Memory is tactile. Feel the world around you (development of tactile memory with elements of psycho-emotional sensations) Tactile memory

Valentina Vragova

Childhood is an important period in personality development. During this period, children ask a lot of questions because they need new information for their brain to function. In children from 3 to 7 years old memory by speed of development ahead of other abilities. Looking at the picture, the child remembers, seeing an unusual object, he begins to reason, recalling something from his life experience. There wouldn't be memory and we would not understand anything because, without having time to receive information, we immediately forgot everything. Therefore, any child’s desire to remember something must be encouraged - this develops not only memory, but also the cognitive abilities of children (attention, imagination, perception, thinking). Memory- this is the basis of our consciousness.

A newborn baby learns the world gradually. First, what surrounds him, and then the child’s horizons gradually expand. Impressions from communicating with people play a big role in this, but this is not enough for him. He strives to interact with the world around him.

Direct contact child with objects allows you to learn their distinctive features, develop children's imagination, memory, form simple mental operations and the emotional state of the child.

“If you want to teach me something,

Let me go slowly. ”

Let me take a closer look. touch. hold in your hands Listen. smell. and maybe,

To taste.

Oh, how many I can find on my own.

Just please don’t rush me!”

From birth it is necessary to cultivate in a child sympathy for ordinary things, create harmony with the surrounding world and understanding that nature surrounds us, sends signals and asks us to pay attention on: yellow dandelions, leaves, raindrops, a frog sitting in a puddle, stars, etc.

When introducing children to a particular subject, it is necessary first of all to ensure its active perception. Individual signs and qualities of an object are most easily perceived when the child repeatedly “tests” the object.

So, in particular, we got acquainted with various objects in the environment. For example: Having introduced the children to vegetables visually, I gave vegetables to the children for examination, used natural vegetables, and possibly dummies.

Didactic activities contributed to consolidating children’s knowledge about vegetables and other products. games: “Wonderful pouch”, “Guess and name”, “Wonderful box”, etc.

During the walk, I drew the children’s attention to the bark trees: poplar, rowan, birch, children touched the bark with their hands, visually remembered the tree and feeling from touching the bark. The same thing was done with leaves. Subsequently, children memory gave characteristics to certain trees.

In the summer, running barefoot, the children remembered feeling your feet touch the ground, sand, asphalt, pebbles.

While conducting excursions, I paid attention to surrounding: for example, stones are the most different: flat, round, long, rough, smooth, beautifully colored stones and

interesting shape. Children found pebbles that write well on asphalt or stone, they drew and wrote their names.

Clay is a very convenient material. You can do what with it whatever: squeeze it, stick your fingers into it, punch it, smooth it, squeeze it, roll it into sausages, twist it, and in general the good thing about clay is that any lump can be turned into something that no one else has!

Sand is a wonderful material to play with. Children can draw on it (dry, cook from it (wet, making pies, pastries, build roads, dig tunnels, build castles. Playing with sand and other materials, children remember Feel from touching them.

As the seeds and leaves swirl to the ground in all their elegant beauty, the child learns a lesson in observation and classification. Here learning is a game, not hard work. The main goal of such games is to organize direct acquaintance with objects, give children vivid impressions, and form specific visual ideas about the surrounding reality.

As already noted, the formation of a child’s personality is influenced by everything around him, but above all by people and most of all by people.

Playing with a child does not require a lot of time and material costs; the most important thing is creativity, imagination and the cheerful, patient look of an adult who involves the child in new exciting games.

We should encourage the child’s research inclinations in every possible way, rejoice at every “Why?”, and encourage an independent search for answers to questions. Active mental activity will create the necessary conditions for child memory development.

Learn while playing! Let the children not see that they are being taught something, they just play, but unnoticed by they discover the world themselves. The game will be more interesting if the playing adult, along with the child, takes turns describing the object, making the games more difficult over and over again.

The search for non-standard methods of working with children led to the appearance in our group of games related to tactile memory.

Tactile memory- is the ability to remember Feel from touching various objects.

