, and fairy tales.

4. Involve parents of students in joint activities.

5. Cultivate kind-hearted relationships with each other.

6. Create a desire to prepare gifts and surprises for friends, family and loved ones for the upcoming holiday.

Project will be used in the following types activities:

Gaming, motor, productive, research, creative, collaborative.

Period project: within thematic weeks « New Year's kaleidoscope» from 23.11-28.11.2014

Novelty the project consists:

In expanding the interactive and information field of interaction with parents;

Involving parents in pedagogical DOW process, as well as providing assistance in forming the correct attitude of parents towards the development of their child, taking into account his individual feature development;

Participants project:

1. children and parents of the preparatory group (6-7 years old,

2. educators: Lopatko E. A., Boyko L. A.

3. music director: Afanasyeva A. S.

View project... frontal, short-term

Type project: creative and informational

Methods: visual, verbal, practical, research.


Situational dialogue.

Introductory conversation with parents and children to create a psychologically comfortable environment designed for a differentiated approach to each child during implementation project.

Conducting GCD

Reading poems about New Year;

Examination of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists;

Creative workshop on art activities;

Didactic games

Carrying out relaxation breaks using musical means during regime moments;

Exhibitions of children's works;

Consultations for parents;

Cultural and leisure program "Sleeping Beauty"

Event (GCD, excursions, experiments, cultural and leisure activities, conversations, reading, etc., but necessarily integrated)

Social partners

1 Situational dialogue “Where the Christmas tree came to us from”; “Have you always decorated the Christmas tree for New Year's holiday;

2 Conversation with children and parents:

"Winter Events",

"Who will decorate our city"(talk about the traditions of celebrating the New Year, forming a caring attitude towards the results of people’s work.)

"Protect yourself"(introduce children to the basics of safety during snowfall, ice, etc. weather conditions in winter. Learn to provide basic assistance in case of frostbite).

"About Veliky Ustyug"

Eco walk “Through the winter alleys of our city.”

Observation:“How conifers prepare for winter”(invite the children to examine the spruce branches, carefully remove the scales from the bud located at the tip of the spruce paw. Show how tightly the bud is clogged with a resinous substance. Help them draw a conclusion about how the spruce prepares for the onset of cold weather.

3 gcd drawing “How we dance in music class”(draw a winter dance)

4 Literary living room for family reading

"Winter in children's books". Drawing up proposals for New Year's cards.

Listening to legends and tales about Veliky Ustyug.”

Writing stories on a topic “Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug”.

Looking at book illustrations « New Year wishes» E. Karganova

parents and the city district library

5 Didactic games: "Say the number"(for clarity, use Christmas decorations, snowballs, "Vitamin houses"(consolidate knowledge about the beneficial properties of vitamins and how they are necessary in winter period.) “When does this happen?”(to stimulate children's knowledge about the seasons). "What changed?"(looking at the paintings late autumn and winter).

Learn to play word game "Say the word"(use cognitive questions "Did you know..."(as they call Santa Claus in other countries, where the Christmas tree came from, who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree, etc.)

6 Creative workshop of Santa Claus

"Palace for the Snow Maiden and Father Frost"(Lego constructor)

Strengthen the ability to cut snowflakes from paper napkins.

7 Work in the experimentation corner "The protective property of snow"

Working in a corner of nature "Feeding plants in winter"

8 Outdoor games: "Faster than frost", "Accurate shooter""Two Frosts" "Jumping Sparrows", "Keep your balance".


9 Exhibition « New Year decoration » parents

10 Drawing "Magic Bird", "Winter forest",« New Year's goat» ;

Application « New Year's greeting card";

Modeling "Snowman from a fairy tale".

11 Stories from personal experience "Merry New Year's competitions» (consolidate knowledge about winter, New Year's holidays; about their fairy-tale heroes; cultivate a friendly attitude among children in play; develop the ability to listen to a friend.

12 Consultation for parents « Winter Games and fun". Recommend writing a letter to Grandfather Frost"

13 Cultural and leisure program

"Sleeping Beauty"

14 Participation in a children's drawing competition "Star Goat"

Expected results (product project) :

Project"New Year's kaleidoscope" met our expectations, brought an emotionally joyful mood " In anticipation of New Year"!

Children's knowledge and ideas about New Year's holiday, its customs, attributes and characters - expanded during conversations, looking at illustrations, reading poems and stories, and didactic games.

Gave a big boost to creative development children, liberated and brought all participants closer together project.

Well done New Year's celebration.

Parents are actively involved in joint cognitive and creative activities with their children, and family ties are strengthened.

Calendar planning of educational work in the preparatory group Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”. Involvement in active, diverse participation in preparation for the holiday and its implementation.2. Cultivating a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday activities, an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, and a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Create a desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts made with your own hands.3. Continued acquaintance with the traditions of New Year celebrations in different countries.4. Enriching children's knowledge about safe behavior in winter.Making New Year's crafts"New Year is on the horizon"Date of the final event: 22.12. 2017Responsible for the final event: Natalya Aleksandrovna Nesterchuk

Day of week 1

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Group, subgroup

Monday 18 December


reception and examination of pupils


Morning exercise complex

Conversation Who is Santa Claus? Is Santa Claus real?

Where does Santa Claus live? In the palace? Why do they decorate the Christmas tree? Will we decorate the group for the holiday? Teacher's story: “How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly.”

Guessing riddles from Santa Claus's chest.

Printed board game: “Collect a picture.”

Goal: develop attention, memory; develop interest in tasks in which you can test your knowledge.

On duty in a corner of nature to water the flowers, wipe the dust from the leaves. Mark the weather conditions on the calendar.

(Sasha, Egor T., Ksenia)“Herringbone” - work with geometric triangular shapes. (Dyenesha blocks)(Maxim, Dasha)

- Add: illustrations on the theme “New Year is a favorite holiday”

New Year themed coloring pages.

Introduce new board and printed games on this topic into the educational corner.

in the art corner to work with stencils related to New Year theme Information in parent corner

“What to give a child for the New Year”

Physical development(pool). According to the swimming instructor's plan. 1 and 2 subgroups.