At the first stage of my work, I made boards together with the children. The children were happy to help me. The boards were made of plastic, measuring 19*13.5. Glued onto the surface of the boards various materials (various roughness) such, for example, How: fur, corduroy, flannel, sandpaper, velvet paper, melted wax, matches, sticks 5 cm long, 0.8 cm in diameter. The matches were placed randomly on the board, and the sticks were placed in a vertical position, a rope with a diameter of 0.5 cm was glued not strictly straight, but in a wave-like manner; you can stick it in a zigzag or some other way. On the back of the tablet I wrote (drew) numbers from 1 to 10, because I made 10 tablets.

When gluing some materials, for example, flannel, fur, sticks, children took part. They smeared glue onto the boards, others handed over sticks, and still others smoothed out the glued material. (flannel, fur) etc.

I glued corduroy, velvet and sandpaper together with the fox, who came to visit us in front of the children, the fox tried so hard, praised these boards so much that she bewitched the children, and during the phase after making the boards, the children began to want to touch them, play with them , imagine what (whom) similar. Touching the boards, the children imagined a large beautiful palace, a soft blanket,

a chicken, a fence, a ladder, an asphalt road, a wall, grandma’s rough hands, etc.

Some tablets were a surprise for the children, for example, a tablet with melted wax on the surface was brought to the children by the postman in a beautiful envelope from children from another kindergarten. The children really liked the tablet, touching it, the children represented: clouds floating across the sky, hummocks in a meadow, puddles, etc.

I made several boards for the children as a surprise. (matches, sticks, cellophane). While playing the game “Wonderful Bag,” I put these boards in a bag and, touching but not seeing them, the children imagined what they were like similar: forest, ladder, ice, tree bark.

IN younger group After making each board, the children played with it, touching the board and imagining what it would be like. (whom) she is similar, developing imagination, speech. They found objects that looked like a board in the environment and selected pictures with objects that looked like a board. Conducting word games, children by memory described the object, its quality, remembering what they felt, touching an object. Not all children took part in the games, some did not like this activity at all, they were doing something else at that time and I did not force anyone, but tried to interest them. In the future, these children are unnoticed by myself They were interested in the boards and played with us. With the help of tablets in the younger group, most children already knew (visually remembered) numbers from 1 to 10. To reinforce the numbers, the children learned poems about each number.

As the children grew older, the tasks for the games and the games themselves gradually became more complex.

IN middle group children made up short stories on the boards. They made sketches of what they imagined by touching the boards.

The experience the child gains from perceiving various objects of nature and social life clearly helped the child develop thinking and speech. In the middle group, I introduced cards with numbers from 1 to 10 and geometric figures. I believe that the cards helped children quickly memorize and consolidate numbers and geometric shapes.

In the older group, children expressed a desire to make tablets as gifts for kids and many supported this proposal. Julia suggested sticking seeds on the board, touching this board she imagined a huge sea and small ships sailing on the sea. Anton imagined that he was holding a pineapple in his hands. Anya suggested sticking a circle of cardboard, touching this board and imagining the sun in the sky, because the circle is warmer than the surface of the board itself. On other boards, the children suggested sticking foam rubber (you can wet it, scales from pine cones, millet, etc.) Using these boards, the children made up interesting stories. The kids liked the boards and stories, and the older ones were pleased that they had done something nice for the kids.

In older groups, she continued to introduce fabric, sand, clay, water, glass, etc. And all this happened through direct contact of children with the object. For example, when working with fabric, children determined its quality, assigned a name, suggested what could be sewn from this material and what time of year the item was intended for. (Games: “Atelier”, “What would happen if the fabric disappeared?” etc.).

Or take the section "Water":

We are surrounded everywhere and always

This sorceress, miracle water!

The range of games in this section is very broad and at any time of the year and in any form in which it exists. While playing, children learn and consolidate all the properties of water, the concepts - dry, wet, wet. The children enjoyed drawing water based on the idea (rain, snow, steam, icicle, stream) and at the same time they talked about their sensations, obtained in contact with various forms water.

Direct examination of leaves from trees also helped children remember the name of the tree from which the leaf fell. For example, a poplar leaf is dense, elastic, and smooth. The birch leaf is thin, slightly rough on top, the rowan leaf is smooth on top and fluffy on the back. In the same way, children examined the edges not visually, but by touch. leaves: smooth, jagged, carved.