Artistically – aesthetic development. Drawing. Subject: " New Year's city»

Literature: “Notes comprehensively - thematic classes» N.S. Golitsyn p. 251. Purpose: To consolidate the idea of ​​​​winter natural phenomena; practice conveying the plot; consolidate the ability to place images higher and lower throughout the entire sheet of paper, convey the flavor of the winter festive city.

Games, preparation for a walk.


Bird watching. create a desire to take care of wintering birds, pour food into the feeders; expand knowledge about wintering birds, hang lard for tits.

Games with snow. Clearing snow from paths on site. Goal: to cultivate hard work, communication skills, and teach how to work together.

Outdoor games “The deer has a big house.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text.

Situational conversation “What exercises train the strength of the muscles of the legs (arms, back)”.

Exercise children in throwing snowballs at a vertical target ( Ind. Work: Nikita, Gleb, Alyosha)

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed


1. Education of cultural and hygienic skills and abilities: Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker.

2. Reading G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists. Winter" Purpose: to enrich children's knowledge about winter, to analyze figurative expressions found in the text



Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Walking along massage paths.

- Training on the formation of the basics of life safety . Conversation No. 11. Subject: “Why is it dangerous? severe frost", "Dangerous situations while skating on the ice of a river, down a hill on a sled"

Target:repeat with children the rules of safe behavior in winter time of the year

Role-playing game: “Mail” by Moroz. Goal: to cultivate a culture of relationships between children. Formation primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and people’s lives. New Year congratulate each other" (they give gifts, send Greeting Cards, parcels, letters, etc.)

- D. and “Find the odd one out” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to generalize them, use a generalizing concept when highlighting the odd one out in the table, explain the choice(Ulyana, Stepan, Daria).

Work on instructions from a speech therapist (Roma, Ruslan, Timofey.)

Attributes for the s/r game “Family”, d/i, Board games on the topic of the week

Organized educational activities

- Artistic and aesthetic development (Musical).


Card file of walks, card No. 10.Observing clouds and clouds in the evening sky. Goal: to teach children to identify snow clouds. P/I “Wind, ice and frost”Ind. Job.D/i “Nature and Man” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to manwith Sasha, Senya, Daniil, Yaroslav.

- Recommend that parents talk again with their children about how to behave on the ice. Observe with your child how passers-by behave in icy conditions and analyze each situation.

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Cooperative activity adults and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Subject development organization - spatial environment to support children's initiative (independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils


Morning exercises.

Conversation with children “How winter surprises us”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about winter.

D I “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag?” Goal: to teach children to recognize objects by their characteristic features; intensify the use in speech of the names of objects, their parts, and the materials from which they are made.

Duty in a corner of nature Purpose: to continue to introduce the symbols when filling out the calendar. (Diana B., Denis B.) Ind. JobD/game “Find what I will describe” - develop attention, the ability to navigate in space ( Maxim, Polina S., Matvey)

Submission of material on the topic of the week.

- Looking at books and albums) pictures from the “Winter” series.

D/i “Match the color of the mittens”, D/i “Find a pair”, D/i “Assemble a picture”, games - shading, tracing for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparing the hand for writing

Organized educational activities

Topic: "Measurement" V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten” p. 68. Purpose: To teach children to determine the volume of liquid using a conventional measure; consolidate the ability to form the number 9 from two smaller numbers; consolidate temporary ideas.

Artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) “Yolka toys - cones, bears and crackers” - teamwork « Visual activities in kindergarten" I.A. Lykova page 104Physical development. According to the instructor's plan physical culture

Games, preparation for a walk.






Observation of the wind - clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the world around them, about the air, about the wind; introduce the reasons for its occurrence, signs: snow flakes have become large - which means wait for a thaw; winter snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.

D/i “Words – Relatives” - Exercise children in selecting words with the same root (Snow - snowy...Winter-winter...etc.)

P/i “Frost, Red Nose” - develop motor activity while walking.

Labor activity: Sprinkling bird food, clearing the path to the feeder. Goal: to cultivate a desire to care for animals, to feed them correctly Experience “Snow and ice - water that has changed its state under the influence of t” - to help establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions (at the request of the children) Sasha, Marina, Polina S. , Daria, Diana G.

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed


1. Education of cultural and hygienic skills and abilities: Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker. 2. Reading G. Andersen “ The Snow Queen» - note the characters’ characters, their positive and negative sides, identify the educational value of the fairy tale





- Health-improving work, hardening activities;

D/i: “Around and around” - develop visual perception, attention, learn to use prepositions correctly.

P/n: “Find what I’ll hide” - to develop the ability to navigate in space.

S/r game: “Family” - “We’re going to winter walk" Goal: To develop and enrich the plot of the game, to consolidate the name of the details of winter clothing. Continue to develop the skills to keep your closet clean and tidy on your own.

- Folding geometric shapes. Goal: To develop children’s ability to lay out objects from geometric shapes. Develop fine motor skills hands, thinking, memory. Strengthen knowledge about geometric shapes and colors(Roma, Ruslan)

Work in the book corner: restoration of old books - teach children to independently carry out the entire cycle of work: identify books in need of repair, labor operations.

Organized educational activities

Formation complete picture peace. "Russian holidays and New Year's traditions." “Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyna p. 239 Goal: to systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about New Year’s traditions and Russian holidays. Introduce children to the periods of winter and winter months.



Card file of walks, card No. 5 Observing the weather Goal: to develop observation skills. Reinforce the signs of winter. Pay attention to changes occurring in nature. Ind. Job. Kira, Ksenia, Dasha.

Interaction with families of pupils

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative (independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils


Morning exercises. According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Conducting an interview “What do I expect from the New Year?”

modeling the situation “If something suddenly burns, and I’m alone”, “If something bad happens to someone.” Remind children that careless handling of fire or electrical appliances may result in a fire. To consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call “01”, to consolidate the ability to say one’s last and first name; last name, first name and patronymic of parents, home address and telephone number

“Syllabic auction” (add another one to this syllable) Ko-…(ni) Ko-…(t)Ko-…(ver) Ka-…(sha)Ka-…(men) How-…(tus)Goals: develop reaction speed, memory. Polina E., Kira, Alyosha.

Work in notebooks - consolidate the ability to solve logical problems, write down the solution in numbers - Sasha, Roma, Ruslan, Gleb. FEMP. “Comparison by height” - practice counting within 10 (optional)(Ksenia, Ulyana, Egor T.)

Games in the experimentation corner.Looking at pebbles through a magnifying glass. “Who sees what” (crystals, cracks, patterns, etc.)Prepare attributes for staging a fairy tale (masks, costumes).

Organized educational activities

Speech development. Topic Compiling a story based on the painting “We are not afraid of frost” Goal: to teach telling stories based on the painting without repeating each other’s stories; use figurative words and expressions to describe winter. Learn to identify essential features when comparing phenomena; give tasks to select definitions and synonyms; introduce the polysemy of words. Literature: “Speech development of children 5 – 7 years old” O.S. Ushakova page 163

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) Topic: “New Year tree” Literature: “ Complex classes» N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 178

Physical development in the air (a set of outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity (planned and carried out by the teacher)

Games, preparation for a walk.



Card file of walks, December.

I/u(Sasha, Diana G., Maxim, Daria)“Freeze! " - for attention.

“Snow - blizzard - blizzard” - be able to perform movements in accordance with the command.

Didactic game: “Let’s help the doll choose winter clothes and shoes."

Conversation “Winter. Safety". To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street in winter; formation of ideas about situations dangerous to humans and methods of behavior in them (providing first aid).

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed


Situational conversation about the culture of eating Goal: continue to teach children to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, do not rock in the chair, do not rush and do not talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.- Reading G. Andersen “The Snow Queen” - note the characters of the characters, their positive and negative sides, identify the educational value of the fairy tale (continued)



1. Gymnastics for waking up after sleep (card file, card No.) - Reading fairy tales“What kind of winter is it like?”Theatrical production activities.Fairy tale dramatization“What kind of winter is it like?”Goal: to arouse children's interest in theatrical play. Develop the ability to carry them out. To develop the ability to monitor the development of actions in dramatization games and puppet shows. Develop creative abilities, the ability to take on a role, and engage in role interaction.Board and printed game “Seasons”. Target:teach children to classify according to certain criteria. -D/i “Find a pair (mittens)” - develop attention, consolidate knowledge about the color, shape, size of objects.

“Determine the place of the sound in the word” Purpose: to train children to determine the place of the sound in the word; develop phonemic hearing (Ksyusha, Polina S.) Goal: consolidate the ability to determine what material objects are made of.

add: children's work: “New Year's dreams” - masks, costumes, New Year-themed attributes

Organized educational activities

Physical development. According to the plan of the physical education instructor.



Card file of walks (December) Ind. Job. . Experience: what will happen to pieces of ice if you hold them in your hand; physiological experiments (draw children’s attention to how the work of our body changes during outdoor games, physical activity(redness, sweating, rapid heartbeat) Kira, Daria, Sasha.

Interaction with families of pupils

Day of week 4

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative (independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils






Conversation about holidays in Rus'. Goal: Continue to introduce Russian folk holidays.

Instill love and respect for folk traditions. To consolidate ideas about holidays, learn to identify holidays of different types (professional, national, etc.). - Didactic game: “When does this happen?”Target:consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, seasonal changes, activate relevant concepts in speech, learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

D/game “Let's make tea for the dolls” - to train children in measuring the volume of liquids, to form ideas about standards and everyday methods of measuring volume. (Dasha, Maxim, Amir)

Create conditions for: looking at illustrations in books about life in winter. Goal: developing interest in fiction

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development(FEMP) Subject:"Composition of the number 10" Goal: Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers; distinguish and name numbers in order; practice orientation on a sheet of squared paper; consolidate temporary ideas. Literature: V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten” p. 71

Physical development. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.

Games, preparation for a walk.






Card file of walks, December

Ind. Job . D/i “Words are relatives” - exercise children in selecting words with the same root Matvey, Diana B., Denis O.

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



1. KGN: strengthen children’s ability to use individual personal hygiene items (handkerchief, comb, towel), and monitor their appearance.2. " New Year's greetings snowman" A. Usachev Goal: to develop the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works.



Gymnastics for waking up after sleep (card file)

- “Guess the riddles!” - Russian folklore Looking at the illustration " Winter fun"(snowman): A snowman, a snowman, appeared in the yard: his nose was a carrot, his mouth was a potato and a bucket on his head.- Phenomena of social life: “Russian New Year” - introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Rus'. Introduce the homeland of Santa Claus. (computer presentation) Compiling stories from memory “About New Year's holiday» Goal: Continue to develop the ability to write stories from experience.

Individual work with Danil, Egor R.Folding geometric shapes. Goal: to develop children’s ability to lay out objects from geometric shapes. Develop fine motor skills, thinking, memory. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes; -performance graphic dictations Goal: learn to navigate on a sheet of paper,to do a task

Contribute :snowflake stencils for cutting out yourself, books about winter

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (construction/cognitive-research) "Father Frost". Goal: Activate the idea of folk traditions and holidays; consolidate the idea of ​​conveying the impression of the holiday in artistic creativity; learn how to use origami technique



Card file of walks (December)Ind. Job. Roma, Ruslan, Timofey. Goal: to exercise the ability to maintain stable balance, to improve walking technique.

Interaction with families of pupils

Conversation about correct behavior during prevention colds(about the behavior of a sick and healthy child). Talk to your parents about the benefits of hardening.

Day of the week

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils






- Conversation“A city decorated for the holiday” Purpose: to introduce the custom of celebrating the New Year: who decorates and why, to form a caring attitude towards the results of other people’s work. -Finger gymnastics “Snowman”. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. -D/I “Relatives of Santa Claus” Purpose: to find the differences between Father Frost and Santa Claus; to expand children’s knowledge about the relatives of Father Frost, to continue to teach how to find the differences between Father Frost and Santa Claus. - Formation of the KGN. Exercise “Handkerchiefs” - form the habit of keeping your nose clean, using a handkerchief as necessary.