Since senior group, secured the letters embossed on the cards. Many games were played with the children tactile memory from the book I. Yu. Matyugina.

The proposed program is based on the idea of ​​diversified education developed child . Games I suggested tactile memory develops not only tactile memory, but also fantasy, imagination. What would happen if a person did not have these qualities? We would simply be deprived of scientific discoveries and works of art. Children would not hear fairy tales and would not be able to play many games.

Games help to master a wonderful gift - the gift of speech; in games, children discover myself the wonderful world of words, think about their meaning.

In emotional psychological development the child plays a big role, almost the main one development of tactile memory.

A light breeze, gentle, affectionate touches give rise to positive emotions in the child’s soul, a sense of spiritual

comfort. In turn, the negative impact (painful* rough) has a negative impact on the child's feelings.

Dealing with this topic, I want to say that this topic is very broad, the group of games played with children is limitless and varied, because children's imagination is inexhaustible. It is important not only to teach a child something, but also to instill in him self-confidence and develop the ability to defend his point of view.

I. Yu. Matyugin "Tactile memory", M.: 1991

I have a lot to do today:

We must completely kill our memory,

It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,

We must learn to live again.

Behind these lines of Anna Akhmatova, the true psychological truth about the inner work of self-construction of the individual is revealed. Each of us is busy with one thing - making ourselves.

You can tell yourself to forget, you can kill your memory, you can finally master the art of remembering. The main thing is to understand that true practical psychology is the science of building, constructing, cultivating and designing the human world.

What is tactile memory? Tactile memory is the ability to remember the sensations of touching various objects.

For this lesson we will need ten cards with different roughness.

Game 1: Place the cards in a row in order from 1 to 10, numbered to the bottom. Now close your eyes and carefully, slowly, feel the surface of each card.

Try to remember what they feel like and in what order they are located. Shuffle the cards.

Try to put the cards in the same order by touch. eyes closed.

Check for accuracy and count the number of errors.

Game 2: Take a card. Close your eyes and touch it. What does its surface remind you of? Touch each card in turn and imagine what they look like. Write on a piece of paper what each card reminds you of. Rate it in points.

Game 3: Take a picture with a lot of things on it. They all feel different to the touch: warm, cold, smooth, prickly, soft, hard. Imagine that you are touching every object. Take your time, be careful, touch all the objects, don’t miss anything.

Then remove the picture. Try to remember the things that were in the picture, write them on a piece of paper.

Calculate your points:

115 -120 points, Congratulations! You have excellent tactile memory.

85 -115 points, you have good tactile memory.

50 -85 points, you have normal tactile memory, pay attention to the mistakes made.

15 - 50 points, don’t be upset, you will definitely improve your tactile memory.

Tactile memory

Munya has a lot to do today:

We must completely kill our memory,

It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,

We must learn to live again.

(Anna Akhmatova)

Behind these lines, the true psychological truth about the inner work of self-construction of the individual is revealed. Each of us, no matter who he is, is busy with one thing - making ourselves.

You can tell yourself to forget, you can kill your memory, you can finally master the art of remembering our world in visual images. The main thing is to understand that genuine practical psychology is the science of building, constructing, cultivating and designing the human world.

However, the meaning of this manual is not only and not so much in the memory itself and in the absorption of its reserves. It's much wider. The manual teaches everyday tasks - the task of mastering one's behavior. Thanks to this, the child, according to the brilliant psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, no longer just uses his memory, but begins to dominate it.

A wonderful world of sensations and images will open up before children. They will get acquainted with new games that will allow them to perceive more clearly the world, will develop their imagination, improve their memory, and teach them how to get rid of unpleasant experiences. The variety of games will help develop a very interesting type of memory - tactile memory.

Tactile memory is the ability to remember sensations from touch to various subjects.

Game description:

Age: senior preschool.

Material: To play, you will need ten boards made of plywood or cardboard with different roughness (matches, fur, scraps of fabric, rope and other materials). On the reverse side write a serial number from 1 to 10. Images of different objects.

Option 1: In front of the child, arrange the boards in a row in order from 1 to 10, numbered down. Invite the surface of each board to be carefully and slowly felt with closed eyes. Try to remember what they feel like and in what order they are located. Without opening your eyes, mix them. Then, by touch, arrange the planks in the same order. Open your eyes and check whether the task is completed correctly.