Duty in a corner of nature: watering plants. Teach children to independently determine the need for watering based on the color of the soil, and develop responsibility for the assigned task. Individual work (Sasha, Arkady, Styopa) GameKsyusha. Maxim Goal: continue to develop the ability to safely handle scissors

Creating conditions for independent activity: in the art corner for working with stencils and playing with building materials

Coloring theme coloring pages

cut pictures “Assemble a Christmas tree”, “Snowman”

Following the rules of board games.

Organized educational activities

Physical development (Swimming pool) - According to the swimming instructor's plan.

Artistic and aesthetic development (Musical). According to the plan of the additional education teacher.

Games, preparation for a walk.






Card index, card December Conversation "People's clothing in winter." Goal: to consolidate the name and types of clothing, the name and properties of the material for winter clothing.Individual work with Polina E., Timofey, Daniil, Diana B. Development of movements. "Who's next?" Goal: practice throwing snowballs with your right and left hands in a certain direction.

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



Conversation “Table behavior.” Goal: To develop self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills, teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold a tablespoon correctly and lean over the plate.Reading "Snowflakes" by M. Ilyin and E. Segal.Goal: to cultivate interest in fiction.





Gymnastics waking up after sleep (card file) - New Year's kaleidoscope of poems.

Repeat poems dedicated to the New Year and read them expressively. Expressive reading of poems about the New Year.

-Household – domestic labor: washing toys.

Goal: to cultivate accuracy, develop the ability to distribute responsibilities among themselves, and bring the work started to the end.

Ind.r. with Dasha and Arkady D/i “Words are relatives” - exercise children in selecting words with the same rootIndividual work (Timofey, Alyosha) Game “Constructing from sticks” Goal: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes, development logical thinking children.

Invite parents to an exhibition of children's crafts"New Year is on the horizon"

Organized educational activities

Speech development: Topic: Lesson No. 10 “Vowel sounds” Purpose: Consolidation and expansion of ideas about vowel sounds, their similarities and differences in articulatory and acoustic characteristics; development of phanetic-phonemic processes by complicating the operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison of the sound composition of words (based on vowel sounds); development of coherent speech, speech-thinking activity, memory, verbal attention.

Literature: “On the Road to the ABC” by T.R. Kislova p. 345



-Card index (December)

-Individual work with Maxim, Arkady, Senya. chm Development of movements. "Who's next?" Goal: practice throwing snowballs with your right and left hands in a certain direction.


Interaction with families of pupils

Consulting for parental requests Parents are recommended to: talk about the New Year holiday as a family holiday, awakening interest in family ties, showing the joy of family relationships

1 Week

“Hello, Zimushka - winter!”

2 week

"City of masters"

3 week

"New Year's Kaleidoscope"

4 week

"New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Formation of a holistic picture of the world


"Winter. Winter items."


“Formation of a holistic picture of the world” O.N. Kaushkal page 55

Topic: “Merry haze and golden Khokhloma”


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 403


"Russian holidays and New Year's traditions."


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyna page 239


"New Year. Winter fun."


“Formation of a holistic picture of the world” O.N. Kaushkal page 67



"Frosty patterns" (decorative drawing) Literature: "Fine and constructive - modeling activities" O.V. Pavlova

Page 28

Topic: “Based on Dymkovo painting”


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 411

Topic: “New Year’s city”


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 251

Topic: “Palace of Father Frost.”


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyna page 248


"Winter evening. Landscape" Literature:

“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 169

Topic: “The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep”


“Art activities in kindergarten” by I.A. Lykova page 102


"Christmas tree"


“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 178

Topic: “New Year’s holiday in kindergarten”


“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 184

Speech development


Comparatively – descriptive story"Winter Evening" Literature:

“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 176


“Coming up with a story based on a set of toys related to the content of nursery rhymes and tongue twisters”


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 409


Compiling a story based on the painting “We are not afraid of frost”


“Speech development of children 5 – 7 years old” O.S. Ushakova page 163

Topic: Compiling a story from the collective experience “New Year’s holiday in kindergarten” Literature:

“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 245


Sound "N"

Literature “Teaching literacy” Nishcheva N.V. sР57


Sound "M"

Literature “Teaching literacy” Nishcheva N.V. from 62


Consolidation lesson No. 12

Literature “Teaching literacy” Nishcheva N.V. s66


Sound “K” lesson No. 13

Literature “Teaching literacy” Nishcheva N.V. from 69


Subject: : “Composition of a number from two smaller ones within 5.”


Sycheva G.Ya.


"Let's learn to count well."


page 406


"Christmas tree in the forest"


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 240


"Check. Christmas tree»

" Literature:

“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 172



V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten” p. 58


“Composition of the number 8” by V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten” p. 60


« Geometric figures»

V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten” p.63


"Composition of the number 9" V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten” p. 65

Constructive and cognitive-research


"Young ecologist"


“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 183

Topic: “City of Folk Craftsmen”


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 408

Topic: "Santa Claus"


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 274

Topic: “Father Frost’s Estate” - Literature:

“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 244


Topic: (Modeling)

“My favorite fairy-tale characters” Literature:

“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyna page 272

Theme: (applique)

"Gorodets Toys"


“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyna

page 431

Topic: (sculpting)

“Yolka’s toys – cones, bears and firecrackers” - collective work

Literature: Literature:

“Art activities in kindergarten” by I.A. Lykova page 104

Theme: (applique)

"Funny New Year's round dance»

Literature: Literature:

“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn page 252

Application preparatory group topic Dramatization of the fairy tale “What kind of winter is it like?”

What is winter like? (fierce, blizzard, cold, snowy, etc.)

And here is how the Boy, Bird, Elephant, Deer and Bear answer this question.

(The teacher places the heroes of the fairy tale on the mat one by one).

They once asked the Elephant:

What is winter like?

And what is it? – Elephant was surprised.

Children, why did the Elephant answer like that?

That's right, this is a southern animal, where the Elephant lives there is no winter.

Then they asked Reindeer:

Maybe you can answer what winter is like?