Option 2: Offer to take tablet No. 1 - fur, close your eyes and touch it. What does its surface remind you of (cat, fur coat, lawn,...). Then touch tablet No. 4 - drops of wax, the child imagines (bumps in a swamp, drops of jam on a saucer,...). Touching each of the boards in turn, the child imagines what they look like. Can draw a picture.

Option 3: Arrange images of different objects, under them boards in any order. The child should try to remember by touch which picture is under which board. For example: above board No. 3 - the fabric (feels) there is a picture with a drop (sees), makes a connection. Imagines how a wet rag is wrung out. Or board No. 2 - sandpaper and a picture of a boot. Imagines himself walking on asphalt in his boots.

OLfactory ANALYZER(English) olfactorysystem) - sensory system, carrying out the analysis of odorous substances that affect the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. O. a. consists of the peripheral department (olfactory receptors), specific nerve pathways (olfactory nerve and central olfactory pathway), subcortical nerve structures (papillary bodies) and cortical region (seahorse gyrus).

Peripheral department of O. a. serve as receptor surfaces located in the mucous membrane of the upper part of the nasal septum. Olfactory receptor consists of the so-called bipolar neuron 5-10 µm in size and the peripheral part - a rod-shaped process (about 1 µm wide and 20-90 µm long), ending in an olfactory vesicle, on which 9-16 cilia (diameter 0.1-0.2 µm) are symmetrically located that come into direct contact with odorous substances. Axons of bipolar neurons gathering into a bundle olfactory nerve, penetrate through the holes in the perforated plate of the ethmoid bone into the cranial cavity and enter olfactory bulb. Begins from the mitral cells of the olfactory bulb central olfactory pathway, which ends in the temporal basal regions of the brain in the area convolutions of the sea horse. Subcortical nerve structures are the so-called. mamillary bodies.

Odorous substances penetrate the nasal mucosa when inhaled through the nose or mouth. The minimum concentration of an odorous substance that causes an olfactory sensation is called absolute threshold sensitivity. O. a. a person has high sensitivity, in particular smell“artificial musk” is felt in the presence of 5 × 10 - 15 g of it in 1 cm 3 of air. Some odorous substances (vanillin, valeric acid) cause purely olfactory Feel. Dr. odorous substances, along with olfactory ones, also cause temperature, tactile, pain and taste sensations (for example, chloroform - sweet taste, menthol and camphor - cold, etc.).

An important property of O. a. - adaptation(decreased sensitivity) to prolonged irritation by an odorous substance. The simultaneous action of several odorous substances leads to their mixing. In some cases, suppression of one odor and another occurs. Neutralization of odors is possible when the mixture does not cause an olfactory sensation; the appearance of a new smell; consistent change of smells; an increase in sensitivity to one odor after the action of another, and other phenomena that occur when odors are mixed.

Topic: Development of tactile (tactile) sense memory.

Target: Development of tactile sensations and tactile memory.


1. Explore individual characteristics tactile memory.

2. To form in children an idea of ​​tactile memory as a human ability and to help children determine the meaning of tactile memory in life and activity.

3. Develop tactile memory.

4. Develop positive communication skills.

Progress of the lesson.

Greetings .

Greeting game. " Good morning(day, evening) in the palm of your hand"

Goal: - development of communication skills;

Formation of positive relationships between children.

Creating a positive emotional mood before class.

Progress of the game:

The teacher says: Good morning! Calling the child by name. At the same time, he seems to place this greeting in his open palms. The child, taking Good Morning in his hands, also passes it to the person sitting next to him. So Good Morning will be transmitted to everyone in turn and returned to the teacher. Everyone has Good morning in their palms. Now the teacher suggests releasing Good Morning into the air, opening your palms and throwing it up. The whole room is filled with kindness from this greeting, and the faces of children and adults shine with smiles.

Warm up.

Finger gymnastics .

This is daddy's finger

This is mommy finger

This is a woman's finger

This is grandfather's finger

Well, this finger is me.

This is my whole family!

Game articulation training S.M. Mashevskaya “The Tale of the Boy Tongue”

Every boy and every girl has a house in which their Tongue lives. Show me your handsome man! (Children stick out their tongues to their full length).
Close the house.

One day the boy Tongue woke up in his house and went to see if everything was okay. I came to this room (we rest our tongue on the cheek) everything is fine here, I came to another (we rest on the cheek) here we looked (we change the cheek again), here we checked (to another), began to run between rooms along the corridor, back and forth, there- here (each time pressing against the cheek with effort, the tongue should get tired)

I ran around and decided to look into the closet (the pharynx), where the mouse was scratching all night (we bend the tongue in the direction of the pharynx as far as possible and move it from side to side). Well, is there a mouse there? No, there was no mouse visible.

Tongue decided not to walk in the dark and walked along the corridor. How suddenly the light went out! But our brave Tongue was not afraid. He found a stepladder by touch and, climbing under the ceiling, began to unscrew the burnt-out light bulb (we make rotational movements with our tongue, while pressing on the upper palate). He unscrewed the light bulb and began to screw in a new one (the same movements, but in the opposite direction).

The lights are on! And Tongue saw that a lot of garbage was poured onto the floor. Disorder! The tongue immediately began to sweep the floor (we sweep the floor inside the mouth up to the teeth, carefully).

Oh, how clean it became. Tongue decided to go to the round hall and dance there. I came, and there all the curtains on the windows were hanging haphazardly. Of course, Tongue decided to correct them first. We straighten the curtains (we move the tongue in a circle between the lips and teeth at a slow pace), and now we dance (the same movement, but at a fast pace). Tongue danced and decided to go for a walk. I went into this room, looking for the door (we move my tongue forcefully along my cheek from top to bottom), there is no door here! He ran to another room, looking for the door - and there was none! And here? No! Here? No!!! What is it, Tongue almost cried, and here is the door! Finally found it!

But Tongue did not open the door right away. He decided to look through the peephole first. I looked and didn’t see anything, because the door peephole was dusty. Let's wipe it (lips stretched out into a tube, make rotational movements, in one direction and the other). We wiped it. The tongue looked to see if everything was in order in front of the door?

What's around the corner from the house? The tongue pushed the eye forward strongly and bent it to the side left-right, left-right (we turn the lips elongated into a tube as long as possible to the sides). Order. You can also open the door.

Tongue opened the door and was stunned: the entire porch was covered in snow (leaves, dust, dirt). Cleaning the porch! Lower step, upper step (massage your lips with your teeth 3-4 times). It turned out great!

And the tongue even clicked, like this: (for one “clack” we bend one finger with the tongue, starting with the little finger, 5 times, and now we straighten our fingers and click).

Lesson topic message.

Today in class we will get acquainted with a human ability called tactile memory.

What do you think tactile memory is?

Tactile Memory is a person’s ability to remember sensations.

Well done, that's right.

Now let's play the wonderful bag game with you and determine how well your tactile sensations are developed.

Wonderful pouch

Goal: finding familiar objects by touch.

Equipment: an opaque bag and objects of different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.).

Contents: There are items in an opaque bag. The child is asked to find the desired item by touch, without looking into the bag.

Find the correct shadow from the picture.

Purpose with pictures of activities: development of observation skills. You can play with one child or with several children at the same time.

One picture with several bright objects is shown in front of the baby. And the other - with the image of shadows of the same objects. The child needs to determine where the shadow is from the car and where from the pyramid.

Here is a selection of educational materials where you need to find the shadow of certain objects. Download and print free shadow games for kids and develop their logic and attentiveness.

Brush, brush and grater.

Goal: development of tactile activity.

A brush, brush and grater are placed on each desk. Children take one of these objects and move it over their palms, then describe their sensations.

We write letters on the body.

The teacher writes a letter on the child’s back, and he, in turn, must guess what kind of letter was written on his back.


Instructions: You have little faces on your desks, with the help of them you must evaluate your work in class. If you think that you worked well, then draw a mouth like this, if it’s bad, like this (. If not bad and not good, average -.

Bottom line.

What did you like about the lesson? What's not? What did we learn in the lesson?

Thank you for the lesson! The lesson is over.