Winter can be very long,” said the Deer. – In my homeland it lasts a whole year. And when the year ends, winter begins again.

Why does winter last a whole year for Deer?

Then they asked the Red-breasted Bullfinch:

What do you think winter is like?

Winter can be difficult,” the Bullfinch squeaked in response. “It’s good if they don’t forget to pour bread crumbs into the feeders.” And if they forget, where will you find them?

Think, children, what help can we give to the birds in winter?

Then they asked the Bear:

What do you think, Toptygin? What is winter like?

“Why talk about it,” muttered the Bear. “After all, winter can be short - it lasts only one night!” You fall asleep in a den in winter, and when you wake up, it’s already spring.

Why doesn't the Bear notice winter?

Yes, he hibernates in his den and sleeps all winter.

They also asked the Boy:

Come on, tell me, what kind of winter is it?

Winter can be fun! - the boy shouted. - In winter...

Why did the Boy say that - cheerful? - What did he want to say next?

Listen, children, to how the Boy answered: “In winter, everyone goes sledding, skating, and skiing!” They also play in the snow! This is what winter is like!

Your answers coincided with the Boy's answers. But not only children, but also adults love this time of year for the joys of winter.

Snowflakes According to M. Ilyin and E. Segal.

Once upon a time there were snowflakes. They were born in a snow cloud high above the earth. They grew by leaps and bounds. And every hour they became more beautiful and elegant.

They all looked alike, like sisters, but each had their own outfit. One was just like a star with six rays. The other resembled a flower with six petals. And the third sparkled like a precious stone. Snowflakes grew and flew to the ground in a white flock. There were so many of them that no one could count them.

In the city they waged a real war against snowflakes: they shoveled them, swept them with brooms, and removed them with machines. By noon, the asphalt on the streets was black again, as if winter had never happened. Yes, it’s impossible otherwise. After all, snow prevents trams and trolleybuses from running and slows down cars.

And on the collective farm they rejoiced at the snow. When the muddy road ends, it will be possible to change the wheels to runners and quickly rush along the smooth sled track.

Children made snowballs out of snowflakes, sculpted clumsy heads and bodies of snow women out of snow...

The collective farmers said: it’s good that the snow fell. It will protect the green shoots of winter crops from frost.

So the snowflakes would have lain all winter in one place, like sleeping beauties, if the wandering wind had not come across them. The wind began to walk across the field and began to lift and stir up snowflakes. There was no time for sleep here. The snowflakes had to move from their place and set off along with the wind.

They would have rushed across the field for a long time if they had not come across a ravine. They hid from the wind. Where can you find a quieter place?

But then the collective farmers intervened. It was not to their advantage that the wind would blow snow away from the field.

When spring comes, the fields will need snow melt water, and the snow will be in the ravine. So the collective farmers decided to stop the wind from plundering the fields. They began to place shields in the wind's path.

Vladimir Suteev Elka

This morning the guys looked at the calendar, and there was the last piece of paper left.

Tomorrow is New Year! Tomorrow is the Christmas tree! The toys will be ready, but the Christmas tree will not be there. The guys decided to write a letter to Santa Claus so that he would send a Christmas tree from the dense forest - the fluffiest, most beautiful.

The guys wrote this letter and quickly ran into the yard to build a snowman.

Everyone worked together: some shoveled snow, some rolled balls...

They put an old bucket on the Snowman's head, made eyes from coals, and stuck a carrot instead of a nose.

The postman snowman turned out well!

The guys gave him their letter and said:

Snowman, Snowman,

Brave snow mailman,

You'll go into the dark forest

And you will take the letter.

Santa Claus will receive a letter -

Find a Christmas tree in the forest

Fluffier, better

In green needles.

Hurry up this tree

Bring it for all the kids!

Evening came, the guys went home, and the Snowman said:

- They gave me a task! Where should I go now?

- Take me with you! - Bobby the puppy suddenly said. - I will help you find the way.

- That's right, it's more fun with two! - the Snowman was happy. - You will protect me with the letter and remember the way.

Snowman and Bobik walked for a long time and finally came to a huge, dense forest...

The Hare ran out to meet them.

- Where does Santa Claus live here? - the Snowman asked him.

But the Hare has no time to answer: the Fox is chasing him.

And Bobik: “Tuff, knock” - and also after the Hare.

The Snowman was sad:

- It looks like I'll have to go on alone.

Just then a snowstorm arose; howled, a snowstorm swirled...

The Snowman trembled and... crumbled. Only a bucket, a letter and a carrot remained in the snow.

The fox came running back, angry:

- Where is the one who prevented me from catching up with the Hare?

He looks: there is no one, only a letter lies in the snow. She grabbed the letter and ran away.

Bobik returned:

- Where is the Snowman?

No Snowman. At this time, the Wolf caught up with the Fox.

- What are you talking about, godfather? - the Wolf growled. - Let's share!

- I don’t want to share, I’ll need it myself,” said the Fox and ran.

The wolf is behind her. And the curious Magpie flew after them.

Bobik is crying, and the hares are telling him:

- That’s what you need: don’t chase us, don’t scare us!

- “I won’t scare you, I won’t chase you,” Bobik said, and he began to cry even louder.

- “Don’t cry, we will help you,” said the hares.

- “And we will help the hares,” said the squirrels.

The hares began to sculpt a Snowman, and the squirrels began to help them: they patted them with their paws and fanned them with their tails.

They put a bucket on his head again, made eyes out of coals, and stuck a carrot instead of a nose.

- Thank you,” said the Snowman, “for blinding me again.” Now help me find Santa Claus.

They took him to the Bear. The bear was sleeping in the den - they barely woke him up.

The Snowman told him about how the guys sent him with a letter to Santa Claus.

- Letter? - the Bear roared. - Where is it?

They grabbed it - but there was no letter!

- “Santa Claus won’t give you a Christmas tree without a letter,” said the Bear. - Better go back home, and I’ll take you out of the forest.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Magpie flew in and chirped:

- Here's a letter! Here's a letter!

And Soroka told how she found the letter. And everything was like that.

Everyone send a letter to Santa Claus.

The snowman is in a hurry, worried: he will slide down the hill, fall into a hole, or get caught on a stump.

It’s good that the Bear helped him out, otherwise the Snowman would have crumbled again.

Finally we came to Santa Claus. Santa Claus read the letter and said:

- Why is it so late? Before you have time, Snowman, you will bring the children a Christmas tree for the New Year.

Then everyone began to stand up for the Snowman and told what happened to him. Santa Claus gave him his sleigh, and the Snowman rushed with the Christmas tree to the guys.

The bear went home to sleep until spring. And in the morning the Snowman stood in the same place, only in his hands instead of a letter there was a Christmas tree.

Project on the theme "New Year's toys" for kindergarten. Preparatory group

Position and place of work: teacher, MDOU combined kindergarten No. 193
Relevance of the topic:
New Year is the most beloved, wonderful family celebration. A holiday with magical transformations and gifts from Santa Claus. The time of the New Year holidays is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of every year with the onset of winter cold. “What is the New Year?”, “Who invented it?”, “What are New Year’s toys for?”, “What kind of Christmas tree decorations are there?”, “How did our ancestors decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?”, “How do we celebrate the New Year in different countries?. The work carried out during the implementation of the “New Year’s Toys” project will help you understand this.
Project duration: short-term (2 weeks)
Project type: creative, exploratory
Project participants: children, teachers, parents
Children's age: 6-7 years
A problem that is significant for children, which the project aims to solve:
Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday for children is New Year. New Year's bustle, letters to Santa Claus, decorating the house with toys, long-awaited gifts under the tree, fun party in the family circle, the atmosphere of warmth - all this cannot be compared even with a birthday. But every year almost all the Christmas trees are decorated in the same way, Christmas balls from stores. In order to develop creative imagination, children and parents were invited to create Christmas tree decorations with their own hands and decorate the Christmas tree in some unusual way. Show that every year the New Year holiday can be celebrated in a special way. Along the way, broaden the horizons of children and create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the holiday.
During the project we set problematic issues:“Why have people always loved making toys with their own hands?”, “What material can be used to make a Christmas tree toy?”, “How can you make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands?”, “What will be the highlight of your toy?”

Objective of the project: expansion and systematization of children’s knowledge about the traditions of the New Year holiday, the history of the emergence of Christmas tree decorations, and the technology of its manufacture.

Project objectives:
For children:

1. To form the cognitive interest of preschoolers in studying the traditions of the New Year holiday and the history of its origin.
2. Give children an idea that a New Year’s toy is not only an attribute winter holiday, but also part of the history of our country.
3. Expand children's horizons in the field of New Year's holidays in different countries.
1. Develop children's communication skills.
2. Continue to develop creative imagination children, thinking and memory.
3. Contribute to the development of creative initiative and search activity of preschoolers.
1. Foster a respectful attitude towards the cultural heritage of our country.
2. Create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the New Year.
For teachers:
1. Increase the level of creative competence of teachers.
2. Develop readiness to use modern methods and technologies to ensure the quality of education. process.
3. Create conditions for constructive interaction with the families of pupils for the purpose of further cooperation.
For parents:
1. Increase the level of involvement of parents of students in activities of preschool educational institutions as active subjects.
2. Deepen the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

Final event of the project: New Year's party, exhibition-fair “New Year’s Souvenir”.
Project product: As a result of the work, New Year's toys and greeting cards as a product should be presented at the fair joint creativity parents, children and educators. Photo exhibition “We worked hard.”

Expected results for the project:
For children:
1. Expanding the horizons of children.
2. Uniting the children's team.
3. Development of interest in collective creative activity.
For teachers:
1. Increasing competence in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in educational activities.
2. Self-realization, increasing creative potential.
For parents:
1. Raising the level of awareness of parents on the technology of creating Christmas tree decorations.
2. Optimization of parent-child relationships.
3. Increasing the level of parental involvement in the activities of preschool educational institutions (parental activation).

Participation of preschool educational institutions specialists:
1. Musical director: musical accompaniment, learning songs for the New Year holiday.
2. Choreographer: staging dances.
3. Speech therapist: articulation (according to the group of sound disorders) and finger gymnastics, automation of production of sounds in poetry, tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

Project content:
To identify the relevance of this topic, a study was conducted in the form of a survey of parents.
Questions for parents:
What do you know about New Year holidays and traditions?
How was New Year celebrated before and now? (compare)
What New Year traditions are observed in your family?
Who invented the New Year?
Do you make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands or always buy them in the store?
Do you know how you can quickly and easily make a New Year's toy with your own hands?
As a result of the survey, it was revealed that 40% do not know about New Year's traditions and signs; 60% are in no hurry to make New Year's toys, but are in a hurry to buy them in the store. 40% believe that the child will be happy from the process itself. And it will be useful for parents to take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle and everyday problems and plunge into the festive atmosphere.
Thus, it was determined main aspects of presentation of the material on the project topic:
1. The history of the toy (How our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree).
2. Technology for making Christmas tree toys.
3. The history of the New Year holiday. Traditions.
4. How the New Year is celebrated in different countries.

Project implementation stages:
Preparatory stage
Actions of teachers: selection of material, methodological literature, information on the topics “History of the holiday”, “How do they celebrate the New Year in different countries?”, “Toy manufacturing technology”.
Children's actions: participation in thematic conversations“How do you celebrate the holiday in your family?”, “Who made the Christmas tree decorations and how?”, “How can you decorate the Christmas tree?” Examination of the illustrations “New Year’s toys.”
Parent actions: selection of material and information on the topics “How was the New Year celebrated in the old days?”, “The history of the emergence of Christmas tree toys.”

Organizational stage:
Actions of teachers: drawing up a project plan, developing lesson notes, discussing the final event with preschool specialists.
Children's actions: active participation in forms of work on the project topic.
Parent actions: dissemination of received information through visual campaigning.

Formative stage:
Actions of teachers: conducting classes with children (in all educational areas).
Children's actions: collaboration on production New Year's toys and postcards. Learning poems, songs and dances for the holiday.
Parent actions: joint work on the creation and design of the exhibition-fair “New Year’s Souvenir” and the photo exhibition “We worked hard.”

Final stage:
Actions of teachers: holding a New Year's party, exhibition-fair. Rewarding active project participants. Generalization of experience. Conducting a final survey of parents.
Children's actions: expanding children's knowledge within the framework of the project topic, participation in final events.
Parent actions: Participation in the New Year's holiday, exhibition-fair.
Participation in the survey.

After the final events, the parents of the group were interviewed again.
1. Do you like it when the Christmas tree is decorated with your products? collaboration with baby? What does it give?
2. Is it difficult to make toys?
3. What was the most difficult thing while participating in the project?
4. Will you continue to study the technology of making toys together with your child?
5. Have you decided on the holiday traditions in your family?
The answers were very pleasing. To the first question, 90% of parents answered: “Yes. It's unusual. Beautiful. Unique."
The second question was answered 50/50: “Yes, but it’s worth it.” / “No.”
To the third question, 70% of parents answered: “It’s difficult to decide to participate. It's hard to overcome laziness. The unknown is always a gamble,” and 30%: “Origami toys, especially kusudama.”
On the fourth, everyone answered: “Yes.”
And to the fifth there were many interesting answers like: “Every year we decorate the Christmas tree in a new way,” “We will make a toy with our child that corresponds to the year,” or “Every year we will learn something new.”

Event plan(compiled based on the GCD schedule)
1. Cognition (familiarization with the environment) “How our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree”

3. Work with a speech therapist teacher - articulation (for the group of sound disorders) and finger gymnastics “Don’t cut us the Christmas tree”
4. Artistic creativity(decorative drawing based on lace weaving) “Frosty patterns”

1. Communication (speech development) “New Year’s adventures of the Bunny” (creative storytelling)

3. Cognition (FEMP) “Segment. Ray” (see L.G. Peterson “One step – two steps” p. 78) Objectives: to form ideas about a segment, a ray. Learn to correlate the numbers of the second ten with the quantity, write stories-problems on addition and subtraction.
5. Artistic creativity/cognition (origami) “Flower snowflakes”

1. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) “What kinds of toys are there?”
2. Music - according to the plan of the muses. head
3. Communication (learning to read and write) work in notebooks. Objectives: to form ideas about the proposal. Practice composing sentences, dividing simple sentences into words, indicating their sequence.
4. Physical education on the street - according to the physical plan. instructor
5. Work with a speech therapist teacher - articulation (for the group of sound disorders) and finger gymnastics “The animals decorated the Christmas tree”

1. Work with a speech therapist teacher - articulation (for the group of sound disorders) and finger gymnastics “The children were surprised in the morning”
2. Cognition (FEMP) “Closed and open lines” (see L.G. Peterson “One step - two steps” p. 85) Tasks: to form ideas about a closed and open line. Strengthen the ability to correlate the numbers of the second ten with the number of objects, counting skills within 15, the relationship of the whole and parts.

4. Rhythm - according to the choreographer's plan


2. Artistic creativity (modeling from salt dough) Testoplasty “Christmas tree toys - cones, bears and crackers”
3. Excursion to the library - according to the plan of the Zimushka-Winter specialists
4. Reading fiction– T.A. Hoffman “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”

1. Cognition (familiarization with the environment) “ New Year traditions different countries"
2. Physical education - according to the physical plan. instructor
3. Work with a speech therapist teacher - articulation (for the group of sound disorders) and finger gymnastics “Gifts”
4. Artistic creativity (drawing) Coloring and decorating Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough - continuation of the lesson

1. Communication (speech development) “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree” (looking at and talking about toys)
2. Work with an educational psychologist - according to the psychologist’s plan
3. Cognition (FEMP) “Broken line, polygon” (see L.G. Peterson “One step - two steps” p. 89) Objectives: to introduce children to the concept of broken line, polygon. Continue to form ideas about the properties of objects, the relationship of the whole and parts.
4. Rhythm - according to the choreographer's plan
5. Artistic creativity/cognition (manual labor) “Hats, crowns and kokoshniks”

1. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) “Who invented the New Year?”
2. New Year's holiday

1. Work with a speech therapist teacher - articulation (for the group of sound disorders) and an exercise for coordinating speech with movement “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
2. Cognition (FEMP) “Angle” (see L.G. Peterson “One step - two steps” p. 98) Objectives: to form ideas about various types angles - straight, acute, obtuse. Review the composition of the number 10, the meaning of addition and subtraction, the concept of a polygon.
3. Music - according to the plan of the muses. head
4. Rhythm - according to the choreographer's plan

1. Physical education - according to the physical plan. instructor
2. Artistic creativity (decorative applique with design elements) “Magic Cloaks”
3. Exhibition-fair “New Year’s Souvenir”

You can also offer didactic games “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”, “Finish the sentence”, “What’s extra and why?”, nursery rhymes, and New Year-themed riddles.
Individual work was carried out daily by teachers (memorizing poems for the holiday) and together with a speech therapist (automation of the production of sounds in poetry, tongue twisters and tongue twisters).

Olga Vostyanova
Planning the regime in the preparatory group "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Morning reception.

A situational conversation about the main symbol of the year.

Target: deepen understanding of the traditions of celebrating New Year.

D/i "How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree"

Target: teach to relate number to quantity.

looking at photos of illustrations and paintings about New Year's holiday

Target: continue to develop speech as a means of communication.

Ind. slave. "Pure talk"

Target: Continue learning to pronounce all sounds.


Bird watching.

Target: develop observation, ability to compare, analyze.

Labor activity: clearing paths of snow.

Target: instill labor skills.

P/n "Guess what I caught?", "Frogs and Heron"


Games on the site.

Target: develop speed, endurance.

Ind. slave "Poems about N. g.

Target: develop speech, memory.

2 half day.

Reading the poem by O. Chusovitina “When is the New Year?”

Target: cultivate perseverance, attention.

Manual labor. Making "Cockerel" using scratch technique

Target: continue to teach how to use templates, show imagination.

Viewing with children New Year cards.

Target: conversation with children based on pictures.


Games with counting sticks. "The most big Christmas tree", "Palace of Father Frost"

Target: develop creative imagination.

Board and printed games "When does this happen?"

Target: update children’s knowledge about the parts of the day.

Conversation with parents. Invite parents to participate in the competition" New Year's toy"

Morning reception.

Conversation "Who is the most important New Year's holiday?"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge about N. g.

Board games "Collect the picture", Mosaic"

Target: develop logical thinking.

Looking at illustrations of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug.

Target: develop cognitive interest.


Observing the length of the day.

Target: generalize ideas about typical winter phenomena in inanimate nature.

Labor activity: help younger children build a slide.

Target: develop work skills.

P/ "Blind Man's Bluff", "Red Nose Frost"

Target: develop speed and agility.

Ind. slave "Throwing snowballs into the distance"

Target: practice throwing snowballs into the distance.

2 half day.

Situational conversation "We are writing a letter to Santa Claus"

Target: introduce the rules of writing a letter and discuss what gift you can receive from Santa Claus.

Board games at the request of children.

Target: Develop friendships.

Ind. slave "Learning letters"

Target: continue to learn how to name letters correctly.

Evening: Work in notebooks. Let's solve examples.

Target: Preparing children for school.

Sl. a game. "Come up with words for a certain sound."

Target: develop auditory attention.

Games with a constructor.

Target: develop gaming skills.

Morning reception.

Conversation on issues. "What do they call Santa Claus in different countries? How are they similar? How are they different?

Work in a corner of nature. Watering flowers.

Target: to instill the ability to care for flowers.

Ind. slave "Guess by description"

Target: Activate children's vocabulary.


Watching snowfall.

Target: continue to introduce natural phenomena.

Labor activity: Helping the janitor clear snow from the area.

Target: instill a desire to help adults.

P/ and "Sly Fox", "Don't Stay on the Floor"

Target: develop motor activity.

Games with external material.

Target: cultivate friendly relations with each other.

Ind. slave "Snipers"

Target: develop accuracy, eye.

2 half day.

Reading the story by A.V. Smirnov “Why do Christmas trees need needles?”

Target: teach to listen carefully and answer questions.

Physical exercise "The deer has a big house"

Target: develop the ability to repeat words and movements after the teacher.

S/r game "Meet N.G."

Target: consolidate with children the knowledge of the traditions of celebrating N.G.

Ind. slave "Literacy Education"

Target: improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words.

Evening: Origami. "Snowflake"

Target: teach children to independently cut out snowflakes from paper, develop fine motor skills.

Games with building materials.

Target: teach children to create models of buildings.

Morning reception.

Conversation "How to prepare for the meeting of N.G. in the family and in the kindergarten"

Target: activate children's speech.

D/i "Who will pick up more?"

Target: clarify the meaning of the concepts “word”, “sound”, “letter”

Ind. slave "We write in a notebook"

Target: Learn to write correctly in a notebook without leaving the cage.


Spruce observation.

Target: instill a love for inanimate nature.

Labor activity: Feed the birds at the feeder.

Target: teach children to take care of birds.

P/ "Hunters and Hares", "Red Nose Frost"

Target: develop motor activity.

Drawing with twigs on the snow on the theme " New Year's troubles"

Games on the site.

Target: Develop independence.

Ind. slave. "Walking on the boom.

Target: develop balance.

2 half day.

Imitation game" New Year's toys"

Target: learn to convey an image and show imagination.

S/R/I "Family"

Target: to form a culture of behavior in children, teach them to act in various communication situations.

Evening: Manual work: Unconventional drawing. "Cockerel"

Target: complete the drawing with the children, develop imagination and creativity.

Conversation with parents. Preparing costumes for the New Year's party.

Morning reception.

Conversation with children about the upcoming holiday, about gifts, about costumes.

Target: develop interest in the upcoming holiday.

D/i “Come up with a sentence with the word “snow”

Target: develop imagination, memory.

Looking at photo illustrations about winter.

Target: develop curiosity.

Target: teach children to sit correctly at the table and eat carefully.


Sky observation.

Target: Bring children to understand that the sky changes depending on the time of day and the weather.

Riddles about snow.

Target: Develop speech, memory,

Labor activity: Construction of a labyrinth.

Target: Develop activity, ability to work with a shovel, gaming skills.

P/n " Snow woman", "Two Frosts"

Target: Remind children of the rules of the game.

Independent games on site.

Target: develop motor activity.

Ind. slave Repeat the poem "White Birch" by S. Yesenin.

Target: remember the text of the poem.

2 half day.

Compiling stories with children on the topic " New Year's miracles"

Target: teach children to select the most interesting and significant things for the story.

Organize an exhibition New Year's toys made by children together with their parents

Target: involve parents in life groups.


Reading the work of S. Ivanov “What is snow like?”

Target: deepen children’s knowledge about the characteristics of nature at different times of the year and during different periods of winter.

Modeling according to plan.

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills, perseverance.

From December 21 to December 31

Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

  1. Tell your child about what holiday is coming soon. Pay attention to the tear-off calendar and its last pages.
  2. View houses Christmas tree, decorate it together with your child.
  3. Talk about Christmas tree decorations: pay attention to them appearance and the material from which they are made, name them,

compare toys by size and color.

4. Remember who comes to visit the children for the New Year and brings gifts.

5. Together with the child, remember how many months there are in a year and repeat their names.

6. Write a story (from personal experience) “How I decorated the New Year tree.” The story is written by a child.

7. Play didactic game“Pick a sign to an object”: Christmas tree (what?) -..., holiday (what?) -..., Christmas tree decorations (what?) -..., Santa Claus (what?) -..., Snow Maiden (what?) -..., guys (what?) -... , gifts (what?) -….

8. Learn a poem "Christmas tree":

The Christmas tree is lit, there are blue shadows under it,

Prickly needles, as if covered in white frost.

The lights on the tree are bright and everywhere.

In all the houses, all over the country, the children are smiling.

(L. Nekrasova)

9. Lay out the matchstick figurine according to the pattern.

A green Christmas tree grew in the forest.

I bring home the Christmas tree for the holiday.

10. Together with your child, make several

Christmas tree decorations and decorate the Christmas tree with them